Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/616

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592 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 355-358. 1910. June 22, 1910. CHAP. 355.-An Act Chan 'ng the name of phe S;aint Johns collection district, [8* 4711*] in the State of Florida, to the Jilcksonvillc colleciuon dxstnct. [ , N . 241.] _ , Public 0 » Be it enacted by the Senate mul Home 0_fRepresentatzves of the United B°;'i‘,}§"‘§;,hm mm States of America in Congress assembled, That; the name of the collecdistrict glgwnéed v6 tion district in the Stats of Florida now known as the Sami: Johns J°1?§;;;]¤.$éaz,p. ms collection district be, and the same is hereby, changed to the Jackson- ““°” °°· ville collection district. Approved, June 23, 1910. J¤¤¢ zi.- mo- CHAP. 356.-An Act Granting cumulative nnuual leave of absence to storekccpers,

 guugors, and storekeeper-gaugcrs, with pay.

[Public, N0. 242.] _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat2?ves of the United §'§,°$e'§Z;§c°,;$%&€' States of America in Congress assembled, That storckecpers, gaugcrs, ·b‘;*:;*;Q:::l*'°°* and storekcepcngaugcrs shall be, and are hereby, granted a. cumula- " five annual leave of absence, with pa , not to exceed in the aggregate (Q';’P"g;¤°¤_ _ Efteeu days for any one year: ed, That said leave of absence is so computed as not to exceed one and one-quarter days for each twenty-six days said storakacpcrs, gaggcrs, and storckceper-gau€1crs R°¥“‘“f°“’* are actually a.ssi§·ncd to duty: Promde further, That such leave s all ' be operative un er such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may prescribe. Approved, J una 23, 1910. · — · _-— -1-; § 'Jzme zi, 1910. CHAP. 357.-An Act Providing that cntrymcn for homcsteads within reclamation [S- 50*8-} projects may assign their entries upon satisfactory proof of residence, improvement, [public, N0_m_] and cultivation for five years, the same as though said entry had been made under ` the original homestead Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Punlic umds. States 0_fAmew·ica in Oemgress assembled, That from and after tha filing

$"§$,§ §Z with the Commissioner of the General Land Office of satisfactory proof

§;0¢?€g; *°°**¤¤¤**°¤ of residence, improvement, and cultivation for the five years required nm; w assignee. by law, persons who have, or shuQl nuke, homestead entries within reclav°‘·°“·"‘S88‘ mation projects under the prov1sions of the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, may qssign such entries, or any part thereof, to other persons, and such assxgnces, upon submitting proof of the reclamation of the lands and upon payment of the charges apportioned against the same as provided in the said Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, may receive from the United States u patent for &‘{,'f{{",ig,,,_ the lands: ]’ro»vided, That all assignments made under the provisions of this act shall be subject to the limitations, charges, terms, and conditions of the reclamation Act. Approved, June 23, 1910. June 23,1910. CHAP. 358.-An Act Authorizing and directing the Department oi State to ascer- __ E- 7158·} min and report to Congress damages and losses sustained by certain citizens of the [Public, 1%.244.] United States on account of the naval operations in and about the town of Apia, in the Samoan Islands, b the United States and Great Britain, in March, Apnl, and May, eighteen hundregand ninety-nine. Be it enacted the Senate and House aflfegaresentativea of the Un {ted gg; of mmm States of Americajn Oowgrqss assembled, That the Secretary of State tm lngses m, m new be, and he hcrpby ISK authorized and dnrcctcd to ascertain the amounts °*’{,'$g‘{f’b_m,5_ due, ji any, respectively, tg American citizens on claims heretofore mz, {#.1034. filed m the Department of btate growing out of the joint naval opera.- tions of the United States and Great Britain in and about tha town of Apia., in the Samoan Islands, in the months of March, April, and May, eighteen hundred and mncty-nine, and covered by the provisions