Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/726

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srxrrrrrn CONGRESS. sm. II. cH. 250. 1909. 709 _ For one eight—ro0m building and site in or near Cleveland Park, ergihty thousand dollars. _ or the erection of a four-room addition to the Benning School budding, thirty-two thousand dollars. For of ground, approximately, thirty-five thousand square t, adjacent to Chevy C asc School, and the erection thereon o a four-room addition thereto, fort -five thousand dollars. d Igor purchase of lots adjacent to·Phelps School, twelve thousand o ars. . For erection of a four-room addition to Lovejoy School building, thirty-two thousand dollars. For addition to Western High School building, nine class rooms, seventy-two thousand dollars. . For purchase of ground, approximately forty-five thousand square feet, for the erection of an eight-room building between Thirteenth and Sixteenth streets and north of Spring road northwest, fifteen thousand dollars. d {or purchase of ground adjacent to the Seaton School, six thousand o ars. For purchase of ground for school in ninth division, approximately thirty thousand square feet, qghteen thousand dollars. For purchase o site for b ding north of Q street and west of Sevent street northwest, fifty thousand dollars. For purchase of additional ground adjacent to the Gatheld School approximately eighty-nve thousand square feet, three thousand o ars. . That the qppmpmtion of twenty-six thousand dollars made in the District o lumbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, for one four-room building and site Brookland · (colored), seventh division, is hereby made available for the purchase of site and construction of a two-room school building at such ` point in or near Brookland as may be selected by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. For thelpurchase of additional ground for further extension of TQ,‘,‘;,*§,§”l§,§h°},{f”“°l McKinley anual Training School, one hundred thousand dollars. Additinus For construction of a further extension of McKinley Manual Training School, ninety-five thousand dollars. For urchase of lots adjacent to Petworth School, approximately eigpt thousand seven hun red and fifteen square feet, four thousand dollars. For additional amount for "Repairs and improvements to school d}]`**°P*°°*•°•**"*>'¤· buildings and grounds" for the purpose of replacing wooden stair- " ways in brick buildings with those o fireproof construction, removal of old and unsuitable fire ladders and fire escapes, improving exits, and for such miscellaneous alterations and repair work as may be necessary to secure protection against fire in existing school buil ings owned by the District of Columbia, sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available. That the total cost of the sites and of the several and respective €<>¤¤<>f¤i¢¤¤·¤*¤- buildings herein provided for, when completed uplon plans and s ecifications to be previously made and a proved, s all not exceed the several and respective sums of money herein respectively` appropriated or authorized for such purposes. That the plans and specifications for all buildings provided_for gggjgdcumdlp in this Act shall be prepared under the supervision of the municipal pmm. architect of the District of Columbia and shall be alpproved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and shal e constructed in conformity thereto. School buildings authorized and appropriated for herein shall be W_f’,$§” ‘° °*’°" °“" constructed with all doors intended to be used as exits or entrances opening outward and each of said buildings having in excess of