Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/776

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 255. 1909. 759 expended for the purchase of shells or ro`ectiles exec t for shells or projectrles purchased rn accordance the terms and conditions of proposals submitted by the Secretary of the Navy to all of the manuacturers of shells an projectiles and upon bids received in accordance with the terms and requirements of such roposals: Provided, That no part of this apipropriation shall be expended for powder other Mm,,,,,,,, me than small—a.rms pow er at a Iprice in excess of sixty-four cents a P ` pound. All shells and projecti es shall conform to the standard prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That no art of any ,,,§°“’{fj},$,j?(§§Qg "“°“ appropriation made in this Act for the purchase of powdhr shall be W ` paid to any trust or combination in restraint of trade nor to an corporatronhavrng a mongpoly of the manufacture and supply ol? gunpowder m the United tates, except in the event of extraordinary emergency. Purchaseand manufacture of smokeless powder, six hundred and Smom P°Wd°*- fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation PL{,§,’,‘§$°· sh be expended for powder other than small-arms powder at a ° price in excess of sixty- our cents a und. Machine tools, navy-yard, Philadldl) hia, Pennsylvania, nineteen Machine wols. thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. Machine tools, nav1y—vard, Boston, Massachusetts, nineteen thousand three hundred ollars. Electric traveling crane for gun shed, navy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington, six thousand dollars. Air compressor with storagp tank and ipe line, naval magazine, Mare Island, California, six thousand dolllzirs. ~ FOR NAVAL GUN FACTORY, WAsmNGr0N, Drsrmcr OF COLUMBIA: Nrmreun mm. New and improved machinery for existing shops, one hundred and °‘°‘ iift thousand dollars. demodeling one hundred and ten ton crane in north grm shop, thirty thousand dollars. New eighty-ton crane over shrinkage pit, north gun shop, twenty- five thousand dollars. Naw mxrrmmas ron snrrs or run Navrz For completing the work New b¤=¤¢ri¤¤- of modifying four—inch forty—ca1iber mounts, and five-inch forty—caliber mounts, and providing new sights for same, seventy-five thousand dollars. For replacing eight-inch Mark V guns with eight-inch Mark VI guns on United States ship "Maryland" and class, two hundred and fifty- two thousand dollars. . For continuing the relining and conversion of twelve-inch Mark III guns to Mark I guns, one hundr·ed and fifty thousand dollars. For new sights for five-inch, six-inch, and seven—inch guns and modifying their mounts, two hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. For fire-control instruments for ships of the navy, one hundred and m};*]{g·°°¤*¤** *¤‘***¤· fifty thousand dollars. ` Ammunition for ships. For procuring, producing, preserving, and ·**¤m“¤***°¤- handlin ammunition for issue to ships, three million dollars: Pro- @e*;•;bupp,v‘,H,_ vided, 'Ehat the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to utilize rm.' all ammunition and other supplies already on hand under the appropriations "Increase of the navy; Armor and armament," "Reserve ammunition," and "Reserve Powder and Shell," for general issue to ships in commission, as though purchased from this appropriation: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the tguicelxégtgt Shells purchase of shells or projectiles except for shells or Projectiles pur- ° " ' chased in accordance with the terms and conditions o proposals submitted by the Secretary of the N avy to all of the manufacturers of shells and projectiles and upon bids received in accordance with the _ _ terms and requirements of such proposals: Provided, That no part of P“°° '°“"“°d· this appropriation shall be expended for powder other than small-