Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1337

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cl INDEX. Public Lands--Continued. Prize- Public Lands—Continued. Pasoappropriation forcontingent expenses.. 345,985 forfeiture (pf unused rights of way across; 647 for epositing moneys ... 345 985 con itions gorexpenses, timberglaergedations . 345; 985 grant cg ;Dry Salt Lake " to Los Angeles, 1063 orprotecting, from u u ententry. . 345 985 a ... for swamp-land claims, etcM. .. .k345; 985 homestpald entries allowed on Cane Island, 684 ex uses allotmentsto exican `c - r .. tipgoo Indians, Okla. ... 985 not tp be canpeled for commutations un- 67 forhearings in land entries - .. 346, 985 er act 0 1880 . 4 for reproducing plats of surveys. . . . 346, 986 canceled entries reinstated. . ... . - . 467 for examinations of desert lands - . 346, 986 of 320 acres of nonirrigable lands allowed for restoring lands in national forests. . . 346, 986 in certain States and Territories ..., 639 for transcri ts ofrecords and plats .. 346, 986 on Fort McPherson Reservation exempt foropemngllludimreservadom . ... 346,986 fromappraisedvaluesoilandson 467 for maps s owing routes of principal ex- second entriespermitted; exception 6 plorers, etc. ,, 347 land district established, Bellefourche, S. for survtsying ..., 347, 986 Dak - .. 597 for me d mgpurnents for survey corners348 387 Lemmon, S.1gI)aLl; .. 468 for aban on mi itary reservation , 87 Tucumcari . ex 45 for ofgxh work, surveys in certain counties, lieu land splebltions fp; schholol sections made . . 987 app ica e to ew exico. . . 44 for completing work of discontinued mining laws extended to undisposed of omces, Minnesota, North Dokota, ands in Bitter Root Valley, Mont. . 467 f and0dL0uisiana- - .§ ... i 987 Minneiota, subject to state drainage or repr ucing plats o minera surveys laws ,, 169 Califomia I 988 Minnesota, set apart as national forest . 268 for surveying national forests. . 350, 989 nonmineral entries on lands subsequently deficiency appropriation for registers and claimed as havingsoal deposits . 844 receivers. . 18, 32, 925, 941 patent to issue for sur ce subject to coal for surveyor-general, Nevada . ... 29 entry .. . .. 844 por surveyingé - I 29, (32,5517, 519k 942, 945 disposiil of coal deposits .. . . - 844 or Truman . anie s an argent . con itions or entries ... . 844 f Mortora ..- 9536 prior use by owner for domestic puror certain eputy surveyors ... 506, 6 poses . 844 for Howard B. C enter . .. - 507 right of entryman to have character of f r tecti tadp 926 g land deteed 844 o ro , e . rmrn .. . for lllilliamulanson. . _ .. 926 rmreserved patent, unless land chiefly for surveying private land claims 942 valuable for coal .__,... 844 additional donation to Kansas for State Ag- Oklahoma, time for payments on certain ricultural College ... 465 Comanche, etc., ceded lands, exarid lands, additional grant to Idaho rmder tended ...,,,_,__,,._______________ 41 (gairsly Act!  : rightsd accorded sublessees of pasture to 0 an Iyoming ... . .. an s ...,.,.___ 41 granted to New Mexico and Arizona, open to entry, Cheyenne River and Standunder (`arey Act .. 638 ing Rock reservations, S, Dak, and in Ute Igeservation granted to Colorado; N Igak .,,,,,.,, ______________ 4 60 con itions . . . . 644 surp us ands Navajo eservation, N, Nebpasliai engympn of additional, al- lviezii and Ariz., after completion ow cr it or rmprovemen s on o a otments ,,__,_______________ _ _ 457 origirial_entries ... Z . 466 unallotted lands, Fort Peck Reservation, coal deposits in Alaska, regulation of en- 424 lhfotrgtj .,,.,,____. ,____________ ___ 561 tries etc ... una lot a `cultura lands, S ka commutatiim certificates canceled for lack Reservatgibln, Wash .. . -li? 458 of residence reinstated if entryman i patents issued on applications made beresiied eight months preceding final 6 | tween June 5, 1901, and June 20, proo . . 4 7 1907, on bount -land ts, tc. credit of time}! etc., for `lromesteadprs disi declared valid.? .. . 468 sesse from ’isconsin .e11tra to issue on pending ap licati 468 _ llasilroacl grants 466 permanent anpropriatiori) for rgp1;ying— extime extended. .. , 466 _ cess of eposits, mineral surve s . . - 645 desert-fanél entries restricted to suryeyed 2 i proceeding for forfeiture of certain railioad, an s .. 5 g etcagrantsin Ore 0n,t b b ht. 571 preferencelrights tolpriorentries . . plmishméllt for unlawfiilly cr(ittiingrt)$ber assignmcn s imiter . ; on 1098 extengions allowed . _ . 52 cutting, boxirlrg, etc., trees for turpensecon en ries perm: e 1 ormer ine, prtc , etc .,..,, 1098 abandoned; exceptions-..: . · 48 ; willfully starting forest fires 1098 erroneous entries in Colorado validated 48 ¤ failing to extinguish fires built on . . 1098 errors in desclrgiption of entries may be cor- l willfully destroying, etc., government rected ycommissioner 645 survey marks,. . . .. 1099 exchange og sipthorizpdlzfor enlaéging Crow i forcibly hindering survey of . 1099 Cree 'ationa crest 'yo. 1113- interfering with sale of . 1099 1 neuveringgrounds .. , _. 42 fo!giI{g, etc., bount;-land warrants, eerfecs of registers and receivers, for test1- trficates, etc ... 1101 mony, desert-land cases added .. 468 hunting, etc., on bird preserves ,,_,__,___ 1104