Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/8

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. ix ` Page. Subpart of egtrgé, Bgrtgn Rgzgc, An act to rgakg g7at;>§1g%0ugc, in the State of Louisiana, a su po 0 cu , an oro er purposes. pn , . 335 Cable crossing, River. An act to give a. legal status to a submarine cable crossing the Mississipp1 Rwcr ctwecu C8.11`0, I1li1101s, and Bud Point, Missouri. April 27, 1910 336 Sarah Edwgirgs. Mgr; act for the relief of Walter F. Rogers, executor of the estate of Sarah Edwards. pn 9 .. . .,.__,,,., 336 Appropriationi dipyzmatab and consular. An pct maki.nti_appropris.tious for the dgplomatic and ggusxklar segvnce for the iiscal year cuding June u·tiet.h, nineteen hundre and eleven. ay 191 ,,.,,.__...,,,.,,... 337 Army, to retimd_o_§‘ivers£h {Kn act 30 a.ul;,l101%c commissions 120 issue in the cases of * 0 cerso carmyre wi mcrcaac ra . ay 6, 1910 347 Bo;ton,fJ}£xsaij astiisamézt trecwugder. é·\n act auth0riz;1g 9. credit in certain accounts of the Treasurer o e ni tates. soy 1910. .. ; ...,,.,,,,,., 347 Omahallgdzlm all1<¥1rtr;ents];$Nz§. .§n1;.$ providing for the taxation of the lands of the Omaha 11 ians m e ras . ay . 348 Yakima Indakm Reservation, Wash. ’ An act to amend the act approved December twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four entitled "An act to authorize the sale and disposition of surplus or uxmllotted lands oi the Yakima Indian Reservation in the State of Washiughon." Ma 6, 1910 . . .. 349 Lands in geveralty, reservoir sites, etc. An act granting lands for reservoirs, and so forth. May 6, 1910 . . . 349 BMmmmnee Ri er. An act to `ve the consent of Congress to the building of 2. brid . by ndgckhe citie; of M8';i]19tY»0, WiSCODS§lI1, and Menominec, Michigan, over the Mcuominee Iggver. M 6 1910 .. . . 350 Be Creek. An awt to authorize the construction of 2. bridge across Town Creek, North barolim May 6 1910 350 Harnw mw, N. J., road, m nX¢`wm· ```' i `mmmy, ``````` `AH £»&%`;3£6&{d1£g E} ii{é ié{>£.i£ L}1H}éi»Hii&i1lg of theuhaad from Hnrrésouvigcl Ne§ Jergey, to thi: pogt iagllgort Mott, New Jersey, and the mgtin ceme at inns omt, ew ersey. ay , . 350 Railway aéndmta. mt requiring gommon carriers engaged in interstate foreign commerce to make full reportstgf allfai)cc1dggts to tlge Iutmsliiaatc g0 81’CB Commmsnon, and author- 350 zzmg" ¢mserooysa1comm1ssion. y, ... . . Guy K 04:111:un, msyi Argbact to aufhtcgizc the Pr§sid•iint1:.)o0appoint Guy K. Calhoun as addi- 1:15133,1 professor nm cmatics in c ua. . ay 1 z 352 Brnklge, Saint Franris0Ri1:cr. An act_to authogyze Butler,and Stoddard counties of Missouri to construct a. bridge across the Samt_Fra.nc1s Riverpt Fisk, Missouri. May·6, 1910 .. 352 John K. Barton, Navy. An act authorizing the President to appomt J0§m K. Barpon, nqw a calzhtain on :he retireigst of abc Un1:etg<§S§at?smNaIw§y; gil léc an ;}1g111eer&1; cl:;1efb{$t1red, 352 orcar-0nteret' iso c mt tates a . y,1 . Un·iudYS'1tatu wurtsé immunityhiaf An act to repeal section eighxgundrcd and sixty bf 352 the ° tatutcs. a , .. - .. " Mai1w," raising wreck of battle s}%p. An act providing for the raising of the United Spates batyle ship Maine, in Habana Harbor, and to pl'0Vld0 for the interment of the bodws thorem. 353 M 9, 1910 . . .. Diszrie: ¢;yColumbw, bank {K Alawcostia gn amid to srighgréiie the opening of a mad along the 35 Ana tiR'e' c istricto umia. ay , 0 . .. 3 Glacier Naggsnag Pgkr ujlu act to establish "'1`hq Glacier National Park" in the Rocky Mountains south of the international boundary line, m the State of Montana, and for other purposes. 3 M 11 1910 ,,,., . ... . ... 54 Public lggds, ilawton, Okla. A11 act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of a fractional tmct of land in the Iawton (Oklahoma) land district at appraised value. May 355 11, 1910 . .. · .-.· Z - ·_ -·-.·... _ Approzabna, postal service. An act makiulg approprgauonsjor the SQYVICB of the Post,-Office gggartment for the gkscallgrciglgnding une tlurtxeth, mneteeu hundred and eleven, and 355 f th uifposes. ..- · -----.··----·--...·.---··--.---.-...-. Eartlzqufkz), ina. Agrggl foghe relief ofglmtbqugze suffereirs in Rgscai) 1May 13, 191% 367 S'ktz Indhm Resefvatnbn, cg. act to au onze c sa 0 0 certain ll e onging to e t Indians on the Sileg Iudiar;VII&•:ser\fA$;1ti0¤£ the Sgztc 0:iOregou. tgay 123 1910. . E. E, 367 Indm' landaRw}mrda“ , c . ac amen sec ousone, 0,an hresoc p r ~ nthirtyztwo hugged gzgwnmetyeight, United States Statutes at Large, with reference to the drainage of certam lndum ds U1 Richardson County, Nebraska, May 368 · 13 1910 ,,,,,. , ,,,.,. - . ’ .. Island EM River Mass. An wct autherizin the connecting of a channel with Island End River m e ea assac use 1 . , ..---.. ` Ch is ,M h tts May 13 %10 369 Intemalrcvcnueaiorrekeepers, etc. Anacg to amend section sizgtg-tbxee of the act of August twenty- eighth, eighteen hundred and nmety-four (Twenty-cig th Statutes, page five hundred and 369 ’ . Ma 13, 1910. .- Bureaz:1;]'tyLi-:$»:a‘in)An ac}; to establish in the Department of the Interior a Bureau of Mines, May 369 16 1910 ... . ...-- - ---.·--·-----·---- · --·-----·-------·--------·---·------ Unitad Shm wum, Jliswuri msmjn An pct Oregon County to the southern ` &,...,,.· °"‘“‘°”§§.‘“i1'”“‘A“¤‘“S£°‘“£¤‘§1i"§°‘ °‘ ?¤"““°“"‘· “?F%Qi· ‘2£‘la"1;‘1m1a ·‘‘·‘··‘‘ " 333 ' ‘ ‘ m, mga ommmsmno c . y . D1%ct¤? Cozmbz, Gig and Szbusgan Rciluw. act 00 authorize and direct ceréain extensions the City and Suburban Railway of ssbmgum, and iorothor purposes. May 17, 1910. . 371