SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 2-4, 6. 1909. 1 I third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and all other laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. ‘ Approved, July 2, 1909. CHAP. 3.-—An Act To make Scranton, in the State of Mississippi, a subport of [·IIl1I¥.?l(ii?$'] entry, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C States of America in Congress assembled, That Scranton, in the State Sd1:ziii$ii,Miss. of Mississippi, is hereby made a subport of entry in the district of ,,.;,"“§§jj{bg§`§g_"g,';; Pearl River, and the necessary customs officers stationed at said port trlgr. may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, enter and ¤mé§&§$f2566’p`5°7’ clear vessels, receive duties, fees, and other moneys, and perform such other service as, in his judgment, the interest of commerce may require. - Approved, July 2, 1909. CHAP. 4.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act temporarily to provide `i¥i?}i?’g% revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes/’ approved ·—+L—-· April twelfth, nineteen hundred. [Pubh°' N°‘ M Be it enacted by the Senate and House o_fR@resen.tatioes of the United _ States of America in Oorégness assembled, That the Act entitled "An ¥,°,§§’,,%,i§‘Z;,, mem. Act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto bl{;0, 3, P 8, umm, Rico, and for other purposes,” approved April twelfth, nineteen ed.’’ hundred, is hereby amended by inserting at the end of section thirty- one of said Act the followiivifiadditional proviso: "And_providedj’m·ther, at if at the termination of any iiscal year ,,,§,‘§,§’,§’,§’{t°f "“° gm" the appropriations necessary for the support of government for the mgyegmgigggggigggé ensuing fiscal year shall not have been made an amount equal to the mxsmm. sums appropriated in the last appropriation bills for such purpose shall be deemed to be appropriate ; an until the le 'slature shall act in such behalf the treasurer mai, with the advice of the governor, make the payments necessary for the purposes aforesaid." · Sec. 2. That all reports required y law to be made by the governor }I§§*;‘Q’§‘{;,$‘§‘d,p,,,. or members of the executive council of Porto Rico to any official in the g¢r·;;ggv*g—>ggg1s¤¤=¢d United States shall hereafter be made to an executive department of ' the Government of the United States to be designated by the President; and the Presidentjs hereby authorized to place all matters pertaining to the government of Porto Rico in the jurisdiction of such department. · Approved, July 15, 1909. CHAP. 8.——An Act To provide revenue, equalize duties and encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes. Be it evuwted by the Senate and House egf Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembl , That on and a ter the day T°*’“* °‘“’°9· following the passage of this Act, excqpt as otherwise specially pro- 1,,,,, ,,_ 82 vided for in the second section of this ct, there shall be levied, col- $· pkosec- lected, and paid u on all articles when imported from any foreign °' ’P' °‘ country into the Uiiited. States or into any of its possessions (except anI;,¤}};g\g;,¤;s:ic<;¤ge¤:,¤· the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila) the P ` rates of duty which' are by the schedules and paragraphs of the dutiable list of this section prescribed, namely: