500 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 227. 1908. rms Pammrzr ro run Sum or Tnxnsz To reimburse the State of Texas, dmbX$§§,f°' in full settlement of all claims of any nature whatever on account of moneys actually expended by that State after June twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty, from appropriations made by the legislature of the State of Texas before that date in payment of State volunteers or rangers called into service by authority of the governor of Texas in defense of the frontier of that State against Mexican marauders and Indian depredations, for which reimbursement has not been made out ver. aa, p. im of the Treasury of the United States, as ascertained under the Act of ' Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, and certified in Senate Document Numbered `One hundred and sixty-nine, first session Fiftyminth Congress, twenty-one thousand three hundred and ` ninety-tive dollars and ninety —five cents. mm umm, cn., GENERAL Dnror ron Umrrnn Sums ARMY Snrrmns AT Four "‘Q!’§{",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M,. Mason, Cxnmonuuz The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to Qmgvgm- p)roceed with the construction of the General Depot for the Supply '`epartments of the United States Army at F ort-Mason, California, authorized by the Army Appropriation Act approved June twelfth, nineteen hundred and six, without waiting for the completion of the condemnation proceedings which have been instituted with a view to the acquisition of certain submerged lands which are necessary for the $$3 rim: title construction of the wharves and buildings constituting said depot; and 11. s.,`¤ec. ass, p. so. the requirements of section three hundred and fift -five of the Revised Statutes of the United States are hereby suspendyed in their application to this case. NNY D¢1>¤¤=¤¤¤¤*· NAVY DEPARTMENT. 0¤¤¤ <>f¤¤¤r¤*·¤’· orrmom or run sncrznnnr. Bolggllnntync and The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to pay from the appropriaréymenzw. tions for library, Navy Department, for the fiscal years nineteen hun- · dred and six and nineteen hundred and seven, voucher in favor of Ballantyne and Sons, Washington, District of Columbia, for city directories, amounting to twenty-nine dollars, purchased for the library of the Navy Department, the Comptroller of the Treasury having decided, after the obligation was incurred, that the appropriation for library, Navy Department, being for “‘ professional and technical ‘ books and periodicals,? was not available for said payment. §;m;¤s“'·S¤¢¤‘¤**· To pay ‘harles W. Stewart. for services in conrpilin the volume ' commemorative of John Paul Jones, seven hundre ancl;fifty dollars. mgydrogrnphic Of- HYDROGRAPHIG OFFICE- fL`§y‘f,,g,§$,’}'”""· To_pay an account of Fred. A. Schmidt for three yards of mounted drawing papler, the bill for which was not received until after the balance of the appropriation had been carried to the sur lus fund, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, six dbllars and ten cents. N¤v¤* <>¤»—¢rv¤¤>¤‘- ‘ NAVAL ossmavnonr. O°“““¥°““xP°“’“*· · For repairs to buildings, fixtures, and fences; furniture, gas, chemicals, and stationery; freight (including the transmission of public documents through the Smithsonian exchange), foreign postage, and gxpgeiage; plants, fertilizer, and all contingent expenses, three hunre dollars. For fuel, oil, grease, tools, pipe, wire, and other materials needed for the maintenance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant, and water-supply svstem; purchase and maintenance of teams; material for boxing nautical instruments for transportation; paints, telegraph and telephone service, and incidental labor, four hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents.