Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/585

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 5-9. 1908. 567 case of the said Hernan Ulloa the rovisions of sections thirteen hun- §,.,S-·¤°°S·1*’2°·“’21» dred and twenty and thirteen hundred and twenty-one of the Revised p` ` Statutes shall be suspended. Approved, January 16, 1908. [No. 6.] Joint Resolution To amend the Act of March fourth, nineteen hundred J“F&‘“_§Y§1*8§°§’8· and seven, making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, so as to authorize the Sec- [Pub- R°¤-· N°·6·l retary of Agriculture to use for rent an increased proportion of the appropriation made by said Act for rent for the Bureau of Forestry. Resolved by the Senate and House of R esentatifves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, glut the Act of Congress Form Service- _ approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and seven, entitled "An Act er§:§Zii,°u°w°°°° m` making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal ,,X_,‘Q,},,,§;‘· P- H"- year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight," be, and the same ishereby, amended to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to use for rent not to exceed sixty thousand dollars of the moneys appropriated by said Act for general expenses of the Forest Service, instead of " not to exceed forty thousand dollars" for such purpose, as provided in said Act. Approved, January 31, 1908. [No. 7,] Joint Resolution Providing for salaries of the Resident Commissioners F¤¤¤¤¤ 2% 1908- from the Philippine Islands. _ [Pub. Res., 0.7.] Resolved by the Senate and House if Reopgeeentatives of the United _ States of America in Congress aasem led, at the Sergeant-at-Arms ;g3>°gj;=¤ smug of the House of Representatives is authorized to pay to each of the nonerw mm-ies, and two Resident Commissioners from the Philippine lslands, out of the §,l}j’,§f,;§f’° l" “°“ °f appropriation made for the current fiscal year for compensation of the Members of the House of Representatives, the same rate of compen- vol 31 86 sation as is authorized and being paid to the Resident Commissioner'P' ` from Porto Rico, together with two thousand dollars each, as authorized by law, in lieu of mileage. Approved, February 24, 1908. [No. 8.% Joint Resolution For the appointment of a member of the Board of F*i‘;i’“;'{,’t·Bg";’8· Regents 0 the Smithsonian Institution. ___#__'· ‘_ _ '_ ___ [Pub. Res., No. 8.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatv}vee of the Zbzited States of America in Congress assembled, That the vacancy in the ,u*Q{{)‘}If*"°“l°“ I"’“‘ Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class "other‘ Charley FaCh<>¤¢<:. than Members of Congress” shall be filled by the appointment of l"'°”° m r°g°°‘ Charles F. Choate, junior, a citizen of Massachusetts. ` Approved, February 24, 1908. [N0, 9,] Joint Resolution '1‘0 continue in full force and effect an Act entitled "An Fi*I{,’°_Q'{,’”,r,},“;’“· Act to provide for the appropriate marlringof the graves of the soldiers and sailors of the Confederate army and navy who died in nort em prisons and were buried near [Pub. Res. No- 9.] the prisons where they died, and for other p¤.rposes." Resolved by the Senate and House ?` Ri€:·eeentatiuea of the United cm,.;.,..¤,,.,;.n,,,, States of America in Congress aesemb ed, at the Act entitled "An mgagdgfmva of_ Act to rovide for the a prgpriatc marking of the graves of the sol- who men in northern diers and sailors of the (Exif erate army and navy who died in north- ’“”°“‘ °°°‘