Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1660

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INDEX. clxxvii Panama, Panama, Pese- Pa(per—C0ntinued. Peasappropriation for foreign hospitals . 347, 1036 uty on, metal covered . 62 Panama Railroad, music .., . ... 64 appropriation for expenses, relocatin . . 772, 1450 not specially provided for .. 61 reimbursing, for marine or fire losses; pamphlets ... 64 no insurance to be paid . . . . 772 parc ment, and imitation parchment 62 annual subsidy from not required . 772 photographic, etc - ... 62 to carry no insurance ... 1451 photographs .. . .. 64 to make no further payments on moneys pictures ... . ..~». 62 a propriated for its use 1451 g playing cards .··.·... 64 no bond) required for services, materials, post cards - ... · -.-... 62 etc., to be furnished by ... 1452 potter}; - - ---.. Pandcri , D. C., press oards or press paper . punisliainent for inveigling female into printed matter of parchment, etc ... 62 house of rostitution, etc.--:.-._..- 833 prmtmg,_for books and newspapers, not placing female m house of prostitution, 833 dsiptzpialllygiorovided gg,. : ék. 61 etc _______ _ _____________________,_ s 1 ona rn coun impos - receivinimoney, etc., for causing illegal port duty on wood pulp, etc . .. 61 ha 'tation or tennis .. - . sas mos felt ----·-.. 61 causin?g wife to live_in prostitution, etc. - 833 sensaiged. . .. . ...,... 62 . detsiuing female m disorderly house, sheathing .--·--. . ---.-... 61 etc., for debt therein contracted 833 · stgrgotype --·.. gé Pam; s. ce·coa ..._ _ _,.,... Pduty on, cotton, etch . . . 48 .--· - ..---- eiiiirty on, albums for photographs, etc .. 64 views of United States scenery, etc., articles photogelatin printed, not spe· lithograplucally prmted, etc 64 cially provided for 64 former rate effective until Oct. 1, 1909, 64 articles of surface-coated, parchment,etc - 62 on previous orders - : f .. 6 3 bags of parchment, etc . ... wraippmgupot specially provided or 63 basic, for seneitizing, etc ..·...--------- wri ing, - . -; -...-...---·... bibu10uS______________________ ____ ____ _P?gO•]gar3andCggaret[e3’ bhmk books _,,,, , _,_,,,.,, , ,,... 64 uty on ,_,, Z .,_,,_.,,,,..,. 35 ‘ ‘ ted .. 63 Pa D·Lst·i1wtwe _ ,

 . 63 aI;ipiopriation_ for expenses, United States

· 3;.,, i ’ [ith Phicgu gggjuriug _______ _ _____________ 714, 1390 b°°’“· cl"' " °· °"“‘ Y · 714 1391 ‘ md; ______,__ _ _,,,,,_,,. - _ 63 fonnatronal currency. . .. ’ I . . , of alinhiiids, not specially provided for; . (J deficiency appropriation or nations cur- 204 . . rene ... : ._ .. lliorigigloboardf i 5 ... ss fo; S ;n?`es . B ..., t . 204 butmns-···--·--·-l'-,.-______________ 65 a ’ [par- · , 62 t glr?1@.:.`.'.;::il;;;:l:;;l; . 63 spgwpndgiionfer-·_.._..·f -··-··------·--- lg; ¤¤·*,=,· ¤*h¤e*Pm’*Y P"¤"*’·`°f*?;;;;; Si ‘l°r.,$‘&§$‘£K§°£E'$§§§£y?T:. ‘.‘. 1:;;:::;;; 777 gigs; . l l - _ - _ t ... 62 Paperfor Inzernpl Reve‘n;4e_Sf¢;mpa, 713 1390 · .’·.'.-·-i · . ]°,BI\ I6 · -.-··-- ·— 1 §&‘;"“° ·················· . ······. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ‘§E§§2§,§‘§`;‘§§pE,pm,i,¤‘%,, _____ _ ____ 777, 1292 - ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’'‘‘`‘'``’` ``````'`` P M ki

 letter. i l l . · l I l l I i l l I li   liiipepropzriallgin for tests of plants and woodim 753

’ '`'``'``` ` _ 62 for _____ _ ______________________ , ° l’° ················· Q ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°°‘° p si k §‘.;3£23'?.;‘;Z,‘?‘i.§°f.‘T?T?‘;‘gti;:ii:&£‘;£(i:xiii; 23l Ptfegjgg mnt, wm, et. 78 bogged . t 9 · fm » em ¤,¤s¢*i“;tl’i°‘ii?‘°“i°’i?aR···i ···· 23 “r$Kt‘Z.§‘..‘§°"°“’ ?“f‘“?f’fT‘TY‘?‘T;i;i;;;;;;;; % °“.§°,,..°",,°i.;.;.;,;e‘,;eg ··Q·‘‘‘‘Q·‘‘‘ 1::;;: 62] mutate .-1, ...1 sms, provided 70 I "": I`. _______ fashion periodicals, lith<>grsph1¢¤UY 3 t Pmmn mf -··--····-···--··---·- - ¤1tepr`l’§$.T€b$t€i¢£r`é£6e"kS I Z i Z F Z ZT gl [ <>¤ séhgij- { -------·----------·--—---- 78 ‘ I P 1 '7 . . Hlterlng°°`°.·'-··--··-·.'-.·.···~-'.-  ; 3:)Lp1.iati1;)nforpublicbulldmg-___·_’__ Hwkicmtad `'`' ````··.-..·`--...-·`- 62 ‘ Paraguay and Uruguay,

 62; appropdationformmisterw . 337,183;
 · "  ________ _ _______ 63 . or secretary of legation .. _ ... 338 ,

Jac unrdoloom designs on .. 63 I Paramtronylm, 74 hbeqb _. 62 on free hst . . .. . latter.····•··.·.-··--'--··- ____ Payg_qglR¤[bgandSLre¢(·hgr$, 29 . ‘’ .‘ ' ` ·` ```` · '```°·'·- d t ‘ , em ___________ _ _______ _ ____ lnthogigphically printed pictures,. 62 Pgilisgrlgn iron 71 · °°°°`-'---.·- ---·-·U ______ 63 t _ _____ ____ _____ _ __,_ ,_,, .. .- W '“““"?§", ···Q asazaespeesii ‘‘‘‘ {needed `?»~ici€$er- -,»·-,-··--·-------·—--»——-— gg mangrcmes-·j·--U--·-·__·_________ 64 onfreeljstisglcksmtheygugh,qutfor _... me ---·--·----···-··-··············· $3 "‘Z,‘i"$§z,, _ _.,.,_ 78 masks. . · --··-·—-- - -········ · ···‘‘ ' 88740°-—voL 36, YT 1-11--105