Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1325

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INDEX. 2359 Hall, Taylor (son), P¤8¢· I Hammongl, Edwin P.,1*880- P€D¤|0D ---- ·--- ~-.~ -· 1568 [ raappomted on Board of Managers, V01- HGZZ, M., uuteer Soldiers' Home ____., 576 deficncucy apprepnatron for rmmbursc- Hammond, Henry,

    Ig%€¤t ..---.. . . 921 l  pension increased ,__,_,_.,______.,.,_ 133],
  • 1 ¢ , ammond, Ind.,
[3€;}lB% )}; }DCI83B€d -- -· . -.-... 1510 l bridge éluthorized across (Grand (`alumet

0 , 1 'ljdm, wer at .,._._,,,,_... 32

l;*;D$§;r)}; lHCTfE 3·B9d -.- .  1245 l Hammqnd, Jennie (zz-idpw),

ll 1 wm . 4 pensmn _________,,______________.,.,_ 1371 P€llSi0l1 increaécd ... . . . . . 1376 1 Hammond, Mary J. (widen-), Hall, Willlgm H_, · pension ____ i ________________ _ ____________ 1225 penmop increascd . . .. 1388 { Hammqndn Melton S., Hcgéhggléton C., pens1o1;11éuresse(l .__,.,_., _ ., 1171

. . ammon , enyumm

Hallam, Samuel P pensi0u igcreasedl _,.,._._..,_... . ., 1318 penmon increase ... . 1252 ampton, a., Hallenlwclcz George, . apgnropriution for Indian school ... . . . 95, 812

];$nmo :i inc{eu9d ... .  1582 or  ;xpenses, Volunteer Soldiers?

a ett, ija , ome ... 370, 1009 pension increased . . ... . .. 1281 foxjpowcr house and equipment _ 370 Ham, Jacob, deficneugty appropriation for Volunteer S01-

pcnsb;n increased ... .  1261   dl(;;`B’ goye ... .  940

am illet L., ampton, Qs ., pension increased ... . 1280 pension invreased ... , 1476 Hamalcer, John H., Hcmapepg Bay, Kauqi, 1{awaii, return from President requested of bill for rehmmary exammatum of, to be made. . . 825 P relief of . . .. . ... 1635 Hzmwqk, Johanna (widow), Humbridgc, Richard S., pe11810¤LX . . 1579 pension increased 1349 a·rw0ck n, Hambwg, panm<;u ... . 1252, 1373 classi cation and salary of consulate- Hanccqk, Siuphen T., general ,,,.. . .. 101 pension increased 1386 Hamilmn, Bermuda, Humdly, Tfwmus, classification and salary of consulate .. 102 pensxon mcmased . ... L . - . 1371 Hamilton, George D., Ha·ndy, De Watt C., appropriation for. . . ._,_,, 82 peusxon 1D011B3S8d . . . . . . . _ 1297 Hamilton, Isaac D., · Handya Thpmas B.,

pe;l;;;;n,j ______.. . .. 1599 j  peus1cg;;1;r¢;;x:·¤ed ... .  . 1279

am: n, ames, ? ¢m¢W»_ _" -» pension increased . ... 1567 } PPDSIOH 1!1f‘l‘¢*3S<‘d . . .. 1413 Hamilton, James W., 4 11aney, J<ugzes I1., pension increased ,..______... 1416 - pension increased 1566 H `lm , J I; . angmg, tgggsiocy inzrgésgd __,_,_____ _ _____________ 1515 death penalty te) be inflicted by .,, 115], Hamilton, Mrmoriul to Alexander, body yf vrguxuml may bu <lclivvre>d for commission emma2d to solevt sito, mv., fur. 1173 d\#·*‘¢‘U¤¤¤\ .-.-.. 1152 m 't' ... . ll" an vw, apigogrlglilgllfor plum. pcdosml. ctw .. 1ll’0 ¢·lm·1siti¢-ntfnn und salary of ¢-mumlsm-—g•·n- Ha 'lt , Oh? vm . .. 1 azlgrggriatisyzl for public building .. 95l ? Ilankiags. Lydia -1. (widmr), Hamilton, Omqriq, [ }¤PIlfi0Kl.· . ... . .,. 1492 vlassiG<·ation and salary of consulate .. 10l , Ilcmkngs, ll vlsnu 1).. Hamiltpn, Robyn: A., pension in<*r;¢-aseei ... . 1274 pguglgu i¤(·yca8gd___:__ _______________ _ _ _ 1;,9,) i }[qn[-_gyp(·fprY (,h("·[¢·g_ Hamillvn, Sarah A. (wvdvw), I paymwt *0 ----..-.-·-..-.-.-.-.· 1624 pension increased .., _ _______, 1486 · Harm, J0h]1. Hamilqgn, fglephml pe-ns1ol; :3;· :ita1s}ed . . .. 1575 pension mcregsed ...__ _ ______ 1489 Gm! i éh ”¤m'¢» G·¤¤—·=· - · 1,5,52; m,,;. T ······· · ···‘····a····‘·· P€¤§\<>¤ Increased --------·-·.-.. - 1079 pension inc ‘> 1 1315 Bramhm Chml“’ Hamm Mary (widozl 1 ._--' _ _ I _ pension increased .. . . 1175 mica · 1580 H“"°”"· K?/-· Hgfmh 1E2J;} ``````````````-````````_```` bridge authorized aqrosg Tcnngssee River Pemign incréased _______ ________________ 1501 . b°tw°°n Buming am sn ‘····· · · · ·Hannan, John J., mrmml act repealed' '‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ · ········ 58 spp;-gpriatiun fur services ,_...,.,.,.,_. 381 Hamm; G¢9'9¢ D-,Hannard, James G., p¢¤¤1¤¤ lucrwed --------·------.·... 1497 pension increased _,.____ _ __...__________. 1462 Hdmmtfsky [nhl, P·r;ge¢ Sound, Wd3h., Hannunz, Robert, preliminary exammation of, to be made,. 834 pension increased ________________________ 1217 H mtmd Ed· d0.. =Hanm.¤er,

•?ed ...,,__ _ ,_,. 1592 { classification and salary of vonsulatc ._ 101