Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/923

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2082 NATURALIZATION CONVENTION—PORTUGAL. MAY 7, 1908. Marv, 1908. Naturalization convention between the United States and Portigal. Signed at Washivzgtmi May 7, 1.908,* ratiication advised by the enate May 14, 1.908; ratifed by tbe President November 6, 1.908; ratiyied by Portugal September 21, 1.908,* ratijieations exchanged at Was/zingtorz 1`Vovember 14, 1908; proclaimed December 1J,, 1908. BY mn Pnnsmnrvr or rms: Umrnn Srsrns or Amnnres. A PROCLAMATION. Nammlimdvn with Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Ptiiggbie. the Kingdom of Portugal, regulating the citizenship of those (persons who emrgrate from the one country to the other, was conclu ed and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washixigton on the seventh day of May one thousand nine hundred an eight, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Portuguese languages, is word for word as follows: cemmmgrewm. The President of the United Sua Majestade Fidelissima 0 States of America and His Most Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves e Faithful Majesty the King of o Presidente dos Estados Unidos Portugal and of the Algarves, led da America, animados do desejo by the wish to regulate the de definir a nacionalidade das citizenship of those persons who pessoas que dos territorios portuemigrate from the United States ezes emigram para os Estados of America to the territories of Ulnidos e dos Estados Unidos para Portugal, and from the territories os territorios portuguezes, resolof Portugal to the United States veram entabolar a tal respeito neof America, have resolved to treat gociacoes e nomearam n’esse inon this subject, and have for that tuito seus Plenipotenciarios ara purpose appointed Plenipotenti- concluir uma Convenoao, a salherz aries to conclude a Convention, that is to say: rreuxpereurmzes. The President of the United Sua Majestade Fidelissima o States of America, Elihu Root, Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves ao Secretary of State; and Visconde de Alte, Seu Enviado His Most Faithful Majesty the Extraordinario e Ministro Pleni- King of Portugal and of the pjotenciario junto do Governo dos Algarves, Viscount de Alte, His stados Unrdos da America; e Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- O Presidente dos Estados Uniter Plenipotentiary near the Gov- dos da America a Elihu Root, ernment of the United States of Secretario d’Estado; America; ‘ VVho have agreed to and signed Os quaes convieram nos artigos the following articles: seguintes e os assignaram: Arrrrcrn I. Anrroo I. R{a¢¤sy¤¤i¤¤ Of Mr- Subjects of Portugal who be- Os subditos ortuguezes que se _ uhizgeliligax. come naturalized citizens of the tornarenr cidadaos naturalizados United States of America and dos Estados Unidos da America,