Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/668

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3388 INDEX. Docrkeeper, House of Representatives, Page Dover, N. J, Army Powder Dep0t—C0nt’d. P¤89· appropriation for, assistant, messengers, appropriation for fire protection, etc .. 732 etc ,... . . 394, 940 for light, power, and heating plants .. 1340 Dopp, James, for officers’ quarters 1340 pension increased ... 2498 Dover, N. J, Naval Magazine, 5D0rchester Bay, Mass., appro riation for public works . 567, 1189 appropriation for improvement of; con- Dow, Wglliam B., · dition . . ... 1074 pension increased ... z . . . 2286 Darin, Charles, Dowan, Damkl, Indian Allottee, pension increased ... 1882 fee-simple title to .., 373 Dorman, James W, Dowdall, Hanson, and McNeill, pension increased ,.. 1977 appropriation for services , 1291 » Dorman, North Ann (widow), Dowgznd, Frederick J, pension increased ... 2027 pension increased _,. 2390 Dorn, Andrew, Dowling, Clarissa L. (widow), pension increased ... 2026 pension increased ... 2093 Dorn, E. J., Dowling, Thomas F., appropriation for reimbursing 1293 pension ..,.. 1785 Darrel, icholas WZ, Downey, John, pension increased ... 2358 pension increased ... l 2780 Dmjq, Francis A., Downey, Maziirice, · pension increased ... 2686 pension increased .., 1453 Daley, Hyacinth (widow), Downie, Elizabeth A. (widow), pension increased ... 2140 pension . 2388 Dothan, Ala., Downing, Carry, Indian Allottee, acquiring site and erecting public building alienation restrictions removed 345 at, authorized ,. , ...,... 778 Downing, Ellen (widow), up ropriation for .., 792, 1297 pension increased ... 2386 Doty, §imm B., Downing, George, pension increased .,. 1452 pension increased ... 2450 Doty, Martin B., Downs, Michael, pension increased .. L 2172 pension increased ...,... 2559 Doud, Edmond D., Doxtater (Compsom), Indian Allottee, pension increased ,.. 2406 fee-simple title to ... 380 Dougal, Joseph, Doxtater, Dolly Ann, Indian Allcttee, pension increased ,.. 1798 fee—simple title to ... 380 Dougherty, Ellen (widow), Doztater, Jacob, Indian Allottee, pension . 2725 fee-simple title to ... . 380 Dougherty, James, Doxtater, Tru-man, Indian Allottee, payment to . 2661 fee—simple title to ... 381 Dougherty, Mary E. (widow), Doyle, Michael, pension increased ,.. 2710 pension increased .. .. 2293 Dougherty, Sarah Jam (widow), Doyleo Terrance, pension increased ... 2213 pension increased ... 2548 Doughty, Francis, Doyle, William B., pension increased ... 2626 pension increased ... ; ... 2785 Doughty, Joseph W, Dragger, Lewis, Indian Allottec, pension increased ... 2133 alienation restrictions removed ,... 346 Doughty, Lafayette, Drainage Iniiestigatiions, pension increased .,,. ’. . . 2634 appropriation for expenses of ... . . 694, 1279 Douglas. Alonzo, Drake, George B., pension increased .., 1691 pension increased .. 2444 Douglas County. Whsh., _ Drake, George M,. bridge authorized across l.`olumbizt River, pension inereased ... 1564 between Kittiws County and . . 109 Drake, Morris B., Douglas Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, pension increased ...i.. . 1716 D. C., Drake, Phebe WY (widow), taxes refunded .o. 869 pension .,... 2144 Douglas, Robert II., Drake, William F., pension increased ... 2805 _ pension increased ..,..._,... 1900 Douglas Street, D. C., g Drake, mllmm J., name changed to (`liiton .. 385 g pension increased ..,,... 1988 Douglass, Arulrew J., Draper. Solomon, pension increased .,.,.,_.A,. 1969 j pension increased _ ,_____,__,,,_,__,. . . . . 2442 Douglass, Blanche (daughter), { Dredge for Oregon and Washington Waters, pension . 1574 ; appropriation for construction . 1107 Dozvrr. N. H., i Dredges, acquiring site and erecting public building g leases, etc., of, authorized for river and harat, authorized .,..._. . .. 780 Y bor improvements Great Lakes and appropriation for .,.. . ...,.. 793, 1297 North Atlantic coast ..., 1119 Dover. N. J., Army Pmrder Depot, t Dredges, Foreign-Built, appropriation for storehouse for reserve sup- 1 undocumented, not permitted to operate in ply 732.1340 , United States ,.. .. . 204 for machinery ... , ...i.. 732 ; employed at Galveston, Tex., may be docufor transportation facilities ,. 732, 1340 * mented ,._.,.,. 204