Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/607

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 316-318. 1910. 583 ments and lands, and for damage to lands reserved for agency purposes, which compensation shal be determined and under the irection of the Secretary of the Interior in such manner as he may prescribe: Prm:idedfurthe1·, That the Siletz Power and Manufactur— §’.{’§g,,,q,,,m,_ 1ng Company, its successors or assigns, where not otherwise provided, shall, at its own exjilense, construct and maintain sufficient and suita- · ble bridges across the .water ditch or canal the right of way for which is hereby granted at the crossing of public roads, and be designated by the county court of the county in which they may be, failing in which the rights herein granted shall be forfeited. — Sec. 4. That the rights herein granted shall be forfeited by said ,,§}f"°° °f °°“”"'“°‘ corporation unless the water ditch or canal shall be constructed through . the said lands within three years from the passage of this Act. Sec. 5. That it is hereby expressly prov1ded that Congress may at A“‘°“d“‘°“" any time alter, amend, or repeal this Act or any part thereof. _ Approved, June 22, 1910. CHAP. 317.-An Act Granting certain land to the town of Yuma, in the ·7¤¤¤ 22- 1910- Territory of Arizona. _ U IC, 0. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatives of tbe United ` States of Ameriea in 00n ressassembled, That there is hereby rantedto §",,,'f,l§§({"§‘,i’"yum,_ the town of Yuma, in Yluma County, Arizona, that two and one-half ·'¤'*¤- acres of land ori 'nally included in the town-site patent to said town • of Yuma, locate? in sections thirty-five and thirty-six, and known as the "quarr reserve/’ · Sec. 2. 'lyhat for the purpose of extending First street of said city B°1;g*rg:',yg1¤M*l*¤¤ there is hereby granted, out of the land known as "quartermaster s Lands on: granted depot," being a part of the Fort Yuma Military Reservation, the g‘,,°Z_’°' “°'°°‘ °'"°“` fo lowing-described land, to wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of said depot, running thence north four degrees eight minutes east one hundred and forty-two and seventy-two onehundredths feet; thence east one thousand eight hundred and thirty- two and sixty-seven one-hundredths feet to intersection of the south boundary line of the quartermaster’s depot with the north boundary line of First street; thence south eighty-tive degrees thirt -five minutes, west one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight and g>rty— four one-hundredths feet along the south line of said quartermaster’s depot to place of beginning. ` Approved, June 22, 1910. CHAP. 318.-An Act To provide for agricultural entries on coal lands. ·g,'¥}*i,2§,,_§’,l,?j Be it emzeted by the Senate and House ofRqyresentatw}ves oft/ae United [P°'*“°· N°· 227-] States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the pas- Public 1¤¤d¤. sage of this Act unreserved public lands of the United States exclusive 1..$i§m°°’ °t°" °°°l of Alaska which have been withdrawn or classified as coal lands, or are fo{},{*,§g;‘_§§*,§{§f,§;‘;§“ valuable for coal, shall be subject to appropriate entry under the home- R-S.,sec·¤¤0.v-4h stead laws by actual settlers only, the esert—land law, to selection under V"' "' P' m' section four of the Act approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred Vol. 28, p.422. and ninety~four, known as the Carey Act, and to withdrawal under the Act approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, known V¤l.32.p.38& as the Reclamation Act, whenever such entry, selection, or withdrawal shall be made with a view of obtaining or passin title, with a Right w vmvpw. reservation to the United States of the coal in such lands and of the °°°" ‘°' °°°h°”"°°` right to agrospect for, mine, and remove the same. But no desert d,{;(§,"},_“ °“° °°“‘ entrg m e under the provisions of this Act shall contain more than . one undred and sixty acres, and all homestead entries made hereun- ‘ der shall be subject to the conditions, as to residence and cultivation,