Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1056

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 300, 301. 1909. 1039 For reserving and markin Revolutiona forts, redoubts and *"°'€"*”g· °*°·· batterigs, and other historic sites, situated gthin the limits Jr the gi:i°1uh°mry mm' West Point Military Reservation, one thousand five hundred dollars; For continuing the work of increasing the efficiency of the United bE{j,}¤¤‘¤¤m¤¤t 0* States Military Academ , West Point, New York, and to provide for m uu m` the enlargement of buildings, and for other necessary work of improvement in connection therewith, as authorized in Acts of Con ess approved June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and two (Piilic, ¥8'é·P·*%, 860 One hundred and eight -one), April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred'W ’ T and four (Public, One `ihundred and ninet -two), March third, nineteen hundred and five (Public, One hundred and thirt -seven), and June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and six (Public, Three hundred V°*· 3*- P- 53*- and ten), in accordance with the general plan approved by the Secretary of War January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, to remain available until expended one million seven hundred thousand dollars, of which amount four hundred thousand dollars shall be immediately available. Total buildings and grounds, one million seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to rmit Mr. Demetrio ,,Dg‘,°g{Q_ °“““°· Castillo,junior,of Cuba, to receive instruction at tIhi>MilitaryAcademy knitted for inat West Point: Provided, That no expense shall be caused to the United States thereby, and that the said Demetrio Castillo, junior, N° °*P°¤‘°· shall agree to comply with all regulations for the police and discipline _ of the academy, to be studious, and to give his utmost efforts to accomplish the courses in the various departments of instruction: And P’l'()'t)7:dP.d further, That in the case of the said Demetrio Castillo, 0**** *¤d°°"*°°· junior, the provisions of sections thirteen hundred and twenty and . thirteen hundred and twenty-one of the Revised Statutes shall be p1;,,§··¤¤¢·m°·13¤· sus ended.` The President of the United States is hereby authorized, by and hyglggmé with the advice and consent of the Senate, to apppint J. Randolph secpuaraeuieuamand Peyton, late a cadet at the Military Academy at est Point, to the "“'°°‘ osition of second lieutenant of infantry in the army, and to place him upon the retired list with the pay of a retired second lieutenant of infantry. Approved, March 4, 1900. . .—~r r · lh ri g r ri- .` s o eM¤¤‘h·l»W09· r.,f’£·?§T.r.?&L.,. 23d5I,? til`; fiii.-¥`lL%S‘h§l[-`{EL;.i.f.I.ll‘.£Z`.EZ‘I{';.ZTI$`T‘° °° "“"°“”`"° 3*- R- 2r1w__ [Public, N0. 330,] Be it e·ruu·tal by the Senate and II ouse 0 'Re n·e·sontatiw.s· of the Fnited _ Stairs of America in (lrimrress ass·embled,jThait the following sums be, m’;§Ejiii,`$$:iRuKi.;,° and thcv are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the {'nit-cd States not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the fiscal year ending June t rrtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. flrrrcn or run SECRETARY1 Secretary of Agriculture, twelve thou- A;;{,m‘{‘ c§’g§'*g",{g sand dollars; Assistant Secretary of Wiculture, five thousand dol-' lars; one solicitor, four thousand five undred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars, and five hundred dollars additional as custodian of buildin ; rivate secretary to the Secretary of Agriculture, two thousand lige Iiundred dollars; stenographer and executive clerk to the Secretary of Agriculture, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; private secretary to the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, one thousand six hundred dollars; stenographer