srxtrrrrrn Cosenmss. sms. II. ons. 317, ers. 1909. 1067 CHAP. 317.-An Act To provide for the distribution of the Congressional Record M¤¤‘·h 4.1999- and public bills, documents, and so forth, to the governor-general of the Philippine [K R·2*°“·] Islands at Manila, Philippine Islands. [Public, No. 346.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That the Public Printer is 5f,‘,§ll,l;p§°{,“f,‘},’,‘,‘}'j,,r hereb authorized to fumish gratuitously to the governor—general of Si<>¤¤1R¤c¤rd.¤¤c-.f¤r the Philippine Islands at Mamla ten copies of the daily Congressional g°v°m°!`g°°°m' Record and three copies of all bills, resolutions, documents, and reports, as printed, and he is hereby directed to print, if necessary, ,,§,T'§§*,‘,j§,?,},'g‘f’f““"" the extra number required to comply with this Act. Approved, March 4, 1909. GHAP. 318.-An Act To grant additional authority to the Secretary of the Treasury March 4, 1909. to carry out certain provisions of public building Acts, and for other purposes. [H- K- 28167-] Publ , .9.47. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rfpresentatilves of the United [ ic No 1 States of America in Congress assembled, at in every instance in Public buudiugs which the Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, included °'_'.§:g°§j-,‘§%_ the cost of the site in the extension of the limit of cost fixed for a public building previously authorized to be constructed upon land owned by the United States, such limit of cost be, and the same is 1.¤i{1iii2;,g;c1i¤(i¤five3i hereby. amended and fixed at the amount named in said Act for each ““°’· of such buildings, but exclusive of the cost of the sites thereof, respeetivel . Sec. 2. That so much of the amount heretofore authorized for the Muskvsee, ont. construction of a suitable building for the accommodation of the ¤,£°.-§°sl$T°° °f ”"""' United States post-oflice, United States courts, and other overn— ·‘”’°· P- 5*1- mental offices at Muskogee, Oklahoma, as may be necessary 512111 be available for the acquisition of a suitable site, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to acquire such site by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise: Prom`ded. That the limit of cost heretofore fixed shall not be exceeded in the acquisition of C°""°°"'°'°"°°‘ such site and the erection of a suitable building thereon. Sec. 3. That of the amount heretofore authorized for the United }g§§€,g*g:l*<{A¤d States Government building at Boise, Idaho, so much thereof as ma .4»¢e,,p. 524. ` be necessary, shall be available for the acquisition of additional land); {,°{,‘{,‘}‘f‘f;,c,,,,,_ 1’m»·f¤{e¢{, That the limit of cost heretofore fixed shall not be exceeded. Sec. 4. That the amount heretofore authorized for the enlargement, gg5g1g6s9g6- extension, and repair of the U nite-d States post-ofiicc at Portland, A»¢e,p.s2i.` Maine. slmll be available for the United States courthouse at Portland, Maine. Sec. That the Secretarv of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, 8§,',,°,§Yj§l,‘Q;,$,;,,,,,.,,_ authorized and directed, in his discretion, to reduce the open space for -****6- P-693- tire protection at Du Quoin, Illinois, to fifteen feet, to insure the acquisition of a suitable sito within the limit of cost heretofore fixed. Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, rrymoum. mm. _ disregard the provision requiring sites to be bounded upon at least ¤,,%{’°“ "p“"° m°°‘° two sides by streets in so far as same shall apply to the town of —4*·¢`¢·v-5% Plymouth, Massachusetts, and in his discretion may purchase a site at Plymouth. Massachusetts. at a cost in excess of the limit heretofore iixed for such site: Prmmiea', That the limit of cost for both site and building shall not exceed eighty-seven thousand dollars heretofore °°“°‘“°‘°““d· tixcd as the total limit of cost. Sec. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, 5;*; ‘g¤gé,§·gbd,_ disregard the provision requiring sites to be boimded upon at least ses. p two sides by streets in so far as the same shall apply to the village AM p‘53°‘ _ of Penn Yan, New York. Sec. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, gegerlr- Ré Ibm disregard the provision requiring sites to be bounded upon at least seg; D4; `