Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1216

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iN DEX. xxix City Bonds, Paso- Claims·—Continued. Pace scceptziblsalas security additional na- 549 appropdrgiation for defense in Indian deprg- 0 - crrc tron . ... tron . 74 1013 OuycBp;iitionsi.. . is . 549 deficiency appropriation for defending ’ ivcry oats cruise, suits in .. 21 508,928 rppropriation for superintendent, clerkségs 6 ;or judgments, Court of éllaims. . 27; 514, 938 etc. , 89 or ying' awards, pamsh' rest for letter carriers 411, 665 Claims Commimion 27, 515, 937 for substitute, auxiliary, and temporaiyu 665 for péying, certified by accounting 9 carriers . , officers 27, 515, 93 for new offices 411, 665 for damages to property, etc., Philippine for horse hire and vehicles ... 411, 665 Islands 499 for ear fare and bicycles . 411, 665 for judgments, Indian depredation. . . 514, 938 for street car collections ,.. 411, 665 for compilation of laws, etc., relating to. . 934 {or mechanics . 5 411, 665 destrurgiog of llzlorthern dLiberty Market, or marine service, etroit 411,665 . . to e au ite , etc ... 1060 for incidental expenses . J- 411, 665 adjudication of Chinese indemnity. . . 577 {or special delivery ... :11,g 'trme exttelpgedfor presenting State, war 42 or supplies .. 6 - vn deficienéy appropriation for carriers, new , punishment for presenting false, lite .. 1095 o ces 24 ulnng away etc., papers re ting to, for horse hire, etc - 24 against the United States .. 1096 {or car fare and bicycles . .. 24 court officials, etc.`,) dew lisn fee, etc. . . 1107 or supplies 24 gosecuting etc., y cia .., 1107 Ouyfper 31,510,518 embers oi Congressandfo officials ree e, . . cervmgcom nation rservresm, appropriation for removal of ... . 285, 700 md Cagamst the égveghment 1169 uarsz, rm ormmsston pmt Treaty, clanification and nlary of consulate .. . 102 appropriation for’expenses .. 374, 1013 Cigdad 1:::, { w 102 de creppy appropriation for paying awards?] 515 a nlary o .. - ... Civil-Permian Roll, _ Claims, False, _ . _ ’ establishment of, in postal service, pro- prmrshment for presenting, aiding, etc., _ _ _ hibited . 417, 670 Cm io; p1;_blrc ... 555 Gun! , ma o an ederats o r

nt for conspiracy against, of deficiency appropriation fto;·k_paying, for 499

citizens 1092 . propert wrongfully en . depriving citizens of, on account of time extended' for presenting . 499 race, etc., under color of State Clarendon County, S. C., laws, etc ... 1092 bridge authorized across Santee River in. . 613 conspiring to prevent holding of office, Clarin a, Iorsa, _ _ _ etc ,.. 1092 appropriation for public building . 317 unlawful presence of troops at elections. . 1092 Clar Creek, S. C., _ interfering with voters by Army and preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 832 Nakyy oltlicerfiaetc, .. { B . 1092 C lzwilk, Tex., f by b 1d_ prescri ing qua cations o voters y acquiring site or pu rc ur mg at, Arm and Navy officers ... 1092 authorized ... . . 536 inter-feririrg elecntiion officers by m2 I Cl“d;f(i:ienc%pr>propr}atio%;>r.D ...,.. 489 Arm an avy officers 1tion 'visrbn ost- ire eparlment, dislqualifipationlfrorn holding office, ad- mm i appropriation for sirperintendent, agentséss itiona pens ty ... . f etc .. : .. , 897 Civil Ser-vice Commission, _ _ R for per diem special agents .. 234,897 appropriation for Commissioners, secretary, l Clazskanie River, Ong., _ clerks, etc . . .. 197, 860 [ [preliminary examination of, to be made. . 831 for field force, examiners, etc . 197,860 , C y Center, [fam., _ _ _ _ for rural carrier examining board . 197, 860 acquiring site and erecting public building details from executive departments at, authorized.:-: . · 529 forbidden . ... ’ ... 197, 861 · deficiency appropriation for . 485 transfer of employees ... 197,861 · Cla_y County, Mo., _ _ _ for traveling, etc., expenses .. 197,861 time extended for bridge across Missourr Eur contingent expenses ... 229, 892 River betgveen Wyandotte County, or rent .,. 229, 893 Kaus` ., an 169 for printing and binding . . 383, 1022 p Clays, etc., _ ger aggitionag clerks, expenses, etc. . 1019 r appropriation fpr gnvestigation of structura5l4 o a itiona rent .. 1019 , materia 0 . 9 989 deiidiency appropriation for printing and Clearwater River, Idaho, I W binding .. . 514 preliminpry examination of, to be made- . . 825 Ci `l r Service, cx., iiicrerilsed grade, etc., to retired naval site and erecting public building omcers for, not to deprive other at, authorized.: - Z . - -_ .. 531 officers of their rights ... 753 deficiency apgmpnation for ... 486 CM , appropriation or ... 948 apypsropriation for attorneys, etc., defend- Clerk Eire, Memgers and Delegalra, in its in . 236 appropriation or .. . 192, 855 for defgridling suits in . . .. 374, 1013 payment to clerks to Members-elect- . 192