Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/404

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3218 ~ PROCLAMATIONS, 1906. J¤¤€ 25-190** ·BY run Pinssxnniw or run Uxrrno STA-rns or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. M<>¤*¤*gY F<>¤>S*` WHEREAS, it is provided by section twenty-four of the act of R€i‘·i·lei:i¥¤b1;L Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, v°" 26* °‘ 1103* entitled, ·“An act to repeal timber—culture laws, and for other purposes,” “That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having_publ1c · land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part ~ covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or ‘ » not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof " ; And whereas, the public lands, in the State of California, which are hereinafter indicated), are in part covered with timber, and it appears . that the public good would be promoted by setting apart said lands as a public reservation; Forest reserve. glow, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United C"m°"m' States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-four of the aforesaid act of Congress, do proclaim that there are hereby reserved from entry or settlement and set apart as a Public Reservation, for the use and benefit of the people, all the tracts of land, in the State of California, shown as the Monterey Forest Reserve on the diagram forming a part hereof; Lands excepted. Exceptin from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands which may have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal _

  • entry or covered by an lawful filing duly of record in the proper

i i United States Land Othee, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, and the statutory period within which to make entry or filing of record has not expired: Provided, that this exception shall not continue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entryman, settler, or claimant continues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, or settlement was made. se§,·;§n*;[1:_°<* from \Va rning is hereby expressly given to all persons not to make settlement u on the lands reserved by this proclamation. IN \llI'l`N.ESS WHEREOI•`, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to he affixed. Done at the City of \Vashingtou this 25th dav of June. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sam,.] six. and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirtieth. 'l`nnonom2 Roosnvisrr By the President : Roemrr Bacrox V ilrtizzg »S'ez·1‘·e*fary of State. __·[¤g¤ejQ,1906. Br run Pmzsimzxr or THE LTNITED Srarns or Amsnica. A PROCLAMATION. mB1§;§er§;mA5igr- QVHEREAS, the_ Black Mesa Forest Reserve, in the Territorv of rjrempniej _Arizona, was established by proclamation dated August seventeenth.

   Q §g_82· eighteen hundred and ninety-eight: P

And whereas. it is provided by the Act of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. entitled, “‘An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-