Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1112

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' 1088 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 231. 1911. eemed necessa b such `ud e, who may be designated to reside hind maintain ofhycesyat suchlplfces of holding court as the judge may determine. Such deputies msg be remove at the pleasure of the clerk appointing them, with e concurrence of the_d1strrct judge. In case of the death of the clerk, his deputy or deputies shall, unless removed, continue in office and perform the duties of the clerk, m hrs name, until a clerk is appointed and qualified; and for the default or misfeasances in office of any such deputy, whether IB the l1fet1me_of the clerk or after his death, the clerk and his estate and the suretres on his official bond shall be liable; and his executor or administrator . shall have such remedy for ani such default_ or mrsfeasances com- . mitted after his death as the cler would be entitled to if the same had occurred in his lifetime. _ _ _ _ gd? •¤d,,}g¤¤;&6 Sec. 5. The district court for each district may appomt a crrer for ' " °°°` P` the court; and the marshal may appomt such number of persons, not exceeding live, as the judge may determine, to wart upon the grand and other 'uries, and for other necessary purposes °tg¤¤¤"¤°*°¤ °' ’°°· Sec. 6. lI‘he records of a district court shall be kept at the place nfs, sec-561 ax where the court is held. When it is held at more than one apiece in an district and the place of keeping the records is not speci y proviclred b law, the shall be ke t at either of the places o holding the court which may he designated) by the district judge. crrssgscmrmsnor Sec. 7. No action, suit, proceeding, or process in any district court lf..,,°¥°°° "°°°i°g shall abate or be rendered invalid by reason of any act changing the R- *l·- °°°·5”· *’·1'”· time of holding such court, but the same shall be deemed to be returnable to, pending, and triable in the terms established next after the return day thereof. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hwglgngmagygcgg Sec._8. When the trial or hearing of any cause, c1v1l or crimmal, m 1{.s.,sec.74ap.141. a district court has been commenced and is in pro ess before a jury or the court, it shall not be stayed or discontinued]. by the arrival of the time fixed by law for another session of said court; but the court ma proceed therein and brin it to a conclusion in the same manner any with the same effect as another stated term of the court had nog intervc'in};zd;h8 — f f Alwm ¤r>¢I ¤I {or no. 9. e trict courts, as courts o a alt and as courts o €?f}l§QZl°d U e uit , shall be deemed always open for the purgose of filing any ‘ B·S··’°°·°"‘·*’·’°’· pleading, of issuing andretuming mesne and iinal rocess, and of . making and directing all interlocuto motions, ord)ers, rules, and other proceedings preparatoiuto therlsiearing, upon their merits, of m0¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤·¤b¢¤» all causes pending therein. y district jud e may, upon reasonable ‘ ' notice to the parties, make, direct, and award, at chambers or in the clerk’s office, and in vacation as well as in term, all such process, commissions, orders, rules, and other proceedings, whenever the same are not grantable of course, according to the rules and practice of the court. méu§jg:{¤tg}`§;{“ ’°' Sec. 10. District courts shall hold monthly adjournments of their rc.s.,¤¤,p.102. regular terms, for the trial of criminal causes, when their business requirlcis it to be done, in order to prevent undue expenses and delays in suc cases.

Lgj>$jb_102_ Sec. 11. A special term of any district court may be held at the

same place where any regular term is held, or at such other place in the district as the nature of the business ma requir·e, and at such time and upon such notice as may be orderedy by the district jud c. Any business may be transacted at such special term which mightie _ transacted at a regular term. $gg_gg>=;¢y;5,ggfm¤*> Sec. 12. If the judge of any district court is unable to attend at the rz. s.,sec. p. ma commencement of any regular, adjourned, or special term, or any time durrngasucli term, the court may be adjourned by the marshal, or clerk, y virtue of a written order directed to him by the judge to the next regular term, or to any earlier day, as the order may direht.