Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/41

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1908. 23 d ltr the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, twenty thousand 0 rs. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, eight thousand and thirty-four dollars and fifty-eight cents. For payment of regular assistants to United States district attorneys, Begum- ssssmms. who are appointed by the Attorney-General, at a fixed annual compensation, twenty-five thousand dollars. For pavment of assistants to the Attorney-General and of assistants ca;g*¤r¤1i¤¤ri<>¤ to United States district attorneys, employed by the Attorney—Gen- ` eral to represent the United States in naturalization and other proceedings, and for other necessary expenses in connection with such proceedings and cases, for the fiscal years nineteen hundred and seven and nineteen hundred and eight, ninety-three thousand dollars. For salaries of clerks, commissioners, and constables, and expenses c0{1*;t=;i¤¤ Tmirvrv of commissioners and judges in the Indian Territory from July first to swim, me November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seven; also salaries of the deputy clerks in the Indian Territory appointed under the Act of Q3>¤g¤1<¤gs¤· March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and Acts amendatory'p` °` thereto, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars each per ‘ annum, from July first to November fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seven; also salaries of four deputy clerks in the Indian Territory, authorized by the Indian appropriation Act approved June twenty-first, V¤¤- 34. r- 342 nineteen hundred and six, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars each r annum, from July first to November fifteenth, nineteen hundrediind seven, forty-one thousand dollars. Fon Rnronm Sonoo Wxsmueron, Drsrrucr or Cormunu: For g··if•>l_¤;¤¤Sch<>¤¤.D.<¤ the following for the biilance of the fiscal year, nineteen hundred and ° ° °°` eight, inclusive, namely, one additional teacher at the rate of fifty-five ’ do lars per month, one assistant teacher at the rate of forty-five dollars per month, one watchman at the rate of thirty dollars per month, and one matron of family at the rate of twenty dollars per month; in all, seven hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For purchase of live stock, one thousand five hundred dollars. Live swck. For purchase of furniture required in the new family building, F¤r¤i¢¤re. three thousand dollars. 1>osr.o1¢rroE DEPARTMENT. ...§,‘::f·°'“°° mm CONTINGENT rzxmmsns: For telegraphing, fiscal year nineteen hun- Cnnunuencexpum. dred and seven, three dollars and twenty cents. . For furniture, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, one hundred """"“"'°· and sixty dollars. For purchase, exchange, and keeping of horses and wagons, and H<>¤=¤¤·md wagons. repair of wa ons and harness, to be used only for official purposes, one thousand: two hundred and fifty dollars. For repair of roofs of Post-Ofiice Department Building, two thou- Reviesand eight hundred and ninety dollars. OUT OF THE POSTAL REVENUES. romnsemce. For compensation to clerks at first and second class offices, seven S·¤·¤i¤¤·¤¥¢¤=¤· hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For tem rary clerk hire at first and second class offices, twenty-five T¤¤r><·r¤¤· Guisthousand dollars. _ For compensation to substitutes for clerks on vacation, ten thousand s‘““"‘“"”‘ dollars. For rent, light, and fuel at Presidential post-oflices, fifty thousand R“"‘·°‘"· dollars. For miscellaneous and incidental expenses at first and second class ¤¤=¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ offices, twenty-five thousand dollars.