Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/598

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3318 INDEX. Andrews, J. F., and others, B P¤E¤· jnnapglis, Md. }se;;2_Na§:»;} pcademy). Pagerna construct dams, etc., across ear 3 n ao utawm, n um o tee, y River, Tishomingo County, Miss 929 { Aafilenamion restgctions removed 374 Andrews Oscar, ns utz, Henry ., pgnsiolg increased _____,.,... . . 2628 i Aps§nsionIi2creased . 1507 Andrews Samuel L., I ns ow 0 n, pgugioli increased __,____,,...,...,.._, 1550 [ pension increased . 2454 Ange, Louise, Indwhn Allottee, _ Anlhmiy, Qharles H., Aiogigigpjlgltitle to _._,..,.. 374 Q Apinsionjnfregsed . 2459 nge a , 1 nt wry, _0 n ., pension increased ,..,. 2472 Apeigsion jnieireised . 2691 Angel Island, Cal. nt ny o n . apgmgiation for immigrant station ... 710 E Ap€¤si0i1‘gHCli€`?_S4%l<;i. ...-- 2272 Ang illiam, ‘ nlietam att e ie , . defiijeney appmlgriagiou for moiety, im- 660 Aappmpriigtiogfgr C8·l`€,,€tC . . 741, 1346 m1gr2,t1ou w ne ,,.._.,.,._,.. < nugua, est n ws, Animal Breeeling and Feeding, _ clgssilipation and salary of consul . 100 appropriation for experiments in ,.. 674, 1260 ; Antzqumes, Ammwn, _ _ Ammal Industry Bureau, Department of } penalty for usfpufhogzed excavating, etc., 225 Agriculture , on pu 1C an s . appropriation for szilaries ... 672, 1223 j lands containing, to be set apart by procla; 225 — or general expenses 673, 12 maylou .. c _ ..·.». for quarantine distriots __,..._,______ 673, 1253 relinpuishment of private claims ... _ for horse inspection ___,_...,,,,______ 673 125 issue 0 permits to excavate, etc .. for collecting infomation of cattle dis—3, 1259 preservation of objects in public muse- 225 eases, etc .. 67 , 1 ums ... for guppressing contagious diseases of 259 i Aregulatigns to be published ... 225 ive stock ___,_,__,,..,,___ , . 673, 1 · ntitrust laws for experiment station, Bethesda, Md. 673, 1259 { appropriation for enforcing ..,. 705, 752, 1359 “ for qiégantine stations, etc.; leaves of 259 Q f balinces available. . 52 a nee ___,,,,,._.,,.,__.,___,,_ 673 1 or en orcing 7 , for inspection, etc., of dairy products for , J deiiciepcy appropriaticfn for examinations 119 export ,..,,...,,,_,_ 674, 1259 I 111tO v10 ations 0 .. for érgstrictioxés to dairy industry in 674 I Aimmunlity of vzitgpresses in cases under . 798 ut em tutes ._._.._..,,._.._ntr*im ercmia . for investigating infectious diseases of i pension increased., 2187 _ domestic animals, Minnesota, etc. 674, 1260 [ Antwerp, Belgium, forpurchase of tuberculin serums, etc. 674, 1260 { classification and salary of consul-general . 99 for experiments in breeding and feed- i appropriatipn for clerk hire . 293, 924 ing, ...,...,.., 674, 1260 Apache, etc., ndicm Reservations, Okla., for interstate, etc., meat and meat; ani- roclamation opening to homestead entry malf 674 1260 P t d d3233 inspec ion .. , pas ure an woo reserves in ... for emergency fund, southern cattle fever , Apache, etc., Indians, Ariz. and N. Mex., ticks 696 1281 Q appropriation for support etc., of; balance deficiency appropriation for meat and pork , Q available .. ’ .. 332, 1021 inspection ...,..,.. 1 { 4deficiency‘:·;7;'1l§>ropriz2§;:$>(;1 for ,. 47 for expenses . 48, 669 - pnche etc., iam, ., Animals (s¢c_al.s0 Cattle), _ ’ ¢ appropriation for support, etc., of .. 361, 1043 appropriations for suppressing diseases I Apache whom, Okla., I 055. . ... 673, 1259 ; A tozvn site? sg aside; on the common lands of. 80 Anima s, . ., Vild, pa achico a ay, Fa., prohibitiop of unaugxirorizod hunting, etc. . 808 appropription for improvement of . 1086 Animu s in nterstata omit, Apalachzco a River, Fla., conve%in% more t:1a51d28 hours without un- appropriation for improvement of . 1087 oar in for ni en .. 607 Apgar, (`eorge M., express angicar coimpanies and common pensioii increased ,._.__ , , , 1796 carriers inclu ed .. 607 Apia, Samoan Islands, extension permitted 608 classification and salary of consul .._____,. 99 estimating time; provision for sheep 608 rippalaclrian Mounlams, Southern, feeding and watering, when unloade . 608 appropriation for survey, et,c.. and report {ly OWRBI', ?r¥<?111'ri€r . 608 4 on watersliods, as 3. forest ri-servo. . . 1281 ien etc., i ly carrier .. 608 , ppanoose County, Iowa, ownbr or shipper may furnish food , . 608 transferred from southern to eastern divipenulty for noncomplianiceprecovery .. 608 sion, southerngudicial district .. l27 provisions not app icab e if proper food. Appeals, Iriterloculozy rders, opportunity for rest, etc., afforded may be taken to circuit court of appeals; on cm, etc r 608 effect, one ...r___ , __,_.. 116 former laws rlifealed ...r., 608 Appleton, Wis., ° Ann Arb0r,_M ., _ ‘ _ _ acquiring site for public building anconstrmgtion of public building authorized thorized ...,.. 784 21 .2 .. . ...,. 777 a propriation for ..,... 796 appropmmon for ... 791, 1295 Applgznmjor Disabled Soldier;. Anpabqgy. Grrwiang, al f {appropriation for fumishing ..., 745, 1350 c assi cgmon an s aryo consul ..._ _ ___, 99 - ppomaltox River, Va.. 9»pp!`0p!`i&$10¥1 fo1‘ Cl€I'k hire ... . . 294, 924 appropriation for improvement of .__._,,.. 1082