Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1509

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XXVI INDEX. Bcmds, United State.s—Oontinued. Page. Bool:s—C0ntinued. _ P¤z¤ issue of two and 0ne—half per cent, to postal . OH free list, 111 Famed Chamcters f°" uw _ savings depositors . 817 blllld . Z . .--~ _ -·-·· · ·--- L4 c0ndm0m_ ___________________________ 817 of persons from foreggn countncs - . - #4 exempt from taxation .. 817 printeq more than _ yam 73 not receivable as security for national- prpfessional,_0f 1mm1§~;;1ts ., . . .: . - 78 bank circulation .. 817 specnal regulanons for entry of senal, redemption of, subject to call for use of on one declaratxon . ... 92 savings deposit fund . . ...,, 818 Books, etc., Ob8C67l8•07: Immmial, reissue to tyugfgggg __________________,__ 818 importation pmtnbxted; senzure, etc ... 86 su nent redemption -. .,..,,,.,. 818 Boon [gland, Mg, _ pgm and interest ef, payable in gold fog Slim] 8t8li10H authonzcd OH ·---- - —-··· 534 coin ... 192 Bmmm , Mo., _ _ I appropriation for expenses of issue, etc 192 construction of public blllldlllg authorized Bmw, at ..-...-...-..~.. 682 duty on, dice, balls, etc .. 66 Boot Lacings, manufactures of, not specially provided dui OH COHDH, GU! -·-- · ·----·-··—·-·- 48 fm- ________,_____,,_,,,____,,.,,_,_ 69 Boetheqy Harbor, Me., on {me ljgt, cutglgiigh _____ _ _______,,__ _ _ _ _ 75 preliminary examination of, to be made.. . 671 Bmw Ash, Boots, on free list ,,,,,.__... - ... 73 duty on leather . . 68, 68 Bone Casinga, Borcww AM, dugkon cotton, etc., and india. rubber 48 duty 011 - ··.--·-·-.. 12 , ,,.,,,_,...,.. 60 Bm-ate; of Linw, Soda, etc., Bam Char, duty on. . .. 13 dum, ,' ,,., . . 13 Borax, ` Bone , duty on .. . ...,. 13 on free list ,,. . ... 73 Bmderland Coal Comlpany, Bomblacb, time extended for ridging Tug Fork of Big duty on ...,. - .. 15 Sandy River, Nolan, W. Va., by 198 Bmw: Bon, Dérmond, on éee list, crude 73 on free list, cut, but not set ... . . . . 75 Bonham, Ta., _ Bostem, Mass., appropriation for public bmlding .. 1367 appropriation for credit in accounts of Bonne Terre, Mo., assistant treasurer . 347 accepting site for public building at, by for assistant treasurer’s office . 495, 1197

donation, authorized. 4 . 697 for navy-yard, public works . 614, 1274

mineral rights reserved . 697 for improvement of harbor; mainte- Bemncrs Ferry Bridge Cmnmissinm, Idaho, nance . 631, 1405 I may bridge Kooteuai River at Bonners for improvement of harbor, 35—foot chan- Ferry, Idaho .. 192 no 729 Bonner: Ferry, Idaho, for customhouse .. . .. 704, 1367 bridge authorized ac1·0ssKo0tenai Riverat. 192,855 for electrical bmglar alarm, public build- Bmmets, ing at . .., 708 duty on fur ... . .. 67 for animal quarantine station ,___,,,,,__ 1240 straw, etc ... . . 64 for appraiser? stores 1367 Bmmevillq National Forest, Wyo., for constructing immigration station 1441 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of..425, 1247 deficiency appropriation for construction Bomal, Lengh, _ _ of xmmigration station . 800 deiicneucy appmprmtxon for ga , as ad- bridges authorized across Charles River, , minisgrator of Eloise again San- between Cambridge md __________ _ 933 ger Mncbard ... . 205 exchange of site acquired for immigration Book Typcwrjrtcr, _ mmm, authorized. .., . _,_, 702 recording mstzruments filed with recorder additional cost . 904 _ of deeds, I1. C., may bedone by 382 lighthouse depot, authorized at .. 1080 Bookbmderxf Calfshm, preliminary examination of harbor to be duty vn -...--.. 68 made . 672 Booklets, .0f harbor at Winthm Beach _,__,,,,___ 953 · dugy on, decorated lgy hand, etc . . - . . 63 term of circuit court op appeals at 1132 hthographmiiy pnnwd. .·..-. 63 terms of district com at .,...__,____,_____ 1114 Books, _ _ _ "Bost0·n," U. S. S., duty on all kmds of, not specially provrded appropriation for repairs _,___ _ _____ , ,___ 621 _ for . : I ... 2 . 64 • Botamh Gqrden, D. C'., clu1dren’s l1t.h0gra.ph1ca11y pmxted . 63 1 appropnation for superintendent, assistneedle . . · . 28 l ants and laborers ,. . 482, 1184 pmmng paper for, not specxally pro- = for repairs and improvements. . . 482, 1184 ' vrdpd for .. : t .. 61 for general re ’ .. , 766, 1443 addmoual from conmtry 1mposing ex- im- removal gl fence and wal} ___________ 1463 por; duty on, etc.: . _. . - I - . ._ 61 on free list, plants, trees, etc., for - - - . 78 on free lmlauipr educauonal mstxtuuons, Botanfgiégwenrivrmw, ew-; `*> -·-·· - -·····--··—--··--- 74 on ist, for ublie ti t for the United States or Library of Con- sale .. . fi?. 79 greas ., 73 1 Bottle Cape, in fmrgn languages ..-···-··- . .--···... 74 duty on, metal --·-·-..·-···-·· $2