SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. 991 Momvr Rnmmz NATIONAL PARK, WASHINGTON! For protection M°“°”~=*¤i°¤’¤*· and improvement of Mount Rainier National Park, construction of bridges, fences, and trails, and improvement of roads, three thousand o ars. Wmn CAVE NATIONAL PARK, Sorrrn DAxorrA: For the improve- WM Gnve Pur. ment and protection of the Wind Cave National Park, two thousand ` five hundred dollars. For improvement of Platt National Park, pa able out of funds in P1¤¤P¤rk. the hands of the Secretary of the Interior, to the credit of the park, S°w°" °°°‘ sixteen thousand dollars, to be expended as follows: For re air of roads and bridges, five hundred dollars, for a stone culvert at gulphur Run, near Pa `on Spurings, five hundred dollars, for construction of a sanitary sewer with terals to intersect with others connecting with the sewer rlsystem of the city of Sulphur, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, e municipality of Sulphur expend in the construction Pwwvof said sewer system t ough the park an equal amount. D"u°° °f°"°"'°' Govannmnur Hosrrru. Fon run INSANE! For current expenses p,$*_‘{',g{¤,'{,*:_¤,{° H°•· of the Government Hos ital for the Insane: For sup crt, clothing, ` and treatment in the Gibvernment Hospital for the Insane of the insane from the A.rmy and Navyi Marine Co , Revenue—Cutter Service, inmates of the National ome for Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military and naval service of the United States who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, including dpsurchase, maintenance, and of necessary horses and vehr and of horses and vehicle for o cial use of the su erintendent, three hrmdred and twenty-two thousand three hunched dollars; and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of this sum may be expended in defraying the expense of the removal of atients to their friends· not exceeding one thousand dollars may be expended in the fpurchase of such books, periodicals, and papers as may be required or the pruposes of the hospital, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients. _ For the buildings and grounds of the Government Hospital for the B ¤ L1 d 1 ¤g¤ ma Insane, as follows: _ *"°"" s` For general repairs and improvements, forty thousand dollars. For roadways, grading, an walks, five thousand dollars. For centralizing the power, heating, and lighting plant, remod- 1···wer,¤¤:.,p1•m. eling the electric lay out, and substituting e ectrica ly-driven for steam-driven machinery, and for certain other purposes incident thereto, one hundred thousand dollars, which sum sh· " be paid from money in the Treasury which has accrued to the hospital rom pensions, under the Act of February twentieth, nineteen hundred and v.»r.s:s,p.m. five. _ _ COLUMBIA Iusrrrurrox ron mn Dan Ann Dmnn: For support of u.$iY1?i’m¤»IP`stiii’i the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, for books D“"**’- and illustrative apparatus, and for general repairs and improvements, sixty-five thousand dollars. For repairs to the buildings of the institution, including plumbing and steam iittingi and for repairs to pavements within the grounds, five thousand dollars. _ ._ Howann Umvnnsrrrz For maintenance of the Howard University, H°“’“"’ U“"’°“““’· to be used in payment of part of the salaries of the officers, professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance of which shall be paid from donations and other sources, of which sum not less than one thousand five hundred dollars shall be used for normal instruction, forty-nine thousand dollars;