Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/15

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xvi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. I _ _ _ Page. PHlip{$:ugaLlavn•J§:i)lq1r;1:1 lg Joint resolution fixing the terms of court m the Pbrhppme 877 mm' bagg ndam ugenq.t 1 tion d “J mt resolutron authorrz the Sec- W retaryloi the tolygam t4:Th?euWiun’;]c::o E5; of Fndians accrueduzgince J un; Chimeth, nineteen hundrerfand nine/’ approved Ianugy twentieth, nmeteen hundred an 877 _ ten (Semte joint resolution numbered fifty-e1§1gt). Ap 12,_ 1910. . ._ _ .. , . k

 election. Joint. resolution provi mg for a special electron un the Territory 0 878

Bureau q·'2hmmm' ·Ap`§l¤?Z1»i?g?'`»¢mg`‘" T `iéitié Qéiéniliiéni tc;-certsrn ```` ’ mu bmaing for tho Intermtiunsllwimesu of American Republics. _ y 7, 1910 ... . I . 878 New llaico, hu disapproved. Joint resolution disspproving ccrtsm lavgs of the temtorml legislative mvmbly of New Mexico. May 10_1910·--_ --.-.--- , ------·-- 879 New law Mloitpt resggruolg certam laws of the temto eg1s· 879 V¤¤¤¤¤m )'° GW °¤¤0· Y . --··—··~· _ · ···- ; -----····-·—· _ --; ··~··~-- ppmpnmdefimencnb . Jt 1 tion to su ply a deticrency m the s prnprmtron for t- _ A mg md ,I£i:dg1lg for th;u ent for the fiscal year ngneteen humdredurealnd 879 ¤¤¤ •¤<1 ·> er v - y . ------·--·--·--- , - -_ ··--------------.---------. 1F\·¤¤mr:’.Pulle¢i N . . resolution to videjor the tm as a House document, of five Qthlcsiirgnd copies of F81’!119IB;¤§l11]8t1ll N umggled 'gluee hundred and nmety- 880 mm' y f '··• • ‘‘•· •*· ····· ·‘•··• ···· :‘. ‘`•* • ·•'* ‘ ‘‘‘··· : •‘‘·· · ···· ; ····••····· Lak Mu:h1gan'harvu etc. Joint resolution aut.hcn·unr§_the ccustrugtxon maintenance of wharves; giers, stgntftmes in Lake Mi xgan adjoming certam lands m Lake S80; County, Indiana. y 19, 1 1 . . . .. ' Home Representati . Joint lution mahng an a propnation to supply a A Ieiiciendg £’{ppr0priationv?or contzingugrtt expenses of the Hguse of Representatives. 881 `6 1 1 · · ·‘ --··.-.- · ..----~...··---...··-.. . . . . Mi¤0ur‘;¤a$nd’Kama! boundary, Jliaauuri River. Joint resolution to enable t.l1e_Ststes of Mimouri and Kansas to §ree upon a boundary line and to determme the junsdrctron of crimes committed on the xssoun River and agpeent ten-itorres. June 7, 1910 . . 881 ‘ Oregon and Washington boundary, Columbus Riva. Joint resolution_to enable the States of Oregrn and Washington to agree upon s. bonu line between md States where the Colum m River forms mid boundary. 'Jnne 10, 191 . -·------ · ------...··-·---.-- 881 Confederate aold'krs’ graves, Oakwood Cmutqy. Joint msolntion the act entitled "An uct , to 'de for the appropriate rmrking of the graves of the soldiers and sailors of the confg arm and rm who died in northm-nlprisons and were buried neu the {bona ghere they mdvzgr other ;;g{g0ses,"’ app y to the confederate moimd in Oa wood 882 z 1; icsgo. une 11, .. Lake M $§y»g':1te Joint resolution to ensble_the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and ichigan to determine the jurisdiction of cnmes committed on Lake Michigan. June 8 2 22, 1910 .. . .. . . 8 Maximum Cmtennahl Commabsion. Joint resolution creating a commission to represent the United States at the celebration of the first centennial of the Rgguplic of Mexico. June 24, 1910. 882 Bureagof Jlin,;aMpubhha;rbm.25J<;§)1;::) resolution limiting the itxons of the publications of the urea mes. une , ... 883 Appalachian‘%(?r·poaition Comganx, tents, etc. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents to the ppalachisn Exposition Company. June 25, 1910 .. 883 Confederate aoldierf claims. Joint resolution extending the time or the tiling of claims under the provisions of the act of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two. June 25 mo ’ ssa oozmdo 1i¢&]i»i,` biéiriérlfiéidé }駣»it1£1E£ Qrhtixiiig `£.f駻j>}$}»ri§£1bi.' kb` §,k}i¤i{£ lit}; `rm`" ‘£1éH{ L6 protect lands and property. in Imperial Val ey, Ca xfornia. June 25, 1910 ...,,_,,..,,,___ 883 Public lands, resurveya. oint resolution to amend and correct chapter two hundred and seventy- one of volume thirty-five, United States Statutes at Large. June 25, 1910 884 Employer'; liability, ctc., commission. Joint resolution for appointment of commission to investigate the matter of empl0yer's liability and workman’s compensation. June 25, 1910 .. 884 Publib lands, Wisconsin Central Railroad grants. Joint resolution construing section six of the act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An act authorizing a resurvey of certain townships in the State of Wyoming, and for other purposes? June 25, 1910 885 Univewisal peace Jointjresoluftéotasgtooauthorize the appomtment of a commission in reati t universe peace. une 1 .. 885 Elks’ reunf;2·n,0Detroit‘ tents, etc. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents, cots, and stretchers for the use of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at Detroit, Michigan, rn July, nineteenhundred gud ten, June 25, 1910 .,,,,_.,...,.,.. 885 Uongreamoml enifloyees, June salaries. :I0mt resolution to pay the officers and employees of the , Senate an House of Representatryes the1r respective salaries for the month of June, nineteen hundred and ten, on the day of edjournment of the present session. June 25, 1910 886 Von Steuben statue, replica. Jomt resolution to carry out the provisions of an act to present a Qgggxsgg Oflgsesgtqglg General Von Steuben to the German Emperor and to the German Rdrigeration hmmm. ’JO1m msoiiliaén gu»h·.»;a2ii1Q;`£1ié`i·§éé{dé;i£ Iii EH.; i}fi§£éd's£§t}§'i6`1hl?1%é 886 the International Congress of Refrigeration to hold its thrrd meeting in the United States of America. June 20, 1910. ... . 886