Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1229

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INDEX. 2253 _,§fvly War C9llege—Continued. Pm- l Arterbum, Nmben, Page.

 aguopriatnon for mamtenance . 122, 747 i pension increased ________________________ 1505

0 cers’ quarters not to be built from ap- · Arthur Kill, N. Y. and N. J., propnauon for barracks and quar— ¤ appropriationfor improvement of, from Kill . WH --·----·--·- . . ‘ H9, 744 l von Kull to Raritan. Bay 997 Amdf, _Hug<>, .·1»-amt-mz Limbs, Amy, · P011B10B mW68E0d . . .. 1282 appropriation for furnishing ... 367, 1006 ATFWU, Aqffm, Artzlzry Board, Army, P€¤¤10¤ increased . . .. 1507 g ap priation for computer .. 114, 739 Arnold, Albert F., ¤ Adam, Chiefoj Coast, PGM10D 111C1’€8S<-Bd .. . ... . . 1548 I appropriation for coast artillery school. . 106, 733

 Chyrrlcs S., { Artolliery, Mobile,

pension increased 1458 I nppmpriation for altering, etc ... 395, 729 Arnold, Gegfgc, _ Armans on Public Works, PGD3i0B lD<'l’<-28B8d 1464 allowance to, if injured while employed; Arnold, Henfy B., _ I conditions __,________ _ ___,_________, 556 pension increased . . .. 1426 · Artmtm, Andrew, _ Arnold, Isaac A., ‘ pension increased 1481 pension increased - ... 1525 Arundel Cave, Md., ‘ Arnold, Jaynes, appropriation for depot for Revenue-Cutter pension increased ... . 1570 Service ..,,,,,,,,__,,,...__ 322, 963 Arnold, Jamu L., Arwine, David L., pension increased . -. . . 1578 pension increased .,,,.,_,__,,,_...,__,,.. 1347 Arnold, John H., Asbury Park, N. J., pension increased 1270 acquiring site and erecting public building Arnold, Jolm W., at, authorized ...,. 530 ` _ pension increased 1575 deficiency appropriation for . 486 Qrtnold, Jcpeph M., [ appropriation for .. - 946 ...i DS10h increased 1340 Aschemoor, George,

ld, Rosetta E. (widow), ion increased ..,.,... 1213
 DS10D increased  1554 Argh, Eduard,

Affwld, Rigsull, pension increased.; . . 1520 pension increased 1254 Ash, Joseph S., Arnold, Samuel, 'on increased .. 1466 pension increased l. . . 1351 AEI0h0I:: M. L., Arrungmwnts, etc., lease b Seneca Nation to, ratified . . . . 445 copyright provisions for, of published Ashens, larancia, works .. 1077 pension increased ... . ..,. 1202 Arrears of Pay, Asheville, N. C., aptpropriation for volunteers ... 373, 1012 deiiciency appropriation for public buildor, war with Spain . 373, 1012 ing, rent .. 492 deficiency appropriation for volunteers. . 16, 920 Ashland, Ky., Arsenal.: and Armories, acquiring site for public building at, auappro riation for manufacture of arms at . 124, 750 I thorized ... 533 or lgrankford, Pa 353, 992 l deficiency appropriation for . 488 for Rock island, 111 .. .. . . 353, 992 A Ashland, Wis., for Sand Hook, N. J., proving preliminary examination of harbor to be grounrl .. 354. 993 made .. . .. 834 for Dover, N. J., powder depot . 354 , Ashley (`nunty, Ark., for Picatinnv, Dover, N. J . 993 i may bridge Bayou Bartholomew, ut Mon for Springfield, Mass . 354, 993 I rel! 33 for \\ atertown, Mass .. 354, 993 Parlulalc ... . . . . 54 testing machines transferred to I lcpart- Portland ... 54 ment. of Commerce and Labor. . 354 Wilmot .. , . 54 for testing machines 993 Ashley, Silas L., for Watervliet, N. Y . 354, 993 pension increased .. . .,... 1365 for Manila, P. I . 354, 993 Ashmore, John, for repairs and improvements . 354, 993 pension increased ... . ..,. 1425 deficiency appropriation for Rock Island, Ashtabula. Ohm, Ill _,,__,_,___,_____,._,_,___,_,,_,, 15 construction authorized of public building allowance to persons injured while em- at .. ; ..r.. 527 ployed as artisan or laborer at; con- deficiencyappropriation for . 484 ditions .. . ..,,.. 556 appropriatlop for ... 946 punishment for arson, etc., of . 1144 exc anve of llghvhollre property ut, auenticing workmen from . 1097 tlmrized  : . . .: .. 685 unlawful entry upon ... 1097 F preliminary examination of harbor. to be Arson, · made. ..., 830 matter inciting, excluded from the mails. . 416 Ashton, James W.. punishment for, of dwelling house 1144 pension increased .,. . 1492 other government buildings, property, Ashton, Thomas, etc ,,__,.._.,,,,.. 1144 pension increased .. . . 13?0 Art, etc., Works of, Aalcecr, Samuel H., provisions for copyrighting, rmt for Bale 1078 pension inCre8S€d . . . . 1517 Arterburn, John, Askey. Samuel T., pension increased ,.. . 1465 I pension increased 1328