Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/737

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INDEX. · 3457 Law, Elizabeth S. (widow), P¤S¤- · League Island Navy- Yard, Pa., Pagepeusgou rpcreaspd ... · . . ... 1542 aptpropriation for public works 564,1187 Law Iabrafmjn, Ixzbmry of Cqngress, or marine barracks, OH`iC€1’S’ quarters. . . 1191 appmprmtnon for prepanng indexes, di- Leahy, John E., goats, and compilations of laws un- Lepigsiou increased . 2321 er 753, 946 u ,Adum, Ld ffglgdditionnl compensation .. 753,,946 pension increased ,,______,,.,___,, 2596 wmy Learned, Mary 0. (widow), aptgg-opjintjion 1201- custodian, assistants. . . 399, 945 pension ,,._,___._...,__,_,___,__,___ 2787 Law , ajrnes .,Leary, Ellen E. (mother), pension mcressed ...,. 2334 pension ..,..,,,,,.,..,,,_______.__,,,___ 2010 Lawley! Jaynes J, Leases, Fire Civilized Tribes, pension Increased . 2769 approval of Secretary of Interior necessary. 145 Lawre·n:ce, Albert B. (son), Leases, Indian Territofgy, pension . 1823 filing in agent’s 0 ce, deemed construc- Lawrence, Cvrnelius H ., ‘ five notice _.., 1026 pension increased . 2506 Leathers, Charles, Lawrence, Gilsem, pension increased , 2334 pension increased ... I . 1916 Leathers, Clara T. (widow), Lawrence, Joseph, pension . · 1552 pension increased . 2190 Leavenworth, Kam., Lawrence, Kam., appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Solappropriation for Indian school 347 , 1029 diers’ Home- .. 747, 1354 Lawrence, Oliver, for penitentiary, construction ... 750, 1357 pension increased . 2356 maintenance . 756, 1362 Lawrence, Sidney A., dciicicucir a.p’propriati011 for Vcuunteer pension increased . ... . ,... . ... 1918 S0 diets Home ... , .. 34, 1383 ’ Lawrence, . 2104 'Lcavewwogla Monument Committee, General nswu m ... . . mry, Legg, Indcus, etc., cj obsolete cannon donated for monument to- 839 appropriation for preparing, for Congress, Leaves of.j1bsmce, V etc ...,,. 753, 946 appmpgfsgion for, Government Printing Law; a Congress ce .. . . 761, 1368 apphfgpriation for edit.i1§. . ; 402, 948 deficiency apprrgriation for, Government number increased for xstribution by Dc- Prmting Rice, transfer of appropgrtment of Justice. ..,,.,. 1426 fjgtion. ... 44, 120, 1398 La-ws Rwabion and Codi/iwtwkm of, Leaves 0 sence Army, ‘ joi1;tspeciaIc§fmé`n;'jtte0t;<1rep0rt, etc., on -. 1423 computation oi, to officers in the Philip- 1171 Law; Rmrision `mina , etc. 1118B .. coxnmission ou, to complete ’w0rk by De- 754 Leavitt! yofm, d 1457 cember 15, 1906 ... pension increase . _ Law , Natha , Lebamm, Ky., pggjggn inqygiged ___,_.,._,.,_ , ,...,...,.. 2533 acquiring site and erecting public building La g 7 M fld E, wid ), at, authorized . 779 giggon il;,;i-ggsedf ____ ,_._._._...,.. 1 668 Lebuapprogriation for 792, 1300 La t , Okla., TW"-, ¢1—. _ _ _ swmlgnxut allowed for waterworks, increased. . 62 appropriation for public building . 698

 ()g(33u]·1;_ ____,, , .,..,,,.,. . ., . . . 275 Lebo,   d Hin.

' La , , pensnon ll1Cl'€SlS€ , 1.;. gaymgntywrte? _______,_,.,.,.,.. . 1769 Lecturers, Alien, Layton Wesley, not excluded admission undvr contract 899 pension increased ___,__________ _ ,,,..,,... 2607 Ledgerwood, Samuel, Lazelle, Julia, Indian Allottee, pension increased ...,. 2661 feiezimple title to ... 365 Lee, Aqthuq M., d 0074 Le , pension ncreusp  ; ... I .. ap rggriation for payment to heirs of .. 350 Lee, Chmles, Mmcan War ((‘¢rnnecm·ut>, Le Czrre, Juhh, Indum Allotlee, pension increased .. _. . ._ ,. 2050 fee-simple title tp .. _ . 349 Lee, Charles. Memcan "?GI`(I’lTgl7l1G), Lg Hundra, Frederick, _ P€¤Si0¤ m€Tf?¤$€‘d —···-~-·—-··-·-»---»~—-—— 2590 pension increased --··--... . ... 1¤38 Lee. Gwrye W, A Lg Mfltdn Bench, ···· · ··-—-—·- ·~ --»-~-··--··-- _[,gg;%£S§?2w:;E;CD_, ·.--·-0,-U-.--•HHIn- pension innrenseql _,_..,___,___________ 1931 pension inn-eased ________,,___ , _,_,___,,__ 1979 Lee, Melissgz S. (u·irI0u‘). A L¢¤#'·i Wiliam A-- Le{?‘”§;‘j§i,Q“j’°“S“d ························· ****3 p°n;im;)"£Cr9aSpd '``'````````````````` 2553 pension incneased .. . . . 1620 1 ’ a 'V . · . . i . ., acquiring site and erecting public bmlding 781 ____________v____________ 1629 ,, “§;£11E*$§'}E$d’ ‘`‘‘`‘`’``‘```‘’‘‘ his 1300 "“· '*’”"“""· ”·· d M, 3P T0 ·····*·············‘ * * 1 pension increase ..v.. Leadville Forest Reserve, Colo., Lee, Wlliam, proclamation establishing .---·-··-----·· 3013 L pexasiop incgased , 1617 Le R" ~ ’ _7|[,;g8_, ee, { l(1·77'l ..

{,p,·z,1g—gatgOn fgr improvement of ,_.,._... 1088 _ pcnsmn increased .----·-·- 1862