Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1643

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clx INDEX. National Forest Reservatign Cmnmzbsion, Pgggé Nationaldgome fo? Disabled Volunteer Sol- 1’j¤8¤· ted; ft tj ,,,_____,,,_,_,_,_, 1:67 I on mue , gcgct upggnshe l;>u?gh(:;.se of lands, etc. 962 approp¤g~1.tion for expenses, Battle Mounpurchases t0_ be made only on approval of. . 962 ta1n_San1tar1um, S. Dak . 735, 1412 to serve during official term ..,... 962 fol' Cl01$h}l1g, all b1`3·11€h9$ ·-·-- - ·----· 735, 1412 annual reports, eh; __,_,,___ _ ____,,,_____, 962 for salanes and expenses, board of manrccommeudation of lands to be purchased. 962 gxgers .. 735, 1412 examination by Geological Survey .. 962 dugposal of propeyty of decedents leavlands approved by, be purchased $162 mg no he1rs, w1ll, etc._ . : 736 consent of Stiate legis anne .,... 962 copdmons of membershqi ...- 736 title to vest m Umm;] Stages __,________ 962 fo;-_a1d to State o1:Temtor1a homes. . . 736, 1413 timber and minerals to be reserved . 962 defimency a§ipropr1a.tion for Hampton, Va. 211 rggulgtioug for removing _____,,_,,, , . 962 for Santa 0I11C8, Cal . . . 211, 220, 1301 sales of agricultural tracts not needed for for Leavenworth, Kaus . . 211, 220, 1301 public purposes __,___,___,, _ ..,.,.. 962 for Da.11v111e, 11] 211, 1301, 1321 limit; State mrisdictiou resumed . 963 for Johnson C1ty, Tenn .. 211,1301 rights, etc., subject to this Act ... 963 for M11YV3Uk€8, Wis . 1301, 1321 to be permanently reserved as national for Marmn, Ind._..., . 1 . 1301 forest lands ,_,,,.., 1 . . 963 for State or Ter{·1tonal homes 211 jurisdicéionegf State over persons 111, 963 §0l‘I;8};1Z9I1, 0hlO ... 3223 noiza, ec . ,,..,. orcot mg five ger cent of receipts to be paid to 963 appoingzment $1 ${0a:d ¢;ihMsé1agers gf tstes ..,, ames . a swo enry . dmuse for county schools and roads .. 963 John L5;] Ho§>3*é Hen;y1{·I. 8 6 ' tributzion; maximum ... . . 963 am and car . ottsc a . . 7 appropriatiorgl for expenses; immediately 963 N of Zi Dh}d}se3;yand1g,u¢$·ial1l;ci. Lxnbertj 1459 availa e .. ationa c in ir evnonh National Forests (see also Forest Service), Asaocvlatebn, D. C., P ` appropriation for administration of . 424, 1246 incorporatzors, object, management, etc 1361 sale of timber; restriction, Black powers of trustees, exemption from taxa- Hills .. 424, 1246 tion, em ...,,, 1361 for constructing permanent impmvc- Nationql Comm12smZq*n, _ ments . 431, 1247 publxcsmons o , to be prmted as public for eggedrgses restoring to public domagxio 5 N ldglcuments .,, t .,.. 217 in ... . 141 ationa useum, for topographical surve¥s in. 743; 1418 ap rogriation for salaries, fixtures, etc.. 718, 1396 deficiency appropriation or surveying 222 for eating, lighting, em ..._,,,,, 718, 1396 for restoring lands in ... . ... 811 for wwing, etc., collections .. 718, 1396 for griotection of ... . ... 812 gor ks, rep®, em ...,..,.,_,, 719, 1396 or ministmtion .. 1324 or printing and binding for ..___,____ 768, 1447 allotments to Indians living in ... 862 deficiency ap priation for completing creatxcn or enlargement of, nn certain States new buigigng __,_,______,___________ 121 forbidden, except by act of Congress 848 for roads walks, em ___________________ 782 desert land selections by Oregon exchanged for ice Pfam _________________ _ __________ 733 for lands in ... 1357 for reserving collections ,,...,,,,__,,_,_ 311 exchanges authorized with private owners National) Parks, to consolidate Kansas .. 960 appropriation for Chickamauga and Ghat» grant of for Lowell Observatory in tunoogg ___,,.,,,,,._,,_,,,, 724,1401 Coconino, Ariz 452 for Shiloh ,,,_,,,,,,____ _ _ , ,; ________ 724, 1401 lands acquire?1 under czniservation act, per· for Gettysburg ..,,.,,.,. , ,,,,_,. 725, 1401 manen y reserv as .. 963 { i·Vicksb __________________ 725 1401 lands added to Pocatello, I¢1aho .. 919 fgr memorizagto Union Navy , 725 rmmpfggisoxzam school sections granted to 573 gor ggeuoivekugne, ... 725, 7$g%14]0§,14§1 I . . or oun . 1mer.. . , 4 4 1 $0 New M€X1€<>- .·----. _ 562 for Crater Lake .. 725, 745; 1421 remstatement of homestead entries, og,n· fg; Yosemite _______________________ 745 1420 celed, etc,, solely because of with- for Sequoia ______,__________ _ _______ 745, 142] _ drawal of lands for ,,... 1084 for General Grant ,,,,,,,_,_,,,______, 745, 1421 _ nghts of successful contestants ... . . . 1084 for Mesa Verde ,_,,,__,____,,_______ 745, 1421 nghts <glwt¤1?;(for1<ileo¤i<:)11ines may be gmnp for Wind Cave _,__,__ _ ______________ 745; 1421 . ug 9 . Fi. ----·- , ·-----—-·— 1253 1<>f PIM --------~--··--·-·--·------ 745, 1420

   (ice giitm, Orgamzed). examixiatipnyof San   water

, . ., su appropriation for expenses, pay of troops, for Glalgegi . . ..,,,_,, 745, _ etc 411, 1004 1 mm 1; d ’ Natwnal Hmmzfcr Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, mg; e;peuI:11§a1rc;: %?ut(;1e (grirgfziggz appropriapion for expenses, Dayton, of ________________ _ _______________ 1421 Qhw .---·... _ ...----..-.-.·~-... 732, 1408 deficiency appropriation for Shiloh, Term-, Milwaukee, Wis ,,,,.,_ 733, 1409 re c cl ds. Togus Me 733 1409 for y Om 210,788 ' Hamilton, Va ..---·..,-·.·.-.. 73311410 commissmnergfoh 222 Leavenwoqth, Kaus 734, 1410 tsmooga; office at Chattanooga .. 293 Smign Monica, Cal . 734,1410 established (*;],,,,,:5,,; Mgnt ________________ 354 - Hump Ind 734, 1411 Nahimal Railways of jlavico D¤¤V¤1-1% UI -···—·-·--··—·--·---· 735, 1411 may budge Rio Grands Between Laredo, _ Johnson City, Tenn 735, 1411 Tex., and Nuevo Laredo, Mexican. 188