sixrmrn ooucnnss. sm. 11. cH. zzz. 1909. 665 For rent, light, and fuel for first, second, and third class post—offices, m§°’“· lub °· °°d three million nine hundred and seventy—’rive thousand dollars, of which ` sum not to exceed iift thousand dollars shall be immediately available: Promkled, That there shall not be allowed for the use of any third-classg>ost—office for rent a sum in excess of five hundred dollars, ` nor more t an one hundred dollars for fuel and light in any one year: And provided further, That the Postmaster-General may, in the '*`°“"°‘“'l°°'°°· disbursement of this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the purpose of leasing premises for the use of post—offices of the first, second, and third classes, at a reasonable annual rental, to be paid quarterly, for a term not exceeding ten years. For miscellaneous items necessary and incidental to post—oflices of M“°°“°¤°°°¤· the first and second class, three hundred thousand dollars. For rental or purchase of canceling machines, including cost of c,§,fe§°°l’“F ’“°‘ power in rented uild' , motors, repairs to motors, and misce]la— ` neous exipenses of instldlldtion and operation, three hundred and ten thousan dollars. For compensation to thirteen assistant superintendents, salary and mwt °°°°d°` allowance division, at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum each, and for their per diem allowance when actually traveling on business of the Post—Oilice Department, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster-General not to exceed four dollars (per day, and for other necessary official expenses, forty-four thousan two hundred dollars. For pay of letter carriers at offices already established, including f_§g{_°•{_°c1:{_$,'g!;_ substitutes for carriers absent without (pay, city delivery service, an for the pay of letter carriers in secon —c ass post-offices eligible for promotion to ,the fifth grade, one hundred_ and fifty-Eve thousand dollars. In all, twenty-nine million six hundred and twenty-three "thousand five hundred dollars. ' For pay of substitutes for letter carriers absent with pay, and of S“*"’“‘“‘°* auxiliar and temporary letter carriers at offices already established, one million three hundred thousand dollars. For ay of letter carriers, substitute and auxiliary letter carriers at NW °“*°°"- new offices entitled to cit delivery service, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, of which sum twenty thousand dollars shall be immediately available. For horse—hire allowance and the rental of vehicles, eight hundred “°”° ""°·°‘°· and fifty-five thousand dollars. C [ d H _ For car fare and bicycle allowance, four hundred and twenty-five mir °"° `"` `°’ ` thousand dollars. For street-car collection service, ten thousand dollars. uf,f,f°°"°°' °°“°"* For compensation to twenty-two mechanics, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each, nineteen thousand eight hundred dollars. _ For marine postal service, Detroit, Michigan, six thousand five ,_,{;,’f‘“"‘·"‘“'*“°‘°"` hundred dollars. For incidental expenses of the city delivery service, including freight ‘"°*“°“"““‘ and drayage on equipment, furniture, and supplies, and erecting, painting, and repairing letter and package boxes and posts, repairing clocks and other equipment, and for maps, forty-five thousand ollars. Q lm H For car fare for special-delivery messengers in emergency cases, 6K$°?m.° vm" twelve thousand dollars.Y For fees to special-delivery messengers, one million three hundred F°°S· thousand dollars. . For travel and miscellaneous ex enses in the postal service, office T"“"°’·°‘“· of the First Assistant Postmaster-general, one thousand dollars. ormcn or rms sncoxn Assrsrayr rosrmasrnncsxnnn. p£j,$,,Z,§’,{‘.,"}.5’,§$,§$,E’}Y‘” For inland transportation by star routes, including temporary §§,“£,,",‘f§‘.f‘°“‘ service to newly established offices, seven million sixty thousand _ _ dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be’°""°"‘