Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/306

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288 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 198. 1908. lam . The location of the necessatry posts, poles, wires, iixtures, and so girth, and the use of the road erefor shall be sub]ect to such - reasonable regulations as may be prescribed by the officer in charge oflthe Washin ton Aqueduct _ °°¤¤‘•°° '**¤°“"‘“- Hereafter coiitracts shall not be entered into for lightipg streets_ m the District of (blumbia, by gas or electricity, for a peri exceeding one year. _ w§l°°**'° "° “¤""· For electric arc lightin , and for extensions of such service, not ex- ` péeding onqkpundpnrd agdz tvrglntyithrwftghopmpél tglvo hunqred and """”°°*· _ ·live do rs: mf e at erea r the as `ngton ermina n•dv·<>:>1i¤ih§t¤i)ii Tami Cotmpany, its successors, oi transferees shall pay to the District for the lighting of the streets, avenues, alleys and grounds over and under which its right of way mady cross, as well as for the lighting of those streets, avenues, alleys an grpunds borderiqg on IES rigén of way, under the direction and contre of the Comm ssiouers· an in case o default of payment of such bills, actions at law may bé maintained by the District of Columbia against said terminal company or its succes- 1.: ¢¤i¤¤¤¤¤ Per sors, or transferees therefor: Provided, That not more than eighty·live P' dollars per annum shall be paid for any electric are light burning from . fifteen altter sunset go f<3·ty-five minutes betpre sunrise, aqld rate w o y means 0 un er roun wire· an eac arc lig t xll be of not less than one thousand: actual candlepower, and no part _ of this appropriation shall be used for electric lighting by means of wires gait mlay exist on or over any of the streets or avenues of the cit o ’as in n. .,;*,,2,**,},;;***** ”'°‘ dl or the puruhdge of twenty-five additional iire-alarm boxes, and for the purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross—arms, insulatoréskplrns, braces, wnéce, cable, qqlndunt piogngctions, posts, extra labor, _ _ an er necessary 1 ms, ve thousand dollars. . w}f§§,L'}°*°¤ "’°" For pprchase and cost of replacing the present break wheels in firealarm xes with approved p atinum int ke breaks, one thousand sev n un re dollars. ' e h d d d ll po y ¤¤'Z€`“‘"“°““ "‘““` iusmxcros Aoumnucr. °°""'°°"‘"°°' For operation, including salaries of all necessary employees, maintenance, and repair of the Washington Aqueduct and ICS accessories, including Conduit road, the Washington City reservoir, and Washington Aqueduct tunnel, and also inclu ing the purchase and maintenance of horses, vehicles, and harness, and the care and maintenance of the _ stable, thirty-three thousand dollars. c,§§,,‘,',,‘j,’§?;.,,$;;,,,,{Q!f Fof prelimlinary igvgssgations and surveys for increasing the water su y ten thousand dollars. {{¤s;¤gH)¤i;¤rr$»g[*··**· l‘hat’any unexpendecl balances of the appropriations “For removal \’ol.34, dredging of about one hundred and thirty-four thousand cubic yards of sediment from Dalecarlia reservoir, sixteen thousand dollars," and “For riprapping the sides of the Dalecarlia reservoir for a width of about twenty cet. eighteen thousand d0llars," provided in the District of Columbia appropriation Act (Washington Aqueduct) for the pscal nineteen undred and] eight, shall continue and be available or the sca year nineteen hun re and nine for the u ‘es de i - nated under said appropriation in said Act. P mob S g Qmrgisglorétglnni- For care, including salaries of all necessary employees, maintenance, " ‘ andpperation of the Washington Aqueduct, District of Columbia. iil-

 2l`§EK$1‘$3'li:.Z§.$..i‘€.fi3?·}.`.   iii?  €££2§.‘§$$Z ¥l`§i3I'."€.'§‘;

V0l.34,p.1l36. these Gdpurposeghfor this dliqpal year iggieteeéi fhundrek_ and;} eight npt exce n six thousand dollars may use or ar in the at the Wgshington City reservoir. to be available hntil tlge closirdilthd fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine.