Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/62

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38 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. . mmm G- eva oratod or re ared in an manner not s cially provided for vci¤':i¤°g in this section, iilwopcents per pgund; coniiits, svlzetmeats, and fruits °°°¤"° of all kinds preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added there- - to, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or containing not over ten per centum of alcohol, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; if containing over ten per centum of alcoho and not specially grovided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem an in addition two dollars and fifty cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein in excess of ten per centum; jellnes of all kmds, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; pineapples preserved in their own juice, not having sugar, spirits, or molasses added thereto, twenty-Eve per centum ad valorem. e,},'*$’· ¤*¤“”’·°“"~’¤· 275. Figs, two and one—half cents per pound; plums, prunes, and ` prunelles, two cents per pound; raisins and other dried grapes, two and one—half cents per pound; dates, one cent per pound; currants, Zante or other, two cents per pound; olives, in bottles, `ars, kegs, tins, or other packages, containing less than five gallons each, · twenty-five cents r gallon; otherwise, fifteen cents per gallon. cnpea. 276. Grapes inlliiarrels or other packages, twenty-five cents per cubic foot of capacity of barrels or packages. _ remom, oranges, 277. Lemons, one and one·half cents per pound; oranges, limes, °°°‘ grape fruit, shaddocks, or pomelos, one cent per po1md. ora¤gepee1,ew. 278. Orange peel or lemon peel, preserved, candied, or dried, and ` cocoanut meat or copra desiccated, shredded, cut, or similarly i prepared, two cents per pound; citron or citron peel, preserve , candied, or dried, four cents per Sound. ` "°°**PPl°* 279. Pineapples, in barrels an other packages, eight cents r ‘ cubic foot of the capacity of barrels or packages; in bulk, eight dolllsilis · per thousand. ` anaeaaaem. 280. Almonds, not shelled, four cents er pound; clear almonds, O shelled, six cents per pound; apricot andp peach kernels, four cents per pound. raisers me wal- 281. Filberts and walnuts of all kinds, not shelled, three cents per "“°“‘ pound; shelled, five cents er pound. , resaua. 282. Peanuts or ground beans, unshelled, one-half of one cent per pound; shelled, one cent per pound. sua, not speemed. 283. Nuts of all kmds, shel ed or unshelled, not s ecially provided ‘ for in this section, one cent per pound; but no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled. Bacon and buns. 284. Bacon and hams, four cents per pound. rms mea. 285. Fresh beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork, and venison and other game, except birds, one and one-half cents per pound. Preserved mean. 286. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five er centum ad valorem. axzmmrmm. 287. Extract of meat, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five cents (per ppund; fluid extract of meat, fifteen cents per pound, but the utia le weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not include the weight of the packages in which the same is imported. Lara. 288. Lard, one andpone—half cents per pound. Poultry. 28% Poultry, live, three cents per pound; dead, five cents per oun . Tal1ow,etc. P 290. Tallow, one—half of one cent er pound; wool grease, including that known commercially as djegras or brown wool grease, crude and not refined, or improved in value or condition, one-fourth of one centlper pound; refined, or improved in value or condition, and not sgecia y provided for in this section, one-half of one cent per poim .