Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/462

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438 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. `II. Ch. 256. 1910. E¤=P°¤*¤ °* ¤°*¤i¤· 0 enable the Secreta of `culture to enforce the provisions of iS%l°sr·il;l(is. the? above Act, and a suIplplemll§1ltlarjy Act approved March sixteenth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to provide for_ an increased annual appropriation for agricultural experiment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof/’ relative to their administration, including rent and the emgloyment of clerks, assistants, and other persons in the city of Was ington and elsewhere, freight and express cha es, official traveling expenses, office fixtures, supplies, a paratus, tlgegraph and telephone service, gas, and electric current, S¢¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤ tll)u·ty-three thousand four hundred dollars; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall rescribe the form of the annual financial statement required under tllle above Acts, ascertain whether the expenditures are in accordance with their provisions, and make report thereon to Congress. S¤¤¢¤¤¤¤ i¤ M¤~k¤» To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain iiiivdlikrilim m°°' °cultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and tg; island of Guam, including the erection of buildings, the preparation, illustration, and distribution of reports and bulletins, and all other necessary expenses, ninety-nine thousand dollars, as follows: Alaska, twenty-eight thousand dollars; Hawaii, twenty-eight thousand dollars; Porto Rico, twenty-eight thousand dollars, of which sum five thousand dollars shall be especially devoted to experiments relating ¤•Je¤fr¤><1¤¤¤.¤¤c· to the culture of coffee; and Guam, fifteen thousand dollars; and the Secret of Agriculture is authorized to sell such products as are obtainhgon the land belo `ng to the agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Portollgico, and the island of Guam, and to apply the money received from the sale of such products to the maintenance . of said stations, and this aura shall be available until used. nizvnvgg, iggiémg, To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report em. upon the organization and progress of farmers’ rnstrtutes and agricultural schools in the several States and Territories, and upon similar organizations in foreign countries, with special suggestions of plansand methods for making such organizations more effective for the dissemination of the resu ts of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations, and of improved methods of agricultural practice, including rent and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and all other necessaxiy expenses, ten thousand dollars; n al, for general expenses, eight hundred and sixt —two thousand four hundred dollars y m§;;f¤°*°¤*¤°°¤°*¤¤· N urarrron _1Nvssr1oA·r1oNs: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate the nutritive value of agricultural roducts used for human food, witlrspecial suggestions o plans and) methods for the more effective utilization of such products for this purpose, with the cooperation of other bureaus of the department, and to dissemmate useful infomation on this subject, including rent and the employment of labor rn the city of Washi ton and elsewhere, and all other necessary expenses, ten thousandndollars. g:;;i_§;¤¤¤ i¤v¤¤¤· Irarzroyrrorx IPQVESTIGATIONSZ To enable the Secretary of Agri- _ culture to investigate and_report upon the laws of the States and Territories as affecting 1rr1gation_and the rights of appropriators, and of riparian proprietors and institutions relatin to irri ation, and upon the use o urrgation waters, at home and abroacg with especial suggestions of the best methods for the utilization of irrigation waters m_agr1culture, and upon the use of different kinds of power and afpphances for irrigation, and for the pre eration and illustration o reports and_bullet1ns on irri ation, including rent and the employment of labor rn the city of V§ashington and elsewhere and all necessary expenses, seventy thousand three hundred and eighty dollars.