Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/122

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104 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1908. aww. · moose licenses shall be issued to an one person in one year : Bwéded, Amd""' · That before an trophy shall be shippe from Alaska under the provisions of this Act the person desiring to make such shipment shall rst make and file with the customs oilioe at the port where such shipment is to be made an ailidavit to the effect that e has not violated any of . the rovisions of this Act; that the trophy which he desires to ship has not been bought or purchased and has not been sold and is not being shipped for the purpose of being sold, and that he 1S·tl10 owner of the trop y which he desires to ship, and if the trophy IS that of moose, · whether the animal from which it was taken was killed north or south m·§{"·§‘§'{?,§'&°°””' of latitude sixty-two degrees: .B·o*mIda1_fi4rther, That aniy resident of ’ Alaska prior to September first, nineteen hundred an eight, may without permit or license ship any head or trophy of any of the game animals herein mentioned upon filing up atlidavit with the customs office at the port where such shipment is to be made that the animal from which said head or trophy was taken was killed prior to the passage of this Act. An aflidavit required by the provisions of this Act may be subscribed and, sworn to before any customs oilioer or before any officer . com tent to administer an oath. _ m$.F.‘§°;0, Mm, "¥he governor of Alaska is hereby authorized to issue licenses for i¤s, ¤¤=·· ¤f· hunting and shipping big game. On imuing a license he shall require the applicant to state whether the heads or trophies to be obtained or shipped under said license will pass through the ports of entry at Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, or ban Francisco, California, and he shall forthwith notify the collector of customs at the proper port of entry as to the name of the holder of the license and the name .u»»¢n¤¤¤·¤¢¤¤·» and address of the consignee. All proceeds from licenses, except one dollar from each fee, which shall be retained by the clerk issuing the , license to cover the cost of printing and issue, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts; the amount fot¤¤;E;m?£;:*gg neeessaryl for the enforcement of this Act shall be estimated for annunw. ally by the Agricultural Department and appropriated for including the employment and salaries to be paid to game wardens herein author- Rewrt ¤n<>v¢¤¤<¤· ized. And the governor shall annually make a detailed and itemized report to the Secretary of Agriculture, in which he shall state the number and kind of licenses issued, the money received, which report shall also include a. full statement of all trophies exported and all animals and birds exported for any purpose. Employment of "And the governor of Alaska is further authorized to employ game ‘”“° " °‘“" “°°‘ wardens, to make regulations for the registration and employment of guides, and fix the rates for licensing guides and rates of compensation oumsiicemes. _ or guidingé Every person applying for a ide license shall, at the Amana ot iippu- time of ma ing suc application, make and iilzelwith the person issuing °““‘· such license an ailidavit to the effect that he will obey all the conditions of this Act and of the regulations thereunder, that he will not violate any of the game laws or regulations of Alaska, and that he will report all violations of such laws and regulations that come to his knowledge. Persons enmiea at Any American citizen or native of Alaska, of good character, upon “°°“’“’· compliance with the requirements of this Act, shall be entitled to a m:‘g2yrer¤ revcn vi- puide license. Any guide who shall fail or refuse to report any vio- " ation of this Act, or who shall himself violate any of the provisions of rermny. this Act, shall have his license revoked, and in addition shall be lia- ""”'· F- "”· hle to the penalty provided in section seven of this Act, and shall be ineligiole to act as guide for a period of five years from the date of conviction. Shipments or wud _ "S1¤c. 6. {That it shall be unlawful for any persons, firm, or corpora- ‘“,‘§‘€f,u,,,,me,,,,_ tion, or their officers or agents, to deliver to any common carrier, or for the owner, agent, or master of any vessel, or for any other erson, to receive for shipment or have in possession with intent to ship out of Alaska, any wild birds, except eagles, or parts thereof, or any