Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/277

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I432 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 50, 57, 59. 1909. ,fQ,¤*X“é°,w¤_ The name of Bert A. Colson, late of United States Marine Corps, ` and pay him a ipension at the rate of twelve dollars per month.

 The_name 0 Philip A. Work, late of Captain Walker’s company,

° ‘ °t ’ Texas Volunteers, Texas and New Mexico ndian wars, and gy him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t t be is now receiving. E¤•=M- Miller- The name of Elias M. Miller, late of Captain John Settle’s company, first Regiment Oregon Mounted Volunteers, Oregon and Washington Territory Indian wars, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. §‘f,@“jj m,,,,,, The name of Rhoda A. Rogers widow of John C. Rogers, late of United States Marine Corps, and, pay her a pension at the rate of ‘ _ twelve dollars E month. Bvbm Mcceu- The name of bert McCall, late of Company K Eleventh Regiment United States Infantry, war with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of ten dollars per month. Approved, January 28, 1909. ° February 1,1909. CHAP. 57 .—An Act To provide for the payment of certain volunteers who ren- [H· R- 1**-] dered service to the Territory of Oregon in the Cayuse Indian war of eighteen hun- [pnvme, N0_ gs] dred and forty-seven and eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativea of the United 0g';§"“° I“‘“"“ W"- States of America in Oongreas assembled, That the Secretary of the` égyjaenr of v¢>1¤¤- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to adjust and ~ settle, t rough the office of the Auditor for the War Department, the claims for pay for services in the Cayuse Indian war of eighteen hundred and forty-seven and eighteen hundred and fort —eight, in Oregon, of John Minto and Charles Bolds, and of Ellen E. I-Iackett, widow of John C. Hackett; Missouri A. Cornelius, widow of Thomas R. Cornelius; Ma J. Keizur, widow of John B. Keizur; Amanda Reese, widow of Wilhrd H. Reese; Mary E. Carnahan, widow of Hiram Carnahan; Polly C. Butler, widow of Isaac Butler, and Sarah E. Schantz, widow of P. C. Keizur, at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents perda , the same as was paid to those whose claims have already been settled? the length of service to be taken from the rolls of this war now on iile in the office of The Military Secretary of the War Department or the records of said war on tile in the office of the adju-

  • PP’°P"'·“°”· tantgeneral of the State of Oregon; and the sum of not more than

— one thousand five hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise a profpriated, to enable the accounting officers of the Treasury to pay the a orementioned claims, and this sum, not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars, is made available until all of these claims are settled or fully disposed of. Approved, February 1, 1909. February 2. 1909- CHAP. 59.-An Act To relieve George W. Black and J . R. Wilson from a certain __l{l;§f}“‘l judgment in favor of the United States and to relieve George W. Black, J. R. Wilson, [Private, No. 06.} and W. M. Newell of a certain judgment in favorof the Fnited States. Be it enacted by the Senate and [I04me of Rep:·exe:afatives of the United _,_°,{’j’§{.*f,¤2· 3*3,*,5- States of America in Congress assemblerf, That George WV. Black and Mklggvgell.` J. R. Wilson be, and they are hereby., relieved and discharged of and m °" from all liability on account of the judgment rendered against them as sureties on the forfeited recognizance or bail bond where B. H. Gallway is principal, which judgment was rendered in the United States district court for the middle district of Alabama on May twenty-eighth,