Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/395

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3212 rnoontnarions, 1906. F°”*°‘*“’°· In case any entryman fails to make the payments hereinbefore pro- · vided for under homestead entries within the time stated, the right of said entryman to the lands covered by his or her entry shall be for- · feited and the entry will be canceled. _ _ '1`°"“’*“°S- Any person or persons desiring to found, or to_ suggest establishing a townsite upon any of the said lands, at any point may, at any time before the opening herein provided for, file in the land office a written application to that effect, describin by legal subdivisions the lands intended to be affected, and stating fgully and under oath the necessity or pro riety of founding or establishing a town at that place. `_ The local egicers will forthwith transmit said petition to the Commissioner of the General Land Office with their recommendations in the prem- . ises. Such Commissioner, if¤he believes the public interests will be

 subserved thereby will, if the Secretary of the Interior approve

A thereof, issue an order withdrawing the lands described in such petition, or any portion thereof, from homestead entry and settlement and directing that the same be held for the time being for disposal under _ the townsite laws of the United States in such manner as the Secre-

tary of the Interior may from time to time direct; and, if at any time

·’ after such withdrawal has been made it is determined that the lands so withdrawn are not needed for townsite purposes, they may be · released from such withdrawal and then disposed of under the genpral _ provisions of the homestead laws in the manner prescribed ierein. m}:Sf¤°*‘¤l *°¢¤· The lands entered under the townsite, coal and mineral land laws shall be paid for in amount and manner provided by the laws under { _ which they are entered, and unless entry and payment under mineral · locations shall be made within three years from date of location all l ~ rights thereunder shall cease. pglegtngugg mans- All persons are especially admonished that under said aet of Conv,,,_ 33y p_ 1016, gress approved March three, nineteen hundred and five, it is provided that no person shall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands except in the manner prescribed in this proclamation until after the expiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry. After the expiration of said period of sixty days, but not before. as herein prescribed, any of said lands remaining undisposed of may be settled upon, occupied; entered or located under the general provisions of the homestead, townsite: coal and mineral land laws of the United States in like manner as if the manner aifcctiiig such settlement, occupancy. entry, and location had not been prescribed herein in obedience to law. i Hezunmrms. The Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe all needful rules and regulations necessary to carry into full effect the opening herein provided for. IX TESTIMONY WIHEREOF, I have hereunto set mv hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. N Done at the City of lllashington this 2nd dav of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six. [SEAL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirtieth. Tmcoooim By the President 2 i ROOSEVELT EIlIIIl' Roof I Ser·reta1·_y of .Sfc1z‘e.