Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1481

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INDEX. 2.015 Public pyildzngs Omnibus_ ActjContinued. Pmé- { Public Buildings Omnibus Act—Continued. P¤z¤- acqmring site for public bu1lding author- a acquiring site for public building authormen at Mob e, ala .. . . 532 ized at Sistersville, W. Va . 536 <l8HCl611Cy appt0pt13h10D fo1‘ ... 487 { deficiency gp mprigtign for ___________ 489 Monroe, N, C ..._ ._ _: ,...,______ 535 ] South Chicago, Iill ... . .,___ 533 d0HC1€!1CKinppr0prmtion for ... 488 [ deficiency appropriation for _,,____,.__ 487 M00l’l10pd, mn ... . . . . 534 i open space reduced ..,,. . ..,..,.,_,.. · 1069 deficiency appropriation for ... 488 ! Springfield, Term ,,____________________ 536 Momslpwil, N. ... 535 l delicicuc appropriation for .,. 489 deficiency appropriation for ... 488 I Sterling, Illt __________________________ 533 Momstpwn, Tenn. . -_ .. 536 I deficxenc appropriation for .,..,,,..., 487 dciicncncy appqrorirrmtiou for ... 489 Steubenvilie, Oliio ...,,..,.,,_ 535 Mount YQTDOB, . ... 535 deficienc appropriation for ... 489 deficiency appropriation for .., 488 Sunbury, I}; ____,___________ _ __________ 536 Nac¢§¢l0Cl1es, cx ... . .. 536 deiicienc appropriation for ... 489 de ciency appropriation for ... 489 - Syracuse, Y .,._,,__,_,_________ _ _ _ 535 N augntuck, Conn . . 533 deficiency appropriation for . . ... 488 deficieueiy appropriation for ... 487 Titlin, Ohio ...,__.__..__.__ 535 Navssota, cx . . ... 536 deficiency appropriation for .. 489 deficiency appropriation for ... 489 Tiiton, Ga, ,__._...__... 533 New Bedford, ass 534 deficienc appropriation for ... 487 deficiency appropriation for ... 488 Titusville, lh .,.,... - ._...,,.._ 536 New Braunfels, Tex ... 536 deficiency appropriation for ... 489 deiicienc(wélappropria.tion for ... 489 Trenton, Mo ., 534 Net York `ty, Bronx post-oflice ... 535 deficiency appropriation for ... 488 deficiency appropriation for ... 488, Okla. - ...,,.. . ,.. 535 Old Town, Me. ... . ... _. 534 deficienc appropriation for ,.. 488 dcficiencyhlzppropriation for ... .488 Van Wert, 61110 ..,,... 535 Olgmpia, W 536 deficiencpdappropriation for .. 489 cficiengly gppropriation for ... 489 Vicksburg, iss ...,._,_,,._,____,,,,,_ 534 Oneonta, . 535 deficiency appropriation for .. 488 deiicienciy appropriation for ... 488 Washington,' D. C., post-office .. 533 Opelika, A a ... 532 deficiency appropriation for .. 487 ~ deficiency appropriation for ... 487 Wprepmtion o plans, etc., from balance 1069 01:xe,N.J 1-.,..} 5358 a1tegl90,N.Y .. _ .. f 53 5 cncncy appropriation or ... e c1enc appropriation or .. 488 Ottawa, Kam . 533 Waukoslm,)l7Vis 537 deficiency appropriation for ... 488 deficiency a propriation for .. 489 Oxford, N. C ... 535 Weatherford, 'lzex .. 536 deficiency a propriation for ... 488 deficiencg appropriation for .. 489 Parkersburg, Va 536 Wooster, O io . 535 deiicien appropriation for ... 489 deficiency appropriation for ... 489 Pasadenafgal .. . .. 532 Wytheville, Va . · .. 536 deficiency a propriation for ., ; 487 deficiency appropriation for .. 489 Petoskey, Micg . , ... E'4 Xenia, Ohio ... 535 deficienc a propriation for ... 488 deficiency appropriation for .. 489 Pocatello, {lego ... - 533 appropriations for sites, construction, etv., deiicienc a. propriation for ... 487 available only for purposes spcofficd. 537 Po lar BME, lie .. . 534 estimates for administrative expenses to be eljeticiency appropriation for ... 488 made separately . . .. 537 Pulaski, Tenn ,. . . . 536 appropriations for administrative work im— deficiency appropriation for ... 489 mcdmtely available ... . 537 R; id City, S, Bak . . .. 536 employees subject to civil-service lawn, eieficiency appropriation for. .. 489 etc ... • ... 537 Red Oak, Iowa . . .. 533 annual statement of, to be made . - 537 deficienc appropriation for ... 487 employment, etc., under appropriations Ridgcway,{’h .,,... 536 prior to July 1, 1907, continued . . . . _53T deiicienc appropriation for ... 489 subsequent, to conform to this act .. 537 Rochelle, xii . .. 533 I Danville, Ill., building to be disposed of deficiency appropriation for ... 487 I and new one built; cost, etc . .. 538 Rochester, N. Il) 534 I exchange of site and purchase of addideficiency appropriation for . .. 488 . tional land authorized . 538 Rolla, Mo ., . ... 534 I construction of building; cost . 538 deficiency appro riation for ... 488 deficiency appropriation for .. 490 Saint Petersburg, Fla ... . .. 533 Ottumwa, Iowa, uil ing to be taken down deiciency appropriation for ... 487 , and new one built; cost . ..,... 538 Salamanca, N. Y ... . ... 535 { deticiency appropriation for 490 deficien appropriation for ... 488 Florence, Ala., sale of strip of land to Order Savanuabza., marine hospital . 533 I of Elks ... 538 deficiency appropriation for ... 487 I Peekskill, X. Y., purchase of building au- Segrey, Ark .,,,.,... . . . 532 , thorized; cost; alterations. etc . 539 deficiency a propriation for ... 487 deficiency appropriation for . 490 Shelbyville, 'fgnn .. . ..,... 536 { Little Rock. Ark., enlargement of present deficiency appropriation for ... 489 1 building from amount for new one. . 539 80893-vcr. 35, PT 2—09——102 ·