Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/765

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IN DE X. 3485 Morrison, §'amuel H., Page- Motor Vehicles, D. C'., P¤8°· P€¥}S10¤ 1HQfQ3S€d-, _ .. e 2140 I registration and identification rules ... 1126 M0’fF¢80'¤·, William R-, ami H. W Ifllmes, ‘ speed regulations; penalties ,. 621 may build dam, etc., across Mississippi Motwille, Mich., ‘ RiV€1‘, at Bemidji, Minn ... 210 dam authorized across Saint Joseph River M07`7`*Z98¢'y, DGWQZ, . near . ... 1254 Llpension increased ,,.,_ 2154 Mouleg, John, 0TT¢Y11], Ella B. (w’id0’w), ° Mpension increased ..,.. 1740 Mpensnon . _ ... : 2743 oultem, Jolham T., 077’01{1, annie E. (w‘ld0’w), ’ pension increased ..,. ’ .,,_,.,,_,...,.,.,__, 1828 Mpensmn<l . 1778 Mmm: Carmel, Ill., orroug, James, bridge authorized across Wabash River at- 820 Mp€HS10H increased  ».’ ... 2345 Mount Jezriel Church, D. C'., omrug, Zthomas E., taxes refunded .. 869 Mpension increased . 1526 Mount Mormh Bapmc Church, D. C., orrmq, Wzlliam H., taxes refunded .. 869 Mpenslou increased . 1713 Mount Pleasant Czmgregational Society, D. C., orse, Jackson, alias Charles W. Pawye, taxes refunded _,_,_______,______________ 870 eusiou increased . 1501 Mount Pleasant, Mich., Llgrse, Milo B., appro riation for Indian school 349, 1031 Mpelmlou increased . 1782 Mount ll-gainier Forest Reserve, Wash., i orscmf, lwlliam, proclamation enlarging, and changing Mpenmon increased. . Z ,,,,,, - . - . 2586 name to Rainier ..,,... 3296 arteni, Harriet A. (widow), Mount Rainier National Park, Wash., Mpenswn .. : .. . ... 2010 aptpropriution for management, etc 729, 1337 ortem, Louisa Amw (widow), or wagon road into 744, 1349·— nsiou increased . 2684 Mount Taylor Forest Reserve, M Mew., lfgreton, Oliver, · 1 . proclamation establishing . 3239 pension increased . 2376 Mountain Cannon, Army, Jloxcow, Idaho, _ _ appropriation for purchase, manufacture, acquiring site and erecting public bmlding etc .,.. 463, 1059 at, authorgzed ... lggg Mouser, Thomas B., V 757 approprmtion or ... , usion increased . 1 Jloscaw, ussnh, . Mgjzan, Baltzar, clamification and salary of consul . - 100 nsiou increased . 1941‘ Hose, Daniel, _ Mgzer, George W, nsion increased . . ... 2541 Mpension increased ... . . 1675 V - Mgsia, Jacob, owrqq, Harley, · union increased . , ... 2757 pension increased . 2018 lfiifer, Samuel, Mrugalski, Joseph, nsion incremsed . 2275 a ent to . . ... 2662 Mgfer, Willehm H., geilrlilerg, Herwmnn, pension increased . 2371 Mpensiou increased . 1954 Moses and Som, W B., l ueller, Max, deficienc appropriation for furniture, Cap- Mpensnon increased .. : . . 2489 itoli ... 3 . . 1388 g uhlevfeld, Martha E. (w1do·w), . Moses Indian Agreement, ·p€XlSl0I\ .. . .. 2760 trust patents to allottees of Columbm and _ Mukden, Mamhuria, Col ville reserva.tions,Wash. , under. . 55 classification and salary of consul-geneml. . 99 Mosher, Silas, Mul/'0rd,`James B., _ pension increased ... . . 1862 Q granted honorable discharge .. 2305 Mosher, Robert Brent,) { Mull, Edwgrd K., deficiency appropriation for .. 660 Q Mpensxon increased. . ._ .. 2480 Mcswkr, Andrew J., ullally, Nancy JY (wmdcrw), Ensign in(g]·g3,5gd_ _________ _ , , __,,,, . . . . . , 1917Mpension ,. . . . . . . . 2420 Mgss, B1g`o#rd P., g ullcn, James P., `ngign increased ,_____,__,_, _ ,,,.,... 1472 ension increased . 2355 Mggz, James, ‘ £lle1l, John H., pension increased ___________,_,,, , ,,.,,,.. 1823 Afmnsion 1_ncrea.sed . 2227 Mom, Gypsy and Brown Tau, · MU"; Fw, d 1531 appropriation for emergency fund to méet MPQFSIOU Increase ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Spread 0* ·-·---·---··--····-·-· 6**** 12** "£$L‘:0€?§cK;;md . 1898 MM 4’”€”*d” B·» Mgmn, Sidney F., pension l!1CI'€i1S€’d .·...-.----- - ·-··-·—- 2479 pension increased _____________ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ 1551 Motor Baum, _ Mullins, Calvin S., gasoline for, &ll<JW€d 0{1 vessels Iwt €3¤'YU1S nsion increased . 2513 passengers for lllI’€  » -·-----·-~-- 204 Joseph, Mgtgr Prppglled Vessels, I _ peneron nncrmed ·-··~·---·-·-..--.-.-.--· 1912 carrying passengers and frmght subject {{0 I Mznme, Ir•,d.‘, _ _ _ steamboat; inspection, etc., prov1- appropriation {or public bmldxng . 698 sions ,_______,___,___,____, , ,_____ 194 { Lhmcy, .]'mn`e.s 14,, fishing vessels excepted 194 E Mpension increased: ,_.. . ... 2680 regulations for vessels of 15 tons and g undy: Mqry E. (wulorw), under .,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,, , .,,, 194 ; pension increased ..,,,,,,,,, e ,... . 2205