Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/454

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SIXTIETH oouermss. sms. II. ou. 289. 1909. 1609 The name of Samuel J. P. McDowell, late of Captain Nat Benton’s D§;g{}"°* J- P- M°‘ company, Texas Volunteers, and pay him a pension at the rate of six- ' teen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. T The mime of (fipifhn Tinneygrlatc of Captain 'W. R. Henry's company, ‘*'““" ““"°’· exas ounte o unteers, exas and New Mexico Indian war and playt him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of ‘ t a e is now receiving. ’ The name of Thomas J. Eanes, late of Ca tain John S. Ford’s T'“°'“” ’·E""°’* second company, Texas Volunteers, and ay liim a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu oi) t at he is now receiving. _ The namleg of Vglillgm l\]lcComIh, latearof CaptainTP. H. Rpglelrss w“"‘““ “°°°"“’· com an , ount atta 'on, exas o unteers, exas an ew . Mexijco `llndian war, and a him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu 0I that he is now receiving. F The namedof Merrywetiher ICQ; Blackburn, lalte of Faptain John S. B§Q‘{,{,{,{ff°°b°' w· or s secon com an , exas 0 unteers, an a rim a ension at the rate of sixteen rlolldrs per month in lieu of thdt lie is nowlieceiving. The name of Thaddeus P. Sparks, late of Captain J. H. Brown s Th°‘dd°°”P'S’°’k"" first detachment, Texas Volunteers, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that e is now receivinlg. The name of James F. Bandy, late of Captain William G. reston’s ·'““°“ F- B°“"’· companly, Texas Volunteers, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. _ _ f The nalniie of glillriapr A. Pitts, late of (Caiptai1\r[McCul{;gh’s company '"““““ A- “"“· o exas ount o unteers, exas an ew l exico ian war, an play a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t at e is now receiv` . The name of Wilhlihgm C. Shaw, late of Captain J. H. Conner’s w"’"““ °·°""'·_ company, Texas Rangers, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen _ dollars per month in reu of that e is now receiving. The name of David C. Burleson, late of Captain James H. Callahan’s ”•“"d C- B“"°•°¤· company, Texas Volunteers, and pay him a pension at_the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recervmg. The name of Frpederick Vfillie, late dof Capltain John S. Fordis Frederick Willie. second com an exas Vo unteers, an a im a ension at the rate of sixteiin cliillars per month in lieu of llrairt he is nd)w receiving. The name of Wilson W. Bebout, late of Captain John S. Ford’s “’*‘"°"W·*‘°'*°¤°- company, Texas Volunteers, and fpay him_a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu o that he IS now receiving. ' The name of James L. Pogue, late of Captain James ll. Callahan’s ·"*“*°° L- *’°l¢"·‘- company, Texas Volunteers,_and tpay him_a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars er month in lieu o that he is now receiving. __ The name ofllirederic A. Kirk, late of Captain . S. Ford’s first and *"“***°"° **· ‘“"‘· second companies, Texas Volunteers, and pay a pension_at the rate of sixteen dollars ger month in lieu of that he rs now receiving. _ The name of Joseph . Parish, late of Captain J. S. For<l’s first com- ·"‘”°l"‘ D- "““"*~ pany, Texas Volunteers, and pay him a pension_at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. _ _ The name of Algon E. Cole, late of Company B, First liegrment §‘,’;‘g}{"g;·C0,€_ Kentucky Volunteer Infant ·, war with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of twelve dollyars er month. _ __ The narmse of Willliam B{rInl?fl3ite of Ca{>t;r.intWilIl;r:;.rr;1h<I.dr\llred's “'“*“'“ B'*"““· com an auvoo gion, t o unteer n an ry, a n ianwar, andlpayyhim a ension at the rate of eight dollars per month. _ H B _ The name of Horace B. Case, late of ompany A,_l\ meteenth Regr- °'“°° ·°""· ment Uérihed States Infgntry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twelve dollars er mont . . Tlhe name oi) EppchdB.LI‘l1elps& kate of Captgigi Wililia{ndH. Ken- {§,‘j§‘§‘$§§}§;f’d· dric ’s com an ori a ounte o unteers, mmo e n ran war, and pay a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.