Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/714

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3434 INDEX. Indian D%artment—Continucd. Page- Indian De artment—Continued. P¤g¢- geueml 0 _ cem, employees, etc.~Continued. general ofloicers, employees, etc.—Continued. appropriation for contingencies; specialappropriation for suppressing smallpox, agents , 331, 1020 1900 ___________________________ , _ _ _ 339 allowance for agents not available for for suppressing snallpox, 1901 .. 1025 army Oifcers .,... . 332, 1020 for incidentals ,__,,,__,.________ 339, 1025 school superintendents may act as for highways, Creek and Cherokee lands. 339 3·gQHi3S; pay 332, 1020 for inspectofs office ,..._...,,_,__ 339, 1026 for Indian Service, Arizona .. 332, 1021 for investigation of leases ____________ 339, 1026 for agent San Carlos Agency . 332, 1021 transfer of court records, etc., to State for support, etc., Apaches, etc., New officials ,_,_,_,_,_.,.,._,____,_,.,_ 1026 Mexico and Arizona 332, 1021 notice of logger; _________,____________ 1026 8ll0tlIl€1'ltS to M0g}1iS 1021 care of orphan children .,__,__,______ 1026 Pxma Agency In mus . 332,1021 for tribal schools, Five Civilized for school, Fort Mojave .. 332, 1021 Tribes _________________________ 340, 1026 PIQOGHIX .-.·.,.,...·.·-... 332, 1021 pa ent to attorneys in claims of 158118 of cadet 1'ifi8S .··-·---.·.. 1021 gllilzrokeo intermarried whites .. - 340 1 f gilyvu .. gig, for xigmplgting work of Commission to 0l' 11101 9H .. , ive ivilized Tribes ...,_... 340, 1026 for irrigation of Pima Indian lands; ap- access to records; _________________ _ _ _ 1027 portioument of cost . 333 additions to Ch mw, Ch' kann , d , Y transfer of funds . 1022 Cherokee rollso? . - 340 for Indian Service, California 333, 1022 permanent record of approved rolls; for sniryggort, etc., Mission Indians 333, 1022 penalty for illegal copying, etc . 340 N0 6111 Indians .. 333, 1022 enrollment of Mississippi Choctaw; _ _ 341 for school, Riverside, Sherman Insti- for fulfilling treaties with Choctaws. . 341,1027 _tu§&€ .,...,.»..-·.. 333, 1022 land for Old Goodland school ,,_,_,___ 341 for mcndentals .. 333, 1022 Five Civilized Tribes, enrollment np- Round Vailley reservations, removing Salplioations restricted _,____________ 34] obstructions; payment for lands. . 333, 1022 0 of tribal buildings, etcqdeferrul . 342 Mission I11d1a11s,dgatents  : . 1. . . 1022new recording districts created . 342 for a.gr1cuItura.l lan for Indmns; irriga- McA1ester, additional bonds ... 1027 tion rights, etc .-·. 333 alienation restriction removed, Nocus for Indian Service, Colorado ,,... 334, 1023 Fixico ..,.. 1028 foléiCh0(;>li FOTQ Lewis ...,.-···... g, f stgits by Cherokees aluthorized _______ 1028 mil UJ1Ctl0H .-·----··.- or 111 treat it Qua 344, 1028 {or gnggiengilsq f é E alienatgg permlitizd Leanrlearvll Fish. . 344 or n mu ervice, a 0 , c aim o Joseph P. T. Fish ,__,____,__ 344 for superintendent, Coeur d’Alene Res» for fulfilling treaties with Seminoles. . 344, 1029 f erva.t;>11.£- . . :31332, §or W. gI`urner, from freak funds . 344 or suppo , e c., 0 2. n 1ans.. , or tate - af al B , D, T . for support, Qc., gemhi Agency Indians. 334 from Chi:l<I;.s2.w lands. . . fl}? . 345 leases by {ez erces .,,.. 334 ex·em lo es tz to f l >f for surveys, Lemhisnd Fort Hall reser— C0mI;11i;;ion0?O to lcgiviliggg vatmng; ]rrrg3,t1()n, etc __________ _ _ _ _ 334 Tribes ___________ , _____________, ‘_ _ 345 opening of ceded portion of Lemhi 1 Cherokee Advocate continued ... . 345 f _Re;3ervg110n . 535 13;; } claim of gator P. Pitchlymfs heirs or mm on s .. , against hoctaws ... 345 foibzultilléngltreaty, Bsmnocks ... aliengtgn ristriction removed, W yatrt our enes ... ·· , 1 . aw ins .. 345 opening unallotted lands of 335 certain Cherokee allotteos ... Q 1 . 345 Fort Hall Indians .r... 338, 1024 cortain Creek allottecs .. 346 Lemhi Agency Indians ..r 1024 fnesimpln patents to l\Iay·n3,r(l (ix for irrigation reservoir lands, Fort Hall Armstrong and others ,. . 346 Reservation ... 1024 { · ._ t· · (1 . · _ {or Indian [swim, rndaan Tmamry. 338,1025 or ;:;,2:.;3z2;O,5;¤*1W and Chmka W; ora nt, nionAg•gncy ,... 338,1025 · _ l for `lggion Agency, special clerical force for (gggtgfx p€m°DS‘ Indians ,36 1029 °” ‘°“’“ *“‘°*’ ··-·-·-·-····--··-- 33811*% nun b heirs kr if ii{·L1L{s` 1*11 `````’ 1029 for salegnd leasing, Crook und Cherokee for Indign ggrviijg iw;p 1 Og ‘'‘‘ $47 1029

  • 3**. S ··-·--··--——···---·-- . ·--·· .- 338 l n»rSr—1n»·»1 é¤é·anr1'r¤x I€i·s_=1*i*-ti ```` 3477 ]029

for lgagggairgg etc-! ¤a¤d¤¢ M1 <¤~··- 1025 rm Indian som-, Kansas?. . T T‘T‘}ii 347:1029 reservation for churches and schools. 1 folE€g_l§§l’ Lagg€;1C€’5IaSk€11 Institute 3322* c,_g}_;·gg;;·_,;·;=¤d<>*¤i¤kmW*m*m<*¤- gggl rm gn1111ilg; n.g.3§Z§`v$'£{‘n15»;5S‘_‘.‘.1ii 34%; 1030 additional Choctaw coal lands r(>· }}}(;§§;;vp;J_)S` `· ```'`'``````````` 332; S""’°d$ l’“Y‘“"“‘ bYl°”°“ ··-·-···· 338 Sacs and 1;l1,$§§`l`in"ii’ ```` ’ ``'` 348,1031 for Toney E. Proctor ___,_.,.._.,,_.,,__ 339 { I ‘ ’ O 0 ISSOUYL "' for remging intruders, etc., Five Civi· { Sas; l¥(}’3¤d°tt€ "€m€t€"Y· Kam 348 uz Tribes ..,_,_____..,,,____, 339,1025 · _ · ***3 --·---··-·--·---·--·- for care of orphan children, Whittaker [ fee-Simple patents to Sac and Fox Home _____________________________ 339 · and Iowa allottees, Kaus. and Nebr- 349 for removing alienation restrictions; allotment of surplus lands to Sac and clerks ... 339, 1025 E F ox children ______________________ 349