Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/73

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1228 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 125, 126. 1908. 3FYg CHAP. 125.-An Act For the relief of George H. Penrose. [Private. N¤· 40.] Be it enacted the Senate and Ease g`Rep¢ese]ntatives of t Me qgtited States 0 America in Congress assemble That the accounting 0 cers g:§¤rii°iE`¤€g2¤i:i;Z of the Measury be, and they are hereby, authorized and dlrected to credit in the accounts of Captain George H. Penrose, Quartermastefs Department, United States Army, the sum of five thousand one hundred and fifty-one dollars and eighty-nine cents standing} against hun on the books of the Treasurv, of which the sum of three thousand three hundred and thirty-one dollars and forty-epght cents pertains to the Quartermaster’s Department and the sum o one thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars and forty -one cents pertains to the Subsistence Department, the said sum having been embezzled by one McCaull through no fault of the officer. Approved, April 2, 1908. April 2, 19(H. _ _ _ _ _ _ [S- 55894 CHAP. 126.-An Act Granting pensions aud increaseoi pensmns to certain soldiers Hf and sailors of the civil war and certain widows and dependent relatives of such [Pn“w'H`] soldiers and sailors. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe esentatives of the Un fled Pension States 0_fAmerlea in Congress assembled, 1(iiat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension awsrennousnmmsea. The name of Mar L. Chase, widow of W·ashin ton I. Chase late M L. Chase. · y . , g . s ‘ “" captain Company H, Ninth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and ptay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month 'in lieu of that s e IS now recewmg. — Mm·c.N•¤<>¤. The name of Mary C. Nason, widow of Christopher C. Nason, late of Company B, Fourth Regiment California Volunteer Infantr , and pay hier a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t at s e is now receiving. Urrin V. S. van The name of Orrin V. S. Van Denburg late of Com ny L, Twelfth D°°°`"“` Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry,hnd pay himlaupension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. R¤¤>·¤r¤T. Salam. The name ot Robert T. Sedam, late of Company C, Fifteenth Regimentt Iginpis Voluntee;*bInfzintry,ta¤;d piy him a pension at the rate of nr y ol ars per mon in ion o' t mt e is now receivi . w‘nmms.1=e»n¤>·n·. _ The name of William S. Peabody, late captain Compariy;A, Ninety-

 Rpgnnenltx apd gjormpzpny A, Se(yentyi1fourth Regiment, United

a es `olore 'o un cer n 'antry an y ima ens' t th te f fortv dollars per month in lieu of,that had is now iieceiiihig. B m 0 W¤1i¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤1- The name of William Russell, late of Company L, First Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension. at the rate of I thirty dollars per month in heu of t at he is now receiving. H¤=¤¤¤h We The name of Hezekiah Coe, late of Company K, Sixty-third Regi· _ ment Ohio Volunteer Infantrxgand pay to him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ge‘;‘fl¤**·>l** S- Dem- The name of Vi miield b. Delenger, late of Company G, One hundred and thirteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry,_and pay him a pen- ?;;; 4:-Ltgiie rate of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu of that he is o ·1 g. ’°“¤°*‘“·B‘*“· The name of Joseph C. Bell late of Com D T t - th Regiment Massachusetts V oluriteer Infantryizildliid pay K bihesilon pgggeirlpnte of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now ·*'”“** H- P¤¤°¤¤· The ndine of Arthur H. Parsons late f C (} " h Regiment Connecticut Volunteer ln,fantryTand0Ii>lalii?rl15im ai pzizddiarilixt