Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1581

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xcviii INDEX. Grab Irons, Railway, P¤8¤· Grand Valley, Colo., 1’•8¢ cars to be equiiged with secure, on ladders. 298 granted lands for public park '- 460 Grade Crossings, f. {J1., Eliminatabn o_/Q etc., f Grande Ronde Agency, Oreg., a` raisement 0 amages to propert 0 tj f rt etc. f I d' .*"° aaa of Sarah Edwddd X... 336 “*""°*Z?`{.?T{.T’T.7‘}{’¥’}’. .1 2 f’. . I`. NESS, ion appropriation for expenses and award. . . 336 Granite, appraisement of damages to property of duty on, not specially provided for 21 John B· Lord ·.. . ...·.. 1344 Granite maj, 11:., - ¤PP1'0P110t1011 for 0XP011¤00 111111 1*W111`<r · · 1345 appropriation for public building .. 1372 0PP1'01¤€111011t of to P1’0P€1'tY of limit of cost increased, public building- . . 677 M=nsne0n> Weldcmmv °1’° ~········ 13*16 monument to founder, permitted on postappropnation for expenses and awards. . 1347 uiuc., ground __________________ _ _ _ _ 597 appraisement of damages to property of Grant County, N. Mex., W111111111 FFY0 W11110 ·---·-----·--·-· 581 lands granted to New Mexico to pay bonds apprciipriatxon for expenses and award. . . 582 issued b _________________________ 563 G"af¢0”» · V0-1 Grant County, Wzsh., construction of public building authorized bridgg authorized across Columbia Rim, Gram at ---·-··---·-·-··-··-···---·-··-- 683 Mbetweep KéttitaslCl%1nty gid ... 600 z, to ., eppioprintion for inventigetinz handling. appropriation rod- cbonrillilluiingészsgrk oa. . - Q . 728 etc., of; fixing gudee ... 422, 1242 g,·a,,” to Railroad, Land for nvasnotng improvement ef, end provisions for reducing de .118 for acidos- 9 .~ P*°d“cti°¤ -·-·-----·--······· · · · ‘122· 1242 GT ing, etc., imsiuveyegnds under,. 834 d , artificial, millinery ornaments . .. gg ggzypgftf ______________________________ 38 ·. ·····-·-··~-·--- - ·--—·—- . ·······- Gro S on needlgstédegnie. drnge. not epeornlly pro- o 75 Grdgzy ______________________________ 34 0·¤~¤n>1'·e·¤e·»¤¢·=··`-""U"-"`m"m°m cllggionn dried 38 duty on ... . .. 70 in bdmk ed '````'’```°'‘' 38 duty ou; awed boards, etc . z .. 33 Gr3g:yo10n_ _ fw" 70 on free hst, lpggs, rough or hewn only ... 81 G,.u_,_, ` ````°`'```````````'``` ``°' Good -4,;% ¢>Wio¤’ and Snlen Home ddiy dd, braids, nada, da ________________ 64 epproiprintign for expennen- ----------- 410» 1001 ]1;1at;11tg)cI1nui·:;,<??dnld2(;dpziall ` `édédiéé M Grand rmy of the Republae, for ’ y P 69 tents, etc., to be loaned for encampment at on free `°°`‘’`’'‘ `` 79 S&l¢IA\k§Cl(.y,Ut&l1. .. 183 G,,a”·Vau¢y’C•al U--uu--nU`"`"·°" md I ‘) G bridgcg‘F::1"t'g¤_1it:fi'•·cw¤, at East Chicago, construsétion of public building authorized 681 Hammond, Ind. 293 { ’ y , b . th . on ree mt paperstook .. _ 78 Gnzndg-FEsID?1`1..?11?T?. .’3‘fi‘?. .‘??‘}T‘}’add,da7 *°*0';;,j,;3,g,ngg·f¤¤¤¤1§¤j*· no ¤P°°¤•11Y ,6 1 aZL“';ddZ¥'ii’z,..€'§ STE: ... 1121 °*3,;;;e{;$g;·g<g,¢*·;;;S¤¤¢·3,;;·nd,¤§ol,;z·;;,. Grand Hmgen, Mich., northern prisolzsu E, W 0 I gis 1453 apprppnation for improvement of harbor. 654, 946 camp! msmumcm when enéé Blkkgnot • Grand aland, Nebr., Identified- 1453 o}.f,.'d‘§‘3iZf.§§},“dY ‘3.;z.;_; ··················· 2°"· ***8 ine1n¤i{>{l¤ of 0¤kWood odmady, od‘.,.,,,‘ "; 2 appropriation for Indian school; deduc- G H `’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ········ 88 tioniitransferred toColorado ... 274 mw °'. tz f :· granted to Colorado; conditions .. me “PP'°PF$* *°¤ 0* unvfevement ef, end Bar construction of public building authorized for imptr;°$*e‘;;;a§€‘;?`?·l$;fé;é6}6 --·-·--· 661% · OH . . . . . . . odddd..a...“‘¤·;·d;.zin;qeda;.‘;<adda ‘‘·‘ , ‘‘‘‘··‘··· 68* 0~·v·R1ee».W·¤’·-». issue of venire for ...,,,,,, 267, 1165 “PPmPmm°¤ for 1111P1’0V€1110111$ of ----·.. 665, 951 second allowed in large cities 267, 1165 G'“1”9 L'!'“l*» _ _ _ _ by either circuit or district court . 267, 1165 “PP1`°Pmm°u f°*` mV0*1t1g0t11'1g 1111P10V0· tune of imptréasonment before indictment Gmac 1110111 of ---~--. . ... 442, 1243 tri .- 7 Gum; LE; L2, _ 267’ 1165 on tree list, enileunge ________________ _ __ 77

f?€.%i%¥%*?i*€<.t·f·?i*%‘¢P??.€*?·??: ad G, ‘°' “%1‘_gs‘&a ‘*“gia""°d¤‘3??.‘"“g.1--:3i?f“““g . 76

Grand Marais, Mic}:. *1** P 0110* appropripution for ilnprovement of harbor of Grduty 011 · · . . .. . .__,,,,_,___ 62 re ge ... . ... 654, 946 casa Grand Minn., d\1tY,0¤, not provided for ,,,,,,_ 12 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . §7 wllllllq, D0! spec y provided for ,.,,., I4 Grand _ pads, Hncb.,_ _ _ Great Br•upn_(m also Canada), deficiency appropriation for public build- Bprroprlltlou for ambauador to .,, 337, 1027 mg, rent . ... 207, 889 or secretary of embwy 837, 1028 terms of court at . . 1115 for ¤8¢0nd lecretary 838, 1028