Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1494

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2528 INDEX. Revised Statutes-—Continued. P=¤8¤- [ Rhoades, Louisa (daughter), Pagerepealed by Criminal Code, sections 1787- ‘ mision .. 1393 1789 .. 1153 1 R Island, section 2373 1153 appropriation for naval training station. . 131, 757 section 2412 1153 1 condemned cannon granted to, for capitol section 3583 . ... 1153 grounds, Providence 1072 section 3708 . . .. 1153 I Rhode Is and Avenue NE., D. C., section 3733 ... . 1153 R deiigienclzyg appropriation for extending- . 495, 914 section 37 . ... 1153 ice, har , section 3742 1153 R penzipn irécreased . ... 1372 section 3832 . . .. 1153 ice war P. section 3851 1153 péusicn .. I ... 1377 section 3869. . .. 1153 Rwe, Frederick, section 3887 . - .. 1153 R pension increazsed ... . 1318 sections 3890-3894 ... Z . . 1153 we, Harriet E. widow), section 3899 1153 pension increased . . .. 1604 sections 3922-3925 _ .. 1153 Rice, Henry A., section 3947 1153 R pengon increased 1186 section 3954 . . .. 1153 ice, iram, section 3977 . . .. 1153 R pension increased 1612 section 3979 - .. '. 1153 we, Minn. _ sections 3981-3986 ... . .. 1153 bridge] aciozsed Mississippi River built by, section 3988 · 1153 egali ... . . .. 36 section 3992 . . .. 1153 Rice, Spencer, section 3995 . . . . . : .. 1153 R penzion increased 1318 section 3996 . . .. 1153 ice, s, section 4013 1153 R pensioz increased 1275 section 4016 1153 we, Wi ohm, _ section 4030 . ... 1153 pension increased 1302 section 4053 . - .. 1153 Richard, Samuel, — section 5183 . . .. 1153 R pension Jizzrkeasedj . . 1239 section 518 . . .. 1153 ,, sections 5281-5291 .. 1153 pension ... . .. 1410 sections 5323-5395 .. 1153 Richards, Charles, sections 5398-5410 .. 1153 pension increased ... . 1615 sections 5413-5484 .. 1153 Richards, Charles F., sections 5487-5510 .. 1153 pension increased 1462 section 5516 - ... 1154 Richards, Edward H., section 5518 1154 E nsion increased 1543 section 5519 . - .. 1154 l Rgehards, Elkanah A., sections 5524-5535 .. 1154 I pension increased 1207 sections 5551-5567 ... : .. 1154 i Richards, Ithamar, Remlnmz of the Laws, pension increased ... - 1464 joint special committee created toconsider- 1169 J Richards, John W., eynpensee, etc ... 1170 pension increased 1521 Rercfo , Horace A.,Q Rtchards,CL1k·utenant-Colonel George, Marine pension increased . .- .. 1255 | orps Rarroag, Steward, E deficiency appropriation for credit in sc- 504 pension increased ... . 1308 § counts ... . Rayburn, Asa G., ‘ Richardson, Adeline J. (widow), peusgn i ., . ..,.. 1457 , Rpension 11greased#;.( 1319 Reyno ,A 'n, Qichardson sarge .son, penzongicreased ... . ..., 1578 I Rzp£ans(ipn.’.:i . .. - 1186 R¢yn0 , , . r on ames ., R pensign iwncreased . ... 1235 R pension inporleasgdi . .. 1337 eyno , rarww, * ichardsan n ., penslign increaspld ., . .,... 1294 i R pension inplreasedni . 1614 Reyna , ames ., ichardsem, i iam ., Repenslign ...,._, , .,..__,_,.., 1290 l R1p:n•;s'i;'>nI/increased 1453 yna , oh . 4 , t., pensgn ,,___,_ _ ____________,__, 1327 ; acquiring sitphandgiecting public building 532 Reyna , uiq , wuw , · . at,au on . pension increased ..,_, ,._,__,,_,,.,,.,. 1537 deficiency appropriation for . 487 Reynodv, Oscar, § appropriation for - .. 956 pension increased- .,,.,.. . ... 1514 ; Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Reynolds, Rdchmd, ; reimbursement of . 1618 pension increased ... - 1275 g Richmond, Ky., Reynolds, Hmm H., g enlargement of public building at, author- Rpension . ... . . 1616 ’ ized .. . 524 'ms, deficiency appropriation for .. - . . 482 Rlitissincatigpx and miary of consulate .. 101 terms of clourt at ... . . . 182 1 , A am, , a. nsion increased .,.. 1542 appropriation for public building, rent- . 318, 956 Radon_, Jacob, pu lic building, payment for towel service pension increased ... . 1508 authorized . . ... 491