Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/750

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. sm. II. 01;.252. 1909. 733 dollars per month additional to regular compensation, to chief clerk of division for superintendence o the War College building, ten thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the milita information division, Contingent expenses. General Staff orps, including the purchase SY law books, professional books of reference, professional and technical periodicals and newspapers, and of the military attaches at the United States embassies and legations abroad; and of the branch office of the military informa- rr tion section at Manila, to be ex ended under the direction of the Secretary of War, ten thousand dollars: Pmmded, That section _ . , thirtyxix hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not appl nisdgcigisfiiiigj to_su criptions for fore` an professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for fromlgils appropriation. Uxrrnn Srarns smrvrom sonoorsz To provide means for the Service ¤eh<><>1¤- theoretical and practical instruction at the Staff College (including the Army Schoo of the line and the Army Signal School) at Fort Kforr Leavenworth. Leavenworth Kansas, and the mounted service school at Fort Rile , riiir miey, xml Kansas, by the purchase of text-books, books of reference, scientidc and professions papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, to be allotted in such proportions as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the best interests of the military service, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That Hvvirvr. from the enlisted force of the army nowlprovided b law the President m1iL°°1 °°*'°"` may authorize the organization of sc ool detacliments at each of the service schools, and may authorize the appointment therein of such noncommissioned officers, mechanics, artigcers, farriers, horseshoers, and cooks as may be necessary for the administration of such school: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as to rm-me of enlisted authorize an increase in the total number of enlisted men of the ’”°“ "'°“"’“°°‘ army now authorized by law. THE ADJUTANT-GENEBALIS DEPARTMENT- Ds*}‘l£L‘£§{,Ge"°'“l`“ CONTINGENCIES, nmnquanrnns or mrrrranr nnrrurrrnmrsz For _§‘{,’_;§},‘_§,*;{,*},g}s¥j°¤*” contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military divisions and epartments, including the staff corps serving thereat being for the purchase of the necessary articles o .ofIice, toilet, and desk fumiture, binding, maps, technical books of reference, professional and technical newspapers and ppriodicnls, and police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of ar, and to be expended in the discretion of the several military division and department commanders, seven thousand five hundred dollars. ` rmnnrz THE onrnr or Arrrrnnnnr. m}Q;gf’ *7***** °* *'· Corsa- ABTILLERY souoor., FORT Mormon, Vmormaz For incidental genie F nrtgiliery expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, hardware; °`}nY;Ya;_,¤t‘ff°°xp°LY,,r'£Q extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily em loyed for periods not less than ten da s as artiiicers on work in addition to an not strictly in line with their milita duties, such as ca enters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, ldhographers, photogfaphers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrig ts, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; office furniture and fixtiues, machinery, and unforeseen ex enses, ten thousand dollars. _ For purchase ofp engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring €;r>e¤i¤1 ‘¤r>r¤~¤·¤¤¤. instruments, special apparatus and materials for the division o ' the enlisted specialists, seven thousand dollars. _ For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experimental purposes for the department of artillery, three thousand dollars. · 80893-vor. 35, Pr 1—09;l8