Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/415

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. 39]. Lronrrivoz For illuminatin material, lighting, extinguishing, re- '·i8°""8· pairing, and cleaning (public damps on avenues, streets, roads, and alleys; purchasing an expense of erecting and maintaining new lamp—posts, street designations, lanterns, and fixtures; moving lamp—posts, painting lamp-posts and lantems; replacing and repairing amp—posts and antems damaged or imfit for service; for rent of storeroom, carta e of material, livery, and other necessa items, two hundred and e` hty-eight thousand dollars: Pro*vided,rThat no Pwwrm. more than eighteen iqgillars per annum shall be paid for each gas lamp Mmm`“”°°"“'°°‘ equipped with a self-regulating flat-flame burner so adjusted as to sec1u·e under all ordinary variations of pressure and density a consumption of five cubic feet of gas per hour, nor more than twenty dol- ` lars and eighty-five cents per annum for each as and twenty-two dollars and eighty cents per annum for each oil lamp equip d with an incandescent-mantle burner of not less than sixty candlgpower. And during) the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven the price ,AéLd e¤i>¢¤¤¤¤ inrescribed y Congress for lighting each street lamp in the District of ° ° ‘ Columbia with gas or oil shall be construed to include the cost of the illuminating material used, lighting and extinguishing lamps, repairing, painting, cleaning, purchasing, and expense of erecting and " mamtaining lam -posts, street desi ations, antems, and fixtures: Provided,T at all) of said lamps shall Iiliirn every night, on the average, A1¤·¤ish¢ ¤<-=rvic<»- from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise: And provided further, That the Commissioners of the District of ,.,§@*""S’8““"°“ Columbia may (purchase, erect, light, and maintain such posts, lantems, signs, an fixtures for street-designation purposes, in addition to those mentioned above, as in their judgment may be necessary, which lamps shall not be subject to the restrictions of this paragraph . except as to the time of burning. Hereafter contracts shall be entered into for lighting avenues, 10¤¤=¤w¤¤ for oil streets, roads, and alleys in the District of Columbia by oil for a mpi period of not exceeding three years. For electric arc lighting, and for extensions of such service, not - !¤·>¢¤‘i¤ ¤¤‘¤¤8h*¤· exceeding one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, gvgyvh H That not more than eighty-five dollars per annum shall be paid for ° m mw °m°' any electric arc light burning from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty- five minutes before sunrise, and operated wholly by means of underground wire; and each are light shall be of not less than one thousand actual candlepower, and no part of this appropriation shall be used for electric lighting by means of wires that may exist on or over any of the streets or avenues of the city of Washin ton. The Commissioners of the District of Columgbia may, in their dis- ,m§¤¤zg;§g§w¤gl:g¤§; cretion, maintain electric arc lamps of higher candlepower on osts mm. already erected in the Union Station Plaza at a rate not to exceed one hundred dollars per lamp per annum for lamps burning from fifteen minutes after sunset until forty-five minutes efore sunrise. For the purchase of twenty-five fire-alarm boxes, and for the Fi¤+¤1¤r¤¤ ¤<>¤¤¤· purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross·arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessary items, five thousand dollars. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. duV§:¤hi¤sw¤ Aq¤¤— For operation, including salaries of all necessary employees, main- M°"“°“"“""" tenance, and repair of the Washington Aqueduct and its accessories, including Conduit road, the McMillan Park reservoir, and Washington Aqueduct tunnel, and also including the urchase and maintenance of one motor truck, horses, vehicles, and Iiarness, and the care and ‘ maintenance of the stable, thirty-three thousand dollars.