Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1023

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2472 ooNvENT1oN-DoM1N1oAN REPUBLIC. JUNE 19, 1909. ARTICLE III. ARTICULO III. I m§`;g,§‘,}§,$§gf' '°'P°‘ The provisions of this Conven— Las estipulaciones de este Con- · tion shall not import claim of venio no an derecho a reclamar extradition for an crime or la extradicion por nin un crimen offence of apolitical clharacter, nor 6 delito de caracter pogtico ni por for acts connected with such actos relacionados con los mismos; crimes or offences; and no persons y ningunapersona entregada por surrendered by or to either of the 6 a cualquiera de las Partes con- Contracting Parties in virtue of tratantes en virtud de este Conthis Convention shall be tried or venio, podra ser juz ada 6 castipunished for a litical crime or gada por crimen 6 gelito alguno ag$;;t°'§e£fs,;f gift; offence. When theoffence charged politico. Cuando el delito que se mt political mms. eempi-ieee the aet either of mm-. impute entrane el acto, sea de der or assassination or of poison- h0II11C1d1Q, de asesinato 6 de ening, either consummated or V8I1eI18.II116I1t0, COHSum8,d0 6 inattempted, the fact that the tentado, el hecho de que el delito eifence was committed ei- se cometiera 6 intentara contra attempted against the Iife of the la vida del Soberano 6 Jefe de un ' Sovereign or Head of a foreign Estado extrangero, 6 contra la State or aiiigt the life of any vida, de cualquier individuo de su member oiiijg family, Shall not be familia, no podra considerarse deemed sumcient to sustain that Suficiente (para sostener que el such a crime or offence was of a 01'imgm 6 elito era de caracter political character, or was an act p0lii·1c0 6 acto relacionado con connected with crimes or offences Crimenes 6 delitos de caracter of a political character. politico. ARTICLE IV. ARTICULO IV. T"““ “““”°d “’ °" No ersons shall be tried for Nadia odra ser `u ado or lense for w xtrad1¢¤d· meh 8 any criime or offence other than delito disfinto del que zrgotivopsu that for which he was surrendered. entrega. ARTICLE V. · ARTICULO V. L*¤·**¤**·>¤ ¤'*¤¤¤· A fugitive criminal shall not be LOS Cfilllinalés profugos no surrem ered under the provisions S•§¤‘9·H Qiitfégados con arreglo a las hereof, when, from lapse of time CIISROSICIOIIGS del presente Conor other lawful cause, according V01110, Cllulldo por prescripcion, 6 to the laws of the lace within the por otra causa legal, con arreglo jurisdiction of which the crime élas leyes del lugar en cuya juriswas committed, the criminal is diccion fué cometido el crimen, el exempt from prosecution or un- delmcuente se halle exente de ishment for the offence for which _P6rsecuc16n 6 de castigo por el the surrender is asked. delito que motiv6 la demanda de extradicion. ARTICLE VI. ARTICULO VI. m{’g;*;¤¤m$g1Q;;vg*,j>j; If a fugitive criminal whose, Si el criminal profugo, cuya round. surrender may be claimed pur- entre a pueda reclamarse con suant to the stipulations hereof, arregi 8 las estipulaciones del be actually under prosecution, presente Convenio, estuviese en out on bail or in custody, for a el momento en que se pida la? excrime or offence committed in the tradicion, enjuiciado, libre bajo country where he has sought iianza 6 detenido por un crimen asylum, or shall have been con- 6 delito cometido en el pais en victed thereof, his extradition que busco asilo 6 ha sido condemay be deferred until such pro- nado por el mismo, la extradicion