Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1034

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1010 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. sms 111. 011.192. 1911. - mmded‘ th dir ted b the Commissioners mggliolié rim oflthe gi l'$§>(lilInlb£i':,0allc &;•;—inc(l’gsed alld multiple—inclosed are lamps now in service shall be replaced by the lighting company, without expense to the District of Columbia, with four-ampere, · three—hundred-and-twenty-watt magnetite, or other arc lamps of equal illuminating value acceptable to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, by A ril first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and such replacement shall Ee effected to the number of not less than four hundred lamps per annum until completed. ~ _ ¥¤*¤*¢¤•·¤•=°· ,1 ¤*· For the rates named above it be the duty of each gashght ct°·il¤ili:¤i1°é§.bylig mg company and each electric-light company doing business in the District of Columbia to erect and maintain such street lamps as the Commissioners of said District may direct; and each such company shall furnish, install, and maintain all posts, lamps,_ lanterns, burners, wires, cable, conduits, gas pi es, street designations, and iixtures necessary for the resdpectiye lamps maintained by each of them, mcluding hghting an extmgu1sh1ng lamps, and repairing, pamtmg, d eanin . by ¤¤¤*¤¤ fw NIT}; cost €>f each lamp-post (exclusive of erection), inelu the ‘ "°°°°' lantern, globe, and street designations, furnished by any ting company under the above rates shall not exceed Eben dollars for · epch gas ori electric mcandlescentaflanp nordigty diollarpl for eacg eectricarc amp exceptas erein r rovi e ,a.n eac postan its equipment sllall be of a design ans qualigy accepltable to the sucuace for Commissioners of the District of Columbia. or eac such lamp· ¤'°•°°’°°"~ ost furnished biia lighting company by direction of the District Commissioners w ch all cost m excess of fii'teen_doIlars for gas or electric mcandescent lamps, or which shall cost gn excess 0 iifti dollars for electric arc lamps, the company fumishing the same sha receivefl indaddditiori to the above réates, eleven per centum per annum on suc a ’tiona or excess cos . mppegiippent rev- 'lyhe Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized in news. the1r_d1scretion_to piigrchase or construct from streetrlighting appropnations made m t Act, posts, lanterns, street designations and all hmm necessary fixtures or_ appurtenances for any of the systems of lightiaa mmm, mw above named :_ Prmngl , That whenever the said OOIDIDJSSIODBPS sh for- furnish the said equipment, one dollar and sixty-five cents per lamp per annum for gas or electric incandescent lamps and four dollars and forty cents [per lamp per annum for electric arc lamps shall be deducte from the rates above w£_¤1;p%&<»¢h¤ _ The Commissioners of the Districtof Columbia are further author- ’ ized, m then- discretion, to adopt other forms of electric street lighting than those_named, in which event payments under appropriations made in this Act, shall be made_for the hghting service rendered at um M mu not to exceed three cents per kilowatt hom· for current consumed, mmmnmd ‘ and, m addrtion thereto, e even per centum per annum of the cost _ to the hghting comtpxany of furnishing and installing lamps, posts, street designations, tures, and the cable from lamps to the nearest point of current supply, and a fair sum for the cost of maintenance. htovi¤s.e¤·~.i•¤¤r•· When ordered to do so by the said commissioners, liihting comphappelsughah 11;1tv8<;.a.nd readjust any lamps mamtamed y them at

  • '·‘°”' °“°"°"· For each electriclarc lamp, ten dollars.

For each electric mcandescent lamp, Eve dollars. Hfgior eapsh gas lamp moved not more than six feet, two dollars and cen . lin each gas lamp moved more than six feet, four dollars. EftFor eatcgh gas lamp raised or lowered to new grade, one dollar and cen . Ngphtht or on 'lyhe Commissioners of the District of Columb` th rized to l"“"" enter into contract, for the fiscal year nineteen lihnfgfeduand twelve,