Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1629

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cxlvi INDEX. Manufactures, Collections I lluslralting Prog- P¤8¤· Maries County, M0., _ _ P°g°· mq; Of, transferred from western distnct to eastern on free list, by societies, etc., not for sale; d1V1¤10¤ of 68¤t91'¤ -··-··---------—- 897 conditions ______,,__,_,,,._,_ _ _,,, 81 Manbtta, Ga., Manufactures, Convict Labor, obsolete brass cannon donated to State for ilnportation 0;, prohibited ______________ _ 87 _ Confederate cemetery at .. . . 875 Man’ufa¢·t·ures of the United States, Manne, Corps, , census of, to be taken in 1910, etc . 1 appropriation for_ officers quarters, etc., census schedules of inquiries . 4, 227 Phrladelphia Navy Yard ... . . 618 to relate to year ending December 31, for pfiicers’ quarters, Norfolk Navy Yard 618 Gpreceding enumeratwn ..._.,.. 228 limit for officers’ quarters, , ,__._. 618 con ned to establishments in olpemtion. . 4, 228 for pay of officers, acuve list . . - . 624, 1284 limited to factory system estab ishments- 4, 228 1‘Gt1l‘§d l1S£ ..------·--·- ~ --·- 624, 1284 turpentinc and rosm industry .. - - . 4, 228 for enhsted men . . . 624, 1284 factory officials to correctly answer census retired Glllwted §|1€!1 --·-- - --·--·- 625, 1284 inquiries ________ _ _______________ 9 for undrawn clothing ... 625, ]284 punishment for failure . . .. 9 for m11eage to officers 1- . 625, 1284 information to be used only for statis- for commutation of quarters with0ut tics; restriction on ggiblication .. 9 troops ._ ...-·····.-.-· 625, 1284 Manufacturing Warelmuses, onded (see Ware- for Hay of civil force. 625, 1284 houses, Bonded Manufacturing). a. owances, etc., assistant paymasters’ Manures, clerks .. . . 625, 1284 on free list ,,.,, , ____,,,,,,,.,,.,_.,,.. _ 76 for provisions; commutation of rations 625, 1285 substances used only for ... 76 for clothing. ... 626, 1285 Manures, Artificial, for fuel, etc.- ... 626, 1285 on free list, sulphuric acid for manufacture for military stores, etc .. 626, 1285 of ... 80 for purchase of Springfield riiles from Manuscripts, ‘ Army ... . . 626, 1286 on free List . . ... 77 for transportation and recruiting. 626, 1286 Manzumo National Forest, N. Mex., for repairs of barracks .. . . . 626, 1286 apgrgpriation for maintenance, etc., of- 427, 1249 per diem, enlisted men .. . . . . 627, 1286 Map rrup, for forage . _ ,..,,,,,, 627, 1286 uty on .. . . 34 for commutation of quarters, officers, Maple Sugar, with troops, etc ,.,,.,,, 627, 1286 duty on ... . ... ,. 34 for continigent .. 627, 1286 Maps, remova of disallowances for motor veduty on, not specially provided for ... 64 hicles, etc ...,._ _ _______, 1287 on free list,_ or educational institutions, for trans rting remains of, dying etc.; limit 74 abroad)? ... . . . 619, 1278 for the United States, or Library of Con- for improvements, etc., riile range, Win- _ green. 73 throp, Md .., . .,.,.,., 1277 pnnted more than 20 years . 73 deficiency appropriation for contingent. . . 212, Maps of the lfmud States, 221, 226, 791, 794, 810, 1302, 1305, 1322 appropriation for connected, etc.; distribu- _ for pay ... 221, 225, 791, 809, 813, 1322, 1326 tion ...---... . ...,. 513, 1215 for provisions ... . · 221, 794, 809, 1305 for separate State and Territorial . 513, 1215 for transportation and recrui 221, for post-route, eu: ... . . 522, 1224 791%, 801, 813, 1302 fongeological . ..,., 743, 1418 for fuel ,...,,, 791, 794, 1305 deiicieugiappmpdation for State, showing for military stores ,.,,,.,,_______,___,_ 794 e rged homestead designations. . . 797 for forage ,.,,..,,_ , ,,,,,,_ 794 Mapa, War Qcpartvrwnt, _ _ for commutation of quarters . . . 794 appropriation for publication of engi- for hire of um·mm_ _________ _ _________ 809 11881.* ’ ‘··· - ····· • ···--··· - - · - · · 730; for Lieut. gel. C, DSWBOI], M$j_ 1!e<1¤vlwtn,Ivwn. Harold G. Reisinger, and Capt, appropriation for public building .. . . 1375 Davis (;_ wma ____ _ _______________ 1305 acquiring site for public building at, au- oiicers detailed on investigations may adthemed -·-----··-·-·------·~---· - 689 minister oaths . _,_________ 399 Marble, penalty for discriminating, by theaters dnty on, monuments, etc. .-. 21 etc., against wearers of uniform of- . 3 963 rough, etc, . .. 21 retired officers to receive commieeione for Marble, Works m, advanced rank when romoted 1354 on free list, produced more than 100 years Marine Hospitals (see also Public Healtli and before importation .. . . 82 Limnsnospim Service), Marbles, Toy, _ _ appropriation for repairs, preservation duty ou, not provjdgd fo]_·_ _______ 66 gm _ ___________________________ 768 ]385 Morcuehoqh Pe.- _ _ for Chicago, 111., elevator ... . .-·»- , 710 approglriation for mamtenance of ice harbor. 638 for Detro1t, Mich., smoking rooms . 710 Mare Is nd, Cal., for Mobile, Ala. stairways - · • . · · 710 appropriation for navy—yard, public for maintenance .. l - I I I I I I .716 1394 Werkn- - -. ._ , ... 616, 1275 deficiency an ropriatien for maintenance- ’ 1295 for_navaI magazme, public works 617, 1277 time extendeg for treating fire sufferers in dehcmn? appropriation fm- public wo;-kg _ _ 212 Chelsea, Mass ,...,...,, 184 Maricopa ounty, Ang., _ Marine Schools, lands granted to Arizona to psy bonds is- loan of naval vessels, equipment, etc., for wed by. . 573 me of. atdeeiznated porn ..--·----. 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