Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1549

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lxvi INDEX. Deep Creek, N. C'., P¤g¤· Dgjiciency Appr0priations—C0nti¤11ed. Pagepre}i;x1i11ary)u<;>l;¤am;1nati013l[to be made of. . 954 or awards, Spanish Treaty Clmms Cym- Deer s and T aug fare, e., mission . . .. 1-9, 218, 807 prgaglmjuary exzngnatioujgf, to be made- . 671 ;0r Engnting ing binding 129, 217, 806, 879, Deer ge Mmiona west, ant., or i rary 0 on mss .. Duppropriagion f% I!1$%Dt€I1%)I;·C€, egg., of. 426, 1248 gor glaska-Yukongigacific1Exposition. . 2133 e active, A uns ofra or ysica y, or e artment 0 gricu ture . 1 , 1 ] gxcluded admission, _,,.,.. 263 for jucgments, Indian depredation claims. . 218, · De ending Suits in Claims, 808 1320 gppropriation for expenses 747, 1424 for claims certified by accounting offi- i Ddeficiegyzy apgrogriation for .. 798 f P iegfh. . t 2 19, g 17;,,9 grry, as ,, l Ot Os cp cpar 111611 ... . , gidge authorized across Okanogan RIVGT 294 f sgervxgzmc 802,1314 at ,_,_,,. . or 4lVl ervme ommission .,. . . , 1290 Dgjimwe, Ohio, contracts for completing Panama Canal cqngtmchigu of public building authorized 682 IN t_ a1ft{%0;ized... ,,.,.,,_,,__ 130 at ,,.,.. . . Ya 10na :1 erways ommission, expenses, Dgfimj gy Appropriations, etc., allowed ...,...,,,,,,,, 130 or Executive OfHce . . ... 119 Degfas, commission on railroad stock aud b0I1¢%19 Dglgiéy 0511 ... . , , . 38 L ues. . . . ... ,774 e io ex.; for Degsrtment of State. . 119, 203, 774, 888, 1290 appropriation for Jmblic building 1370 fm-eign intercourse. . 774, 888, 1290 budge authorize across Rio Grande to for Treasury Department,- 119, 204, 775, 889, 1290 Mexxcan bank from ... 853 collecting corporation tax .. 120 terms of court at .. 1127 Wblic buildings. 121:1 20;;:179, 8§9, 1293 Delavan, Wg, f bl. b dd 3 0 aahm' gton, . ., new e men apprqgna pn or u 1C u' ing ,. 1 7 bmldiugs, etc . 780 acqmring me aqdp erecting public building National Museum . . gal D la at, authonzed . . ... 688 national-bank currency 4 e ware,

 and Prignting Bureau . . ggg,   1 ed 73 gxixd émgiiciil    .. 1131

mm an assay:) ces .. , e gz mm roo _ az r ompany, internal revenue .. . . 780, 1291 may budge Delaware Rwer, Lower Makegolleetiug customs revenue . 781, 1234 D l Egld, Pa., to Ewing, N. J .,. 959 mithsonjan Institution. . . 1 e aware ay, gyvemment in Territmjies . _ ..,. 7 82 appropriation for improvement of harbor ublic Health and Manne-Hosp1ta1 Serv- 1295 f qi rqfuge .,.. L ...___ D _ 1 __________ 638, 936 icc . . . - . Z . ._ . or PIGI m, naar ewes, a .. 638 936 for Interstate Commerce Commission . . 121 for inland waterway from Chincoteague , ‘ for District of Columbia . .. 122, 208. 782, 1296 Bay w, -... , . ._ 639 for War Department ., 122, 209, 788, 889, 1300 Delaware JudmalD1strzct, · ffi*"· · ·········· 12* 2‘°* §?3· $$5% {33*3 Dtlfizms °$f°“"s···w · · 15 7 ······ *6** “°*’ 1 xtary. c· emy .. , ‘ .. c ware m{zr, a., _ . . ar e ., V0lunteerhioLdiem’ Iliome . .. , 211, 1381 ¤Pp1‘0pPl;1a£011 Igor gmpggvlimeut gf, from river and r or wor ... . .. 1 1 _ 18 SIB 0111 t0. e ware a ,,.., 637 Isthmian Cgmal. . , 211 for 1mproveme11t of, from Philadxalphia for State, V1 ar, and N avy Department Y0 the Sear contracts ... 936 Building. . ... 788 b€¤W€€11 Iihlladclphia and Tremfor Interior Department,. . 123, 212, 795, 889, 1305 15011 . . ..,,.. _, _ , 637, 1406 Geological Survey . 124, 795, 890, 1309 femqval of ledge at mouth of Nevergink gxdizua Department . 124, 212, 797, 880, 1307 f ]B§{§>r; CODd1ti0I1 . . . 637 a ito . . ... 79.*},889,1306 <>f_ lg mg .. . ..,,,. 754 puglic lands ... 796, 1307 déficléucy appropriation for post lights, pensions . . ... 1310 _ Phxladq phm m Trenton .,,,.,___,. 126 for Navy Department . . . . 211, 790, 889, 1302 b¤dz<>1g¤¤h;>¤§¤d_ ¤*<?Y0§¤,JL0W€1‘ Makvfiéld, 9 N . 211,791, 1 02 . . ”··» ° W‘Pg» , · -·-···-—-·---- ·- 95 Nix;] Academy ____ _ _______ _ _ _______ $$9, 1304 P1’9hHi1¤2·1'Y €X3»H11I12.t10H of, Bordgutgwn, · N. J., to be made .,.___ _ __,_ 673 Marine Corps . . . 794 1305 · · { . _ · Momsvmlle, Pa .___________ _ _________ _ 953 or Depgxonment of Justice. 125, 213, 798, Ddegahsfrom Territories ‘ 8 . 1310 ( · - ’ - United States courts 125, 214, 799, 890, 1311 apiizwiorlillrlfw 10; ¥?f_??mp€HSation· ` -`°`' United States Court of Customs Appeals. 214 for clerlicgiire . : t · l l - I I - ` - - 478, 1139 Commerce Court . . , 890 im- Stationery ___________ IQ Q j Q Q QQ ``'` ’ 183 for Department of Commerce and Labor, _ 125, PUUiBhg`I{€}1t» for practicing in · 215, 800, 1312 _ agms .,.. _ ____________ _ ______ 1135 Immigration Service; _._.,..,.._ 216,800, ]3]g Ullpald b1Hs for speeches, et;-_, to bg de- Standards Bureau . , ..______ gw _ d¤€Y·€d fmm salaries of delinquent., 1446 Bureau of Light-Houses .,... , _____ 300 Del“°""’”"#·*f E°°d3» DW98, fic., _ for Senate. . . 126, 216, 802, 879, 89], 1314 “PP’°P¤im°¤ fof, expenses, prevermng for House of Representatives.- ..________ _ _ ]gg_ Delivery g"eT‘;i;i°·¤ OX ···---· · ---·-··—·-·- 432. 1255 217, 805, 880, 881, 891, 1317 · · . . . for jpdgments, United States courts. 128, 217, 1319 mcludggmgéergcemwmmon m Interstate 545 foY1ud8m€m9¤, Cwrt of Claims ... 129, Dmijohm, `‘`‘‘‘‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ' °218· Bmw 89r 1319 (WW 0¤ EIMS, plain, covered or uncovered. 19