Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/721

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 383. 1910. 697 Sec. 22. That the limit of cost heretofore Gxed for the erection of a }f§{,§f§g@ c‘7§§{*-,n_ suitable building for the accommodation of the United States ost- creme. office, United States courts, and other governmental offices at Rains- ,,,l;'§lj°£5‘ P' S"' kogee, Oklahoma, be, and the same is hereby, increased by three hundred and sixty thousand dollars: Promkled, That the increase of mg], when ,,, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars herein provided for shall P’°P'***°d- not become available until the amount heretofore authorized shall have been appropriated. Sec. 23. hat the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized Mf,$“°”°° B*“’“”· ' and directed to cause to be erected, upon the site heretofore desig- Auniueunuuuumg nated, a suitable additional building or shed for the use and accommodation of the United States postal service at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, at a limit of cost not to exceed the amount of the unex ended $g§_°3Q’;l'*§,'{°- · balance remainin from the fifteen thousand dollars authorized) under ` the provisions og section five of the Act approved J‘une thirtieth, MISBMGD huTlimd limSSiX· f h T b d h h b Ml dl L° no. 24. at the ecretaryo the reasu e, an . eis ere , ° °”· · authorized and directed to accept for the Uniltbdd States, by donatioii, auiiigiliiiiice M dw without expense to the United States, a suitable site for the use and accommodation of the United States post-office and other governmgntal officrgi at Lgingen, Louisiana; · be d h · h b mm Terr; io nc. 25. at the ecretary of the Treasu , an e is ere , Acc, unc, q,, gi authorized and directed to accept for the Uniltyed States, by donatiog, ¤¤¤¤°*'E*¤¤· te without expense to the United States, a suitable site for the use and accommodation of the United States post-office and other governmental offices at Bonne Terre, Missouri: Provided, That the Secre- m mnt, ,,,_ tary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, acce t a title which aimed. reserves or excepts al ores and minerals on the lands with the right mSnin6 th6TlLm8·h Sec f th T b d h h b N°""““`}’°"· ““'· 1:0.26. atte re o e reasu e,an eis ere I 0,,,,,,, authorized, in his discretilZ;>li11:yt0 sell the oldr{ustom—house, and tlird ¤g¤§:餤r¤:w-lm _ site thereof, in the city of Newburyport, Massachusetts, at public or private sale, after (proper advertisement, at such time and on such terms as he may eem to be for the best interests of the United States, and to deposit the proceeds of said sale in the Treasury of the United States as a miscellaneous receipt. Sec. 27. That the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster- §},‘§*,,‘}{‘,;,{§0}',,,;,_,,° General of the United States shall cause to be examined the situation of¤¤i1¤i¤s.e¤c. in the city of Oneida, New York, with reference to the erection of a suitable building for the accommodation of the United States postofiice and other governmental offices, and to report to the Congress at its next session the result of such investigation, together with suitable recommendations as to the probable cost of a suitable site and a building adequate for all governmental purposes, and such Ether facts as they may deem necessary for the information of on ess. Sig;. 28. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, §,;°;’*;§e‘;{W£¤I}}hu_ authorized and directed to grant permission for the erection of a mem on pmmmee monument upon government ground adjacent to the United States "°“"°”‘ post—office building at Granite City, Illinois; said monument to be erected by the city in honor of the founder of Granite City, and without expense to the United States. Sec. 29. That of thee amount heretofore authorized for the enlarge- gggggggé *2*; a dd, ment, extension, and remodelin or improvement of the United tioualground. States post-office building at Reargng, Pennsylvania, so much as may V°l‘ 35’ W *8* gm be negessaxy shall be available for the acquisition of additional groun . _ Sec. 30. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, °‘°‘ authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the erection and V¤*-35- vn 467- 5** completion of a suitable fireproof building or buildings for a post-