Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/331

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 199. 1908. 313 ` may be made, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, un er rules and regulations provided b the Secretary of the Interior, and not otherwise: Andpromkledjitrtllrer, That the jurisdiction of the atL¤¤d¤d of ¤¤i¤¤¤. probate courts of the State of Oklahoma over lands of minors and smiiEuii2.°r mm`? m incompetents shall be subject to the foregoing rovisions, and the term minor or minors, as used in this Act, shall include all males under the age of twenty-one years and all females under the age of eighteen years. mo. 3. That the rolls of citizenship and of freedmen of the Five Civ- ,r§eQgg*¤**$逤S¤¤d ilized Tribes approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall be con- quimunli eg iiihhii elusive evidence as to the quantum of Indian blood of any enrolled l’l°°°‘ citizen or freedman of said tribes and of no other personsto determine uestions arising under this Act and the enrollment records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes shall hereafter be conclusive evidence as to the age of said citizen or freedman. That no oil, gas, or other mineral lease entered into by any of said b,?:j{g;tg;g>*i°*l€¤¤ allottees prior to the removal of restrictions requiring the a proval ` of the Secretar of the Interior shall be rendered invalid by tliis Act, but the same shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior as if this Act had not been passed: Provided, That the owner QQ2fé, mmm of or owners of any allotted land from which restrictions are removed unrestricted isms by this Act, or have been removed by previous Acts of Congress, or ‘"°’ °“*°°°·· l°“‘°°’· by the Secretary of the Interior, or may hereafter be removed under and by authoritly of any Act of Congress, shall have the power to cancel and annu any oil, gas, or mineral lease on said land whenever the owner or owners of said land and the owner or owners of the lease thereon agree in writing to terminate said lease and tile with the _ Secretary of the Interior, or his designated agent, a true copy of the agreement in writing canceling said lease, which said agreement shall be executed and acknowledg by the arties thereto in the manner required by the laws of Oklahoma for lilac execution and acknowledgment of deeds, and the same shall be recorded in the county where the land is situate. _ Sec. 4. That all land from which restrictions have been or shall be ,,,E§,'§’{f,"§f,‘§,‘l,,,,};{,‘f‘*“ removed shall be subject to taxation and all other civil burdens as though it were the property of other persons than allottees of the Five Civilized Tribes: Provided, That allotted lands shall not be {,’Q;'$**,,,m from subjected or held liable, to any form of personal claim, or demand, pnlmiilim. against the allottees arising or existing prior to theremoval of restrictions, other than contracts heretofore expressly permitted by law. Sec. 5. That any attempted alienation or incumbrance by deed, w;}QjQg(;*Qj;;\d*;'Q;b,g' mortgage, contract to sell, power of attorney, or other instrument or ` method of incumhering rea estate, made before or after the approval of this Act, which affects the title of the land allotted to allottees of the Five Civilized Tribes rior to removal of restrictions therefrom, and also any lease of such restricted land made in violation of law before or after the approval of this Act shall be absolutely null and void. Sec. 6. That the persons and property of minor allottees of the Five ,,,,‘},§§"§§f,§’,,‘;' c35R; Civilized Tribes shall, except as otherwise specitically provided by ·>~’¤r¤¤¤<¤¤¤¤¤¤~*¤- law, be subject to the urisdiction of the probate courts of the State of Oklahoma. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby empowered, miggugeegeygejtigj under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, to appoint such amiss oipminors. local representatives within the State of Oklahoma who shall be citi- ”““°“· zens of that State or now domiciled therein as he may deem necessary to inquire into and investigate the conduct of guardians or curators _ having in charge the estates of such minors, and whenever such representative or representatives of the Secretary of the Interior shal be of opinion that the estate of any minor is not being properly cared for y the guardian or curator, or that the same is in any manner