Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/503

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1910. 479 Order and accession: Chief of division, two thousand five hundred °“*°““‘*"·°°“*°“· dollars; assistant, one thousand ive hundred dollars; assistant one thousand two hundred dollars; three assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two assistants, at six hundred· dollars each; assistant five hundred and twenty dollars; and two junior messengers, at three hundred

 sixgyudollars each; in all, eleven thousand seven hundred and

eighty dollars. · Cataloigue, classification, and shelf: Chief of division, three c,§§,‘,§’;°€.‘,}°;h§,}_‘”‘“‘ thousan dollars; chief classifier, two thousand dollars; four assist- ` ants, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; seven assistants, at one thousand five hundred each; six assistants, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; twelve assistants, at one thousand two hundr·ed dollars each; six assistants, at one thousand dollars each; fourteen assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; four assistants, at eight hundred dollars each; thirteen assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three assistants, at six hundred dollars each; ten assistants, at five hundred and forty dollars each; four assistants, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; six junior messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, eighty- seven thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. Binding: Assistant in charge, one thousand four hundred dollars; B"“““g· assistant, nine hundred dollars; junior messenger, three hundred and _ sixty dollars; in all, two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. _ — Bibliography: Chief of division, three thousand dollars; assistant, B"’“°¥"“¥’*’Y· one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; stenographer and typewriter, nine hundred dollars; assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; junior messenger, three hurgdreg and sixty dollars; in all, eight thousand two hundred and ‘ ei ty dollars. glteading rooms (including evening service) and special collections: R°°'““K '°°'“·°*°· Superintendent of readin room, three tlrousand dollars; two assistants, at one thousand fiveiundred dollars each; four assistants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one assistant (reading room for the blind), one thousand two hundred dollars; Eve assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; stenographer and tyipewriter, nine hundred dollars; ten assistants, at seven hrmdred an twenty dollars each; two assistants, at six hundred dollars each; attendant, Senate reading room, nine hundred dollars; two attendants, Representatives’ reading room, one at nine hundred dollars and one at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two attendants, cloak rooms, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; attendant, Toner Library`, nine hundred dollars; attendant, Washingtonian Library, nine undred dollars; telephone rgperator, six hundred dollars; two attendants (for gallery and coves), at four hundred and eighty dollars each; four junior messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twent dollars each; evening service, five assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; fifteen assistants, at seven hunldredi agdl tiaventy dollars each; in all, fifty-one thousand three un re dollars. Periodical (including evening service): Chief of division, two thou- P°"*°d*“"· sand dollars; chief assistant, one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; stenographer and typewriter, nine hundred dollars; three assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two junior messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; for arrears of sorting and collating and to enable periodical readin room to be open in the evenings, two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, ten thousand five hrmdred and twenty dollars.