Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/8

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x X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. _ Page. Patents, deceased or insane inventors. An act to amend section forty-eight hundred and ninety-six of the Revised Statutes. Ma 23, 1908 . T . 1 ...-- t 245 Patents, issue, tlc. An actto amend, section forty-eight hundred and eighty-hve of the Revised Statutes. May 23, 1908 . _ . r _ .. . . ._ ... 246 Didrid of Gzlumbia, Union Station tracks, dc. An act authorizing certain 8Xf£IlS10IlS·f»0 be made of the lines of the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company; the Washington Railwayand Electric Company, the City and Suburban Railway of as mgton, and the Capital Traction Com y, in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. May 23, 1908 246 Chelsea, Mass., jira Exe. An act to reimburse certain Departments of the Govemment for expenses incurred incident to the recent fire in Chelsea, Massachusetts, and for other pur- _ www M2,,.\”.u..’*”°.£1‘»epa ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ e ‘‘‘‘ 2‘"s»;"15;‘;e ‘‘‘‘ e *1 2°‘ Aiamrtmmt. ac maappropria ions or e pa men o Agriculture for the iiseal year ending June thirtiegi, niheteen hundred and nine May 23, 251 1908 . ..-.·-- - -----·---··--·---·----·---- - ·--- National Forest, Human An act amending the act of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred andhty-nine, and acts amendntory thereof, and for other purposes. May 23, 1908 268 Dam, An act extending the time for the construction of a dum across Rainy River. 273 Mn, 23 1908 - ..---...------.. App·rop#rialobn.;, District of Columbia.An act making approplriations to provide for the ezrpenses of the government of the District of Columbia or the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. May 26, 1908 . . 274 Five Oivilized Tribes. An act for the removal of restrictions from part of the lands of allottees of the Five Civilized Tribes, and for other purposes. May 27, 1908 312 A , sundry civil apcnm. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen hun red and nine, and for other purposes. May 27, 1908 , 317 Army, Pano Rico Infantry, An act tixing the status of the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry. May 27, 1908 . 1 392 Appropniaziona, f/ortificntiom. An act making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, or the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes. May 27, 1908 ... - ... ; .. 392 Dim-ict of Columbia, navy-yard siding. An act to authorize the construction of a railroad siding to the United States navy-yard, and for other purposes. May 27, 1908 .. . 397

 An act tofurtheramend theactentitled "An act to promote the efficienc of the militia,

and for other purposes/’ approved January twenty-tirst, nineteen hundred and three. Ma 27, 1908 . L .. - 399 Customs, gourd of General A;qn·a·icer.v. An act to urnendanactentitled "An actto sim lify the laws in relation to the collection ot the revenues," approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, as amended by the act entitled "An act to provide revenues for the Government and to encourage the industries of the United States/’ approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. May 27, 1908 .,.,_.,.,,.,,,.,.,,.,,,______,,___ 403 Awrqwimong, postal sen-ice. An act makin}; appropriations for the service of the Post-Onice Dc— partment for the fiscal year ending une tbnrtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. May 27, 1908 ... . . -106 Appropriations, pensions. n act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the hscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. May 28, 1908 418 District of Oilumhia, child labor. An act to regulate the employment of child labor in the District of Columbia. May 28 1908 ...,,,,._____ _ _____________ 420 Sam: Raphiiglwe Cemetery}, Iluhuque, Iowa. An act ranting title to a parcel of land in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, heretofore known as Saint Etaphuets Cemetery, to the archbishop of Du- . buque and his successors in office, and confirming and establishing title thereto accordingly. May 28, 1908 .,. . ..._. 423 Alaska coal lands. An act to encourage the development of coal deposits in the Territory of Aluskn. May 28, 1908 ..,__,,,_,,.,_,.,,..,..,.,_,_..,___,..__ 424 ,\?n-igation, New lor}: Ihr/mr, eh-. An act to amend the laws relating to navigation, and for other purposes. May 28, 1908 ._,,.,,..,.__,,_,.____,_.,.,,_,.,..,_ _ 424 Ifarbor, etc., improrvmmtn. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to remove certain obstructions to navigation from the main ship channel, Key West Harbor, Florida, and for other purposes, May 2H_ 1908 _,_________,.,__________________,, _ ______________, _ ___,_______ 429 ,1ppropriatiom¢, Jlilihnji; Jcmkmy. An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. May 28, 1908 ,_,_,... _ ,,,,,.,_______,,,,.,,__ _ _______,_,____________ 430 Obsolete oz·:Io·m¢·e, donoiirma. An act granting condemned ordnance to certain institutions. May 28, 190:5 ...,,.,,,,,,..________ , ___________ _ ________________ _ _ _ [mum (umu, nc. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue patents in fcc to H2 purchasers of Indian lands under any law now existing or hereafter enacted, and for other purposes. May 29, 1908 ,______ , __,.,,______,_,_,_____ , ,,__,___,,,___,__,,_____ _ _____ 444 hyiokane Iurllun Resea-ration, Hhnh., opening. An act to authorize the Secretary of the interior to sell and dispose of the surplus unallotted agricultural lands of the Spokane Indian Resorvatirm, Xwgsliingtrm, and for other purposes, May 29, 1908 _,______________________., 458 (Bheyeying Rim-, eh-., rrse·rz·nfiorzs, S. und X Dal'., mrle of lam/R. An act to authorize the sale i disposition of a portion of the surplus and unallotted lands in the Chevennc River and Standing Rock Indian reservations in the States of South Dakota and North Dakota and making appropriation and provision to carry the same into effect. May 29, 1908 I 460